Saturday, August 31, 2019
Human Beings are More Alike than Different
â€Å"Human beings are more alike than different.†This is a statement that may be argued by many people. Personally I agree with this statement because even thought, all of us are unique individuals, but the purpose of our existence is the same.Humans are greedy, greed is a feeling where we want more than what most people have in the world. People are this way because of society and the world in general. People all want money, we cannot do much unless we have money.People choose to be greedy and keep money because they feel as if they earn it they have to keep it. Some people fake their divorce to get money from the government and even fake their income so they can get free medical care, food stamps.Humans are selfish, if there is one thing that we love the most in this world would be ourselves. We are no different from each other, we become selfish without seeing or knowing it because we always want to believe we're right at all costs. After we are born, we cry for our needs to be known, we cry to have attention.Slowly we learned to live with others and accommodate others but at times of crisis, our instincts tell us to save ourselves first. We judge and gossip others, even whole societies or whole other countries, on too little information or on media reports.Humans all want freedom, we all want freedom because everything we do has to do with freedom. Nothing could be done right without freedom, without freedom, we would be forced do to do things we do not want to do, and no way to change it at all. Consequently it is indeed that â€Å"human beings are more alike than different. â€
Friday, August 30, 2019
Vehicle of Social Expression
Music is the most powerful vehicle of human expression. As the embodiment of love, disapproval, happiness, experience – life, music speaks to us, because it comes from us. Each people, in each paradine of the human experience instinctively and systematically change the music of the past to represent the realities of the present. In this century, black music, more specifically Soul music, has been that music that has brought to plain view that which evidences our humanity – hope, hurt, joy and passion – in such a way that the world has no other choice than to feel its power and marvel in its brilliance. When one discusses the relationship between Soul music and the civil rights movement, it becomes a dialouge very akin to that of the chicken and the egg. The period of â€Å"Classic Soul†is that period primarily, but not exclusively referenced as the 1950†³s, 60†³s and 70†³s (Stephenson 186). This is the time frame of the American Civil Rights Movement, and the impact of the massive changes going on, are reflected in the music and the culture. So one would be correct in both assuming that the Civil Rights Movement gave rise to Soul music, as much Soul music contributed to the success of the campaign for civil rights. Soul music during its heyday, did more than simply entertain. For a race of people it served as a source of motivation, strength and education, for a people immersed in turmoil and tragedy. The institution of segregation had effectively inhibited the general populace†s awareness of the great achievements and contributions made by African-americans throughout the history of the United States (Franklin 429). Inasmuch, Soul music sought to bring that undersight to light. Soul songs like Donny Hathaway†s â€Å"To Be Young, Gifted and Black,†was revolutionary, in that they sought to instill pride of one†s history, but at the same time motivate a new generation to reach new heights. As Hathaway says, â€Å"We must begin to tell our young, ‘Don†t you know that there is a whole world waiting for you? â€Å"†, he is calling for the teaching of black pride to the youth, which was a wide spread trend in black communities of the '60s and '70s (Hathaway). James Brown†s â€Å"Say It Loud, I†m Black and I†m Proud,†became an anthem for the movement (Brown). The song†s lyrics like, â€Å"†¦. Don†t quit moving, until we get what we deserve†¦ we†d rather die on our feet, than keep living on our knees,†were words of inspiration for those involved in the struggle for equality. â€Å"Whereas the predominant theme of rhythm and blues was love and other kind of human relationships, soul singers voiced concern about the social injustice, racial pride, black militancy, and forms of protest (Southern 517). Eileen Southern†s statement on Soul music greatly describes the type of works produced by Hathaway and Brown at the time, yet was definetly not exclusive to these two artists. The period wherein Soul intertwined with the Civil Rights Movement, produced music greatly influenced by the environment in which its creators lived. Donny Hathaway†s, â€Å"Ghetto,†and Marvin Gaye†s â€Å"Inner City Blues (Makes Me Wanna Holler),†speak of the harshness of life in the Inner City (Hathaway/Gaye). Societal ills and political unrest were a major theme of Soul music, and Marvin Gaye†s work, almost more than any other artist, was demonstrative of this fact. Gaye†s album What†s Goin On, was his commentary on the social problems of the period, and through its success tremendously impacted the increasing social awareness. Despair within the black community was given voice in Gaye†s â€Å"Inner City Blues†. Inflation, taxes, unemployment and police brutality were numbered among the themes addressed in the song. The sense of hopelesness of the piece can best be conveyed in the line saying, â€Å"this life ain†t worth the living†¦. makes me wanna holler, throw up both my hands! â€Å"(Gaye). â€Å"Save the Children†goes on to ask: â€Å"Who is willing to try and save a world that is destined to die? â€Å", yet goes on to say â€Å"live life for the children†¦ let†s save the children (Gaye). So, even in the midst of great despair, Gaye, and other artist of his genre, did believe in the possibility of change. â€Å"Ball of Confusion,†debuting in 1970, gave the Temptation's take on the societal ills plaguing their times. It explored the white migration to the suburbs, urban riots, politicians, etc. , as it expressed the sense of turmoil experienced during that time which seemed to all come together in a â€Å"Ball of Confusion. †The lyrics state that â€Å"the only person talking about love my brother is the preacher†¦ the only person interested in learning is the teacher†(Temptations). These lines express a theme of love and education as the cure to society's problems. In a deeper sense, it says that people should focus on solutions, not the problems which create despair. In the spirit of this solution-based songwriting, a strong, no-holds-barred message to youth about the importance of getting an education was given voice in October of 1966. James Brown's â€Å"Don't Be a Drop Out†is a story of a drop out who compares himself to friends who continued their education. The song says, â€Å"they kept on pushing when the going got tough, and now they know that things don't seem so rough†(Brown). James Brown knew the importance of this first hand having no formal education. He implemented a program which encouraged kids to stay in school and gave scholarships for those that wanted to go to college. Brown also worked to improve the quality of education in urban areas. He later releases two anti-drug songs, â€Å"King Heroin†and â€Å"Public Enemy No. 1. †He had realized the devastation that drugs brought to the black community and the songs were used as the tool to educate blacks about their danger. James had become a role model for black youth not only through his music but through his commitment to the black community, thus serving as a shining example of the lessons of his music. Brown's message of change by improving currently existing systems was conservative in comparison to some more radical artists. These artists, like the Last Poets, belived that change would only come around through a revolution. The Last Poets who use a combination of spoken word and music in their song â€Å"Niggers Are Scared of Revolution†exemplify this. The song addresses apathy in the black community about black revolution and the lack of participation in the movement (Last Poets). Gil Scott Heron is an artist with a similar message. His work â€Å"The Revolution Will Not Be Televised†discuss the media's purposeful ommitasnce of pertinent black issues, and the manner in which change will occur. The song â€Å"Power to the People†by the Chi-Lites was originally the slogan for the Black Panther Party. â€Å"Young, Gifted and Black†by Nina Simone, â€Å"People Get Ready†by the Impressions and Edwin Starr's â€Å"War†are just a few of the many songs which drew the black community together to raise social consciousness. Black music, specifically Soul music, will never diasppear. Though the motivation for the music may change nominally, the spirit behind it will always stay the same. Passion, pain, despair, love and hope, will forever remain key elements of the human experience. This truth is the reason in which we have seen Soul music change to fit the times in which it exists. Some hip-hop artists such as De La Soul, Public Enemy and even Arrested Development carried a strong message of social change. Yet, their time too was limited as the black American climate slightly changed. Today artist such as the crowned king and queen of the newly dubbed category of â€Å"Neo-classic soul†bear the torch. D'Angelo and Erykah Badu talk about revolution and the state of the black community and relationships. Badu's â€Å"On and On†expresses her thoughts of how she feels that we are born into the middle of a world in constant struggle as she says, â€Å"†¦. my life keeps going like a rollling stone†¦.. I was born under water with three dollars and six dimes (a metaphor to 360 degrees in reference to her never-ending struggle)†(Baduizm). D'Angelo addresses the rampant use of marijuana in his â€Å"Brown Sugar†as he writes, â€Å"I want some more of your brown sugar†¦. your love makes me high right to the sky†¦. my eyes are blood burgundy. †His Devil's Pie addresses drugs and money (Belly Soundtrack). Both Badu and D'Angelo give their takes on bad relationships in â€Å"Tyrone†and â€Å"Shit, Damn, Mother Fucker,†respectively. Badu's â€Å"Other Side of the Game†even addresses the issue of being involved with a man who sells drugs. She writes, â€Å"Do I really want my baby†¦.. work ain't honest, but it pays the bills. The subject matter addressed by Badu and D'Angelo express many of the problems endured by today's generation, some of which may not have been experienced in the same manner of generations past. Music is an expression of life. Hence, it can only be a reflection of life's experiences. Soul music speaks directly to the human experience. It attacks the maladies of our existence. It empathizes with our pains, and rejoices in our happiness. Masterfully, has it changed so as that it remains sensitive to our needs today. Only the beat has changed. The Soul of soul, however, the message, will always remain.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Is an Invitation to Treat an Offer Essay
An invitation to treat is an action inviting other parties to make an offer to form a contract. These actions may sometimes appear to be offers them, and the difference can sometimes be difficult to determine. The distinction is important because accepting an offer creates a binding contract while â€Å"accepting†an invitation to treat is actually making an offer. Advertisements are usually invitations to treat, which allows sellers to refuse to sell products at prices mistakenly marked. Advertisements can also be considered offers in some specific cases. A proposal or an offer must be distinguished from an invitation to treat. It is provided in section 2(a) of the Contracts Act 1950 which states that a proposal is made when â€Å"one person signifies to another his willingness to do or abstain from doing something with a view to obtaining the assent to that other for such an act or abstinence†. A proposal can be accepted and it amounts to an agreement. If the agreement is breached, it can be a breached of contract. A proposal can either be made to a particular person or to the general public. The person who is making the offer is the offeror whereas the person who is accepting the offer is the offeree. As for invitation to treat, the Contracts Act does not provide any provision respecting this aspect of contract. An invitation to treat is not a proposal but it is a preliminary communication between the parties at the stage of negotiation, for instance, a price display of goods with price tags in the self-service supermarket or an advertisement. This is applied in Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain v Boots Cash Chemist Ltd [1953] 1 QB 401 HELD: that the display was only an invitation to treat and a proposal to buy was made when the customer placed the article in the basket and takes them to the cashier’s desk. Therefore, the shop owners had not made an unlawful sale. An invitation to treat cannot be accepted because it is not an offer therefore it does not amount to an agreement and there cannot be a breached of contract. Whenever there is a unilateral arrangement, there will be an offer and where there is a bilateral arrangement, that situation will give rise to an invitation to treat. An advertisement could be either an offer or an invitation to treat, depends on the intention of the parties in the case. In the case of Majumder v Attorney General of Sarawak (1967) 1 MLJ 101. HELD: That an advertisement in the newspaper for the post of a doctor was not an offer but merely an invitation to treat. Auctions are sometimes invitations to treat which allows the seller to accept bids and choose which to accept. However, if the seller states that there is no reserve price or the reserve price has been met, the auction will be considered an offer accepted by the highest bidder. An Invitation to treat will be anything that is displayed to a large number of people with an undefined way of choosing who can accept. An offer will be directed at a specific person with specified terms. So if an item is displayed saying it will be sold to the highest bidder or to the first to accept the labeled price, it will be considered an offer. As per Payne v Cave case (1789) 3 Term Rep 148; 100 ER:- The defendant made the highest bid and withdrew it before the fall of the hammer. HELD: That the bid itself constituted the proposal or the offer which the auctioneer was free to accept by the fall of the hammer or to reject it. Since the bid was withdrawn before the fall of the hammer there was no contract between parties. Offer’s can sometimes get confused with an Invitation to treat’. It is important not to get the two confused as there are different rules regarding both. An example of an invitation to treat would be an item on display with a price label in a shop window. This is an invitation to open negotiations with a view to forming a contract; in other words, it can be seen by anyone that happens to walk past the shop at the time of the window display. As per related case Fisher v Bell (1961) 1 QB 394 CA. The defendant was charged with offering for sale a flick knife in his shop-window which against the law. HELD: it is perfectly clear that according to the ordinary law of contract the display of an article with a price on it in a shop window is merely an invitation to treat. It is no sense an offer for sale the acceptance of which constitutes a contract.
Produce a research poster of A2 size on a commodity Essay
Produce a research poster of A2 size on a commodity - Essay Example Its corrosion resistance nature and ability to be shaped easily makes it a perfect material for roofing materials and drink cans (Kaushish, 2010). On the other hand, its low-density nature makes it effective for making window frames and building greenhouses. Aluminum is also a good heat conductor. This aspect makes it perfect for making cookware, cookers and boilers. Additionally, aluminum is mostly used as overhead power cables due to its good conduction of electricity (International Conference on Steel and Aluminium Structures & Lau, 2011). Lastly, the high reflectivity nature makes aluminum ideal for making reflectors, mirrors and firefighting. There are two sources of aluminum namely bauxite and recycling. In this case, bauxite remains the most common material that is mostly used in producing virgin aluminum (Prashad, 2006). Common bauxite-producing nations include Guinea, Australia, Brazil, China and Jamaica. Australia tends to produce at least 2.5 times of bauxite than other nations. Recycling also remains an important aluminum source. Alumina prices tend to influence its demand and supply. Additionally, the electricity prices influences its demand and supply (Kaushish, 2010). China remains the biggest aluminum importers in the market. Aluminum supply and demand in China depends on consumer preferences in the product. Common factors affecting aluminum price elasticity include number of substitute’s products, switching costs between products, strength of the product, time allowed after change in prices and consumer’s income percentage that is allocated to the product expenditure (Schmitz, Domagala, & Haag, 2006). An alternative for aluminum is the magnesium alloys. In this case, magnesium has the potential of meeting its current demands for reliable and lighter construction. Magnesium is a perfect alternative since they have comparable specific stiffness (Prashad, 2006). They also have higher energy consumption and specific strengths, which enable
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Management roles in the military Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Management roles in the military - Essay Example After my high school, I joined the army and graduated as a junior training officer. During my days in the army, I not only learned how hard it is to be a military man but also discovered how mentally strong I had become. The army not only expects one to be just physically and mentally tough but also to discover sides of yourself you never knew. One such incident involved me supervising a platoon of medical aides in a war front. It was the onset of monsoons and our platoon was asked to provide logistic and medical support to the soldiers actually fighting the war in terrorist infested Sri Lanka. Since the M.I. room or the Medical Inspection room was situated at about three kms from the battle field, it was our duty to keep everything in the medical ready. The distance from the actual battle field is a diabolical affair. I say this because at such a distance we were not directly involved in the war and in a sense our lives were out of immediate danger. However, it also meant that the soldiers who returned back in critical conditions had lost out on precious time. Generally, the distance between the army camps and the actual war front is much lesser. However, in Sri Lanka, due to the slippery nature of the terrain and the fact that we were on the foot hills of our enemies, our seniors had taken a decision of maintaining the three kms distance. We were a group of forty-eight and I had strategically kept about ten of the aides, as what I termed as ‘free lancers’, meaning they were always on the move to protect our MI camp.... Since the M.I. room or the Medical Inspection room was situated at about three kms from the battle field, it was our duty to keep everything in the medical ready. The distance from the actual battle field is a diabolical affair. I say this because at such a distance we were not directly involved in the war and in a sense our lives were out of immediate danger. However, it also meant that the soldiers who returned back in critical conditions had lost out on precious time. Generally, the distance between the army camps and the actual war front is much lesser. However, in Sri Lanka, due to the slippery nature of the terrain and the fact that we were on the foot hills of our enemies, our seniors had taken a decision of maintaining the three kms distance. We were a group of forty eight and I had strategically kept about ten of the aides, as what I termed as 'free lancers', meaning they were always on the move to protect our MI camp. I know this may sound incredulous to many army professionals but in Sri Lanka, the enemy we were facing was of a different kind. It was more of a guerilla war rather than a conventional war, and I had to make sure that the MI remained intact from all enemy attacks. The strategic distancing from the enemy lines ruled out the range of the use of mortars by the enemy. What only remained was the use of stray fidayeen or suicide bombers who could manage to give our men at the front a slip. The freelancers had their jobs cut out. Since many villagers from the nearby villages generally collected wood from the nearby forests, it was our primary duty to keep them safe. It also meant that we had to be extra careful for the use of commoners as spies. Working in this sort of an environment I knew the
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
A personal statement for UC transfer applicant
A for UC transfer applicant - Personal Statement Example My high school was among the top schools in China. My dad owned a technology business and employed a diverse workforce. The composition of his workforce had an influence on me that made me learn Japanese and English. I studied Japanese for seven years while in high school. In addition, I learned English as my second language while in middle school and high school. Through my studies, I ensured that I learned the best skills that would assist in my family businesses later in my life. My desire to study a major in economics is also driven by my experience in stock exchange market which my parent also engages in as part of their business. I am interested in the stock market, and I look forward to starting trading when I am through with my major. Thus learning the best skills required to make earning out of stock will help me take over on my mother’s stock market business. I wish also to help my dad and mom while studying even before I complete my major in Economics. I have volunteered during holidays as a community social worker. During my time in campus, I helped organize campus events such as group debate. Moreover, I have been a member of AGS since the spring of 2014 and had held meetings with people intending to join the organization. In addition, I supervised fund raising and all events of the AGS. Furthermore, I have off-campus experiences involving food bank visiting, state park events and attending beach rallies. Moreover, I worked for Starbucks as a part-time intern for over a year. Throughout my internship, I met a lot of people and learned more on how to make beverages. Moreover, it is during my time at the company that I perfected my communication skills. I learnt how to interact will customers and how to handle those who were dissatisfied with the company products and services. Before, my time in Starbuck I was very shy and timid when facing new people. However, the company exposed to me all I needed to fit in the business
Monday, August 26, 2019
Safety management Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Safety management - Lab Report Example This study’s core focus encompasses thermal stress, which is exchange of heat with an ambient environment from a radiating body. However, this phenomenon may differ significantly based on varied factors besides location, which are climatic conditions, work demand and clothing. Hence, influencing workers’ conduct especially if they are working in a closed or poorly ventilated place to the extent some may exhibit irritability, working slowly or taking persistent breaks to go out where conditions are favorable. Therefore, the knowledge of this phenomenon is essential to engineers and other related experts in structural engineering when designing appropriate buildings in quest of installing proper ventilations. In this experiment, interval for elevation of temperature was at least 10 minutes in order to allow even distribution of heat and for the used equipments to stabilize for better results. Obtaining of the required results entailed measuring of both WBGTin and WBGTout coupled with tabulating them in a table for later comparisons when giving deductions. Hence, compare them though in ascertaining the premise of this experiment divergence will not show big margins. This experiment seeks to compare the two equipments’ accuracies based on their results. After having obtained the required materials and equipments required for this experiment, the second step was to set up the entire structure as shown in Figures 1, 2 and 3. This is to ensure after the commencement of the experiment observations are easy and devoid of errors in case of any incorrect setting of respective equipments or apparatus. Once the setting was complete, out of fifteen students they were to observed resulting data but in groups. These were to read varied temperatures quantities and recording them correctly after they have come to a consensus that they had taken respective readings accurately. The insistence of correctness in this experiment was to ensure its results do not minimum
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Implication of Globalization for Nation-State in Middle East Essay
Implication of Globalization for Nation-State in Middle East - Essay Example Vietnam, China and North Korea managed to resist the American aspiration to terminate communism for forty years. Yet they are not able to stand their ground against the over raging influence of East Asia's capitalist political economy. To say that the end of the cold war was of fundamental importance to American policy is destroying that very policy. It takes it out of vital perspective and obliterates its essential and primary aspirations and goals. There was a much larger "Cold War" strategy and the Cold War itself was only an influential fraction of the puzzle. A predominately American world order was established by the initial US-Soviet hostility. To truly understand America's Cold War policy one has to take a closer look not at its written and spoken policy but at its actions which predominately involve its allies. Officials had coined a new phrase, the US "preponderance of power". This was possible through the construction and preservation of the international economic and political order founded on the American prevalence of power. The allies of the US in East Asia and Europe managed to safeguard the conditions areas from themselves as a result of expelling power politics and nationalist rivalries. The term Globalization has come about because of the development the world has undergone in the technology and communication. Being candid towards and surrendering oneself entirely to the enveloping external powers is what Globalization is really about. More and more frequently the world is being described as a global village. While the economy of every country in the world has been influenced by the diversity of Globalization, it has not always had a positive effect. For the progress of Middle Eastern Least Developed Countries Globalization has actually been an impediment. It seems that Globalization has set out on a course of action which will lead to creating and spreading out international preferences in cultural, environmental, political, social and economic issues.
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Textbook chapter summary Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Textbook chapter summary - Assignment Example If a party breaks a rule or goes against the contract then a legal action is taken against it and the effected party is provided with the remedies. These remedies are designed to compensate the damage or loss the party has bore. Both the parties should pursue these aspects of obligations and remedies formulated by the law, while making a contract. The main obligation of the contract is the tender of delivery according to which the lessee is bound to deliver the goods according to the contract. The time should be flexible for the delivery. A perfect tender rule is where the buyer is allowed to reject or accept the whole shipment or a part of it within a reasonable time. The buyer or lessee has a right to withhold the delivery or the payment if anyone of them is breaching the contract or the payment is not made in due time. Both can reclaim the supplies if needed according to some specific situations. Both have the right to recover the purchase price or the damages under specific condi tions. In case of lost or missing goods the lessee could sue for the recovery of lost profit. In chapter 19 the warranties and product liabilities and its implications are being discussed. A warranty made by the seller confirms the liability and the standard of his product. If it’s a food product then the warranty implies that the food is good for human consumption and the law implies it. The chapter talks about the language that should be used in order to claim the warranty or the product liability and the terms in which the claim is applicable. A noticeable point raised in the chapter is the fact that manufacturer’s responsibility of providing quality products to the customers does not end after distributing the product to retailers and wholesalers. Instead, manufacturers should monitor the selling technique of the retailers and wholesalers and ensure
Friday, August 23, 2019
M3A1-Conflict Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
M3A1-Conflict - Essay Example The results indicate that I have a 76 percentile score in openness to new experience. In this case, it means that 76 percent of people in my comparison sample will score less than me in openness to new experience. I believe this score is accurate since I am creative and curious in trying out new ideas. I can readily challenge conventional things since I like reading challenging materials and implementing new ways of tackling problems. I am capable of thriving well in an organizational setting that requires flexibility especially during changes such as implementation of new working policies, rules and procedures (McCrae, 2002). As a conflict manager, I believe I will be more adaptable to change and build relationships in the organization in order to avoid further interpersonal conflicts (Burger, 2010). Accordingly, my open-mindedness will allow me to seek more information on the sources of conflict and offer feedback on how to handle conflict in the organization (John, Robins & Pervin , 2010). From experience, I have learned new skills of interacting with peers in discussions and handling challenges. I also handled a task conflict involving high employee turnover in the organization. ... I agree with this high score because I am well-organized and self-disciplined. I am deliberate in my actions, careful and goal oriented. I have a high need of achievement and I always strive in attaining such success in the most effective and efficient manner. I plan my work carefully and I have high regard to my work expectations. From my past experience, I have been able to succeed in several responsibilities due to proper planning and time management. As a conflict manager, I will be capable of ensuring that subordinates adhere to their tasks, work schedules and organizational beliefs in order to avoid task conflict in the organization (John, Robins & Pervin, 2010). From experience, I have handled conflicts dealing with absentees and lateness in work. I was able to guide the affected employees on how to have a sense of high achievement and plan their time properly in order to avoid lateness. From the self-assessment, I scored 93 percentile in extraversion dimension of my personali ty. This means that 93 percent of people in my comparison sample or group will score less than me in this personality dimension. I agree with the results since I am talkative, outgoing and comfortable while interacting with new people. I usually start conversations and strive to establish meaningful conversations with strangers. I usually attain personal social satisfaction while interacting with my peers. For instance, sometimes I try emphasizing certain elements of a conversation through use of wide gestures during thrilling activities like group work discussions. As a conflict manager, I believe that I will positive and active in handling conflicts concerning differences in perceptions and ineffective interpersonal relationships between subordinates (McCrae, 2002). This
Thursday, August 22, 2019
The Black writers Essay Example for Free
The Black writers Essay Whether Racism is an issue of not in USA (also in some Western Countries), it is a flourishing business. The Black writers are aware of this fact and do not hesitate to take ‘un’due advantage of the situation. When a Black writer takes on another ‘black’ writer, the basic issue, the calamity of being a Black, is intelligently swept under the carpet or the issue will be highlighted with a thick coat of extra Black, for the purpose of competition. I remember a three-time divorcee, also a scholar in the oriental language Sanskrit, comment on the theme family. Marriage is the foundation stone for a happy family,†he said and then went on to dissect the word ‘Vivaha’ (marriage). ‘Vaha’ means to flow and ‘vi’ means harmoniously together. Therefore, the word ‘Vivaha’ means to flow together harmoniously. Two distinct individuals, two separate personalities, bred, born and brought up in different set of circumstances try to come together from that day onwards to find a common identity, a common goal, and to be precise a common all! â€Å"he said. thank for you support to the institution of marriage, the three-time divorcee that! An author, when he decides to write the novel, has the issue and theme hovering in his mind. His being an author is itself the major issue. Howsoever detached he claims to be, he can not avoid himself, from the word go to the last sentence of the novel. The next importance issue is the influence of the family, an important family member or members! Percival Everett is a Professor of literature and Head of the English Department at the University of Southern California and the author of fourteen previous novels. He is the Ellison in the novel under review. Ellison faces personal and family crisesâ€â€most notably, his aged mother is fast succumbing to Alzheimer’s and he is also struggling to understand his father’s suicide seven years before. The first 10 pages of the book relate to conversation between brother and sister, brother and brother and other personal issues. This is the first indication of the firm attachment the author has for the family, or say the ‘joint family! ’ The book is an entertaining mix of serious issues clubbed with personal affection and parody. The ‘family’ thread appears and reappears in the novel in one form or the other. Everett had a strong provocation to write this novel. The badge of suffering that had been a part of the Black family not many decades ago in U. S. comes to the fore in the very first page of the book. He writes, â€Å"I have always been severely put off by any story which had its main character a writer. (To an extent it is true of this novel also! ) So, I will claim to be something else, if not instead, then in addition, and that shall be a son, a brother, a fisherman, an art lover, a woodworker. If for no other reason, I choose this last, callous-building occupation because of the shame it caused to my mother, who for years called my pickup truck a station wagon. †â€â€the familial bonds are subtly explained and given importance to! (p. 1)He novel is a parody of contemporary African-American literature. It contains excellent descriptions on authentic family/social feelings with depth and emotion. My Pafology was initially submitted to the Agent under the gangsta pseudonym Stagg R. Leigh. This one ‘wrong’ step leads to a series of comical, problematic situations later as the novel climbs the ladder of unprecedented success. Thelonius Monk Ellison, author of experimental novels, is somewhat estranged from his family because he was favored by an emotionally distant, recently deceased father. When his sister is killed, Monk returns to Washington, D. C. , to care for his mother, who is in the early stages of Alzheimers disease. ’ The graphic description as to how he tackles the family crisis, clubbed with the professional crisis, with the burden of seventeen ejection slips for his novel, which later turns out to be a monumental success, keeps the reader glued to the novel. Monks main character is an Ebonics-spouting brute with no regard for his four children or their respective mothers. Everett is an enormously talented writer, who juggles with the serious issues related to Black race and other problems faced by US with ease and makes you ponder and giggle at the same time. His wit, the mode of criticism and sarcasm are worth noting. The ideas are engaging and he has intelligently roped in the black community and the white community, his sweet-bitter comments on the US social system merit careful attention, though he says it with a hilarious authenticity.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Focusing on the first scene Essay Example for Free
Focusing on the first scene Essay At the beginning of the play, from Alfieris monologue you can tell that there is constant tension between the people in the neighbourhood because of when he says how I often think that behind that suspicious little nod of theirs lie three thousand years of distrust. This shows that this trust hasnt been broken recently, it has been going back generations upon generations. The comment Oh, there were many here who were justly shot by unjust men. Justice is very important here says to the reader that no matter how much violence it may lead to it will be done, and in the hands of the Italian civilians. They dont go to the police and instead fight it out themselves. Things are obviously starting to calm down now though because Alfieri no longer keeps a pistol in his filing cabinet and says that people are now quite civilized, quite American. When we first meet the Carbone family, we see an excited Catherine welcoming Eddie home from a long day of working in the docks. Catherine obviously has been waiting around for his approval of her new dress because she is very excited when she asks him what he thinks, (running her hands over her skirt) I just got it. You like it? and when he also asks about her hair change she wants his immediate approval. Eddie delivers with flattering comments like oh, your mother was alive to see you now and you look like one of them girls that went to college which is a complement in itself because it is saying she looks smart and sophisticated and not like any average person. Eddies comment about how the dress looks a bit short when she sits down and how she walks is what reveals his protectiveness over her and how she may look attractive to other men. Listen, you been giving me the willies the way you walk down the street Im telling you youre walking wavy He doesnt like that she may seem attractive to other guys in the neighbourhood. This upsets Catherine because Eddies approval obviously must mean so much to her. She even almost breaks into tears because he disapproves of how she walks. Eddie has always treated Catherine like a baby, even now when shes 17 years old he says Youre a baby, you dont understand these things. when he talks about her waving to Louis he warns her that I could tell you things about Louis which you wouldnt wave to him no more. Louis is obviously not the nice guy that Catherine thinks he his and seems like he has a dark past. From Catherines comment about how I wish there was one guy you couldnt tell me about means that Eddies has a dark story about every guy in the neighbourhood which is so bad it would actually lead to an end of conversation between them and Catherine. Beatrice and Eddies relationship has an obvious problem which is that he has more feelings for Catherine than he does for Beatrice. Which Beatrice realises but Eddie doesnt. At the beginning Beatrice isnt so open about the fact that she knows Eddies has feelings for his niece, but after some time she starts to argue with Eddie whenever its just them left in the room. But right now at the beginning Beatrice doesnt speak it out. When Eddie tells Catherine that Beatrices cousins have landed, B. is very concerned about how the house looks and that she hasnt bought a new table cloth (astounded and afraid) Im I just I cant believe it! I didnt even buy a new tablecloth; I was gonna wash the walls. Eddie is actually a nice and caring person and not just the guy who brings in the money. He reassures Beatrice that Listen, theyll think its a millionaires house compared to the way they live this calms her down a bit but she is still a little doubtful until Eddie says Youre saving their lives, whatre you worrying about the table cloth? They probably didnt see a tablecloth in their whole life where they come from which begins to calm her down. When Beatrice and Catherine reveal to Eddie that Catherine may start working, it isnt surprising that Eddie is worried because he has feelings for her and obviously doesnt want her to go to work and meet other men. Also Eddie obviously usually has say in the house because as soon as they say Catherine has a job he replies with what job? Shes gonna finish school. When Catherine tries to change his mind he interrupts her and says No no, you gonna finish school. It seems everything has to go through eddies approval before anybody can make any changes to anything. But when the two women manage to get him to half agree he still isnt sure about it. The stage direction showing that hes strangely nervous proves this. It seems like there is no end to his questions because it goes from wheres the job? What company? to Nostrand Avenue and where? to what about all the stuff you wouldnt learn this year though. Eddie is just trying to keep Catherine at school so she will still be living in the house. If she makes her own money sooner or later she will move away. If she has been offered a job and been told she is the best student in the class there is no more for her to learn. Then it turns to That aint what I wanted, though. Which shows that Eddie had a plan set out for Catherine this whole time which would probably keep her in the house for as long as possible and now she wont be following it. He still tries to convince her that she shouldnt go to work by saying Near the Navy Yard plenty can happen in a block and a half. And a plumbing company! Thats one step over the water front. Theyre practically longshoremen. Eddie himself is a longshoreman so this obviously means if she is going to leave he wants her to leave to better people than himself or Louis or the plumbers at her stenography job. Beatrice replies with Yeah, but shell be in the office, Eddie but again its not what Eddie had in mind. He had had good intentions for Catherine because he wanted her to be with different kind of people. I want you to be in a nice office. Maybe a lawyers office in New York in one of them nice buildings. He obviously doesnt want her to go because when Beatrice tells him to think about it (he is silent, staring down at the tablecloth, fingering the pattern). Beatrice tells him that shell get out of the subway and be in the office in two minutes but Eddie is somehow sickened by the idea of her working in that neighbourhood. After some time Eddie actually agrees to let her work, Catherine is excited and says that she will buy new dishes with her first pay and Eddie replies with a sudden and then youll move away Catherine denies this accusation but Eddie still carries on with Why not? Thats life. And youll come visit on Sundays, then once a month, then Christmas and New Years, finally Catherine again denies the accusation but Eddie is hurt that she will be leaving him and the house and this shows he isnt ready to move on yet.
Quality In Internet Operations Department In Etisalat Information Technology Essay
Quality In Internet Operations Department In Etisalat Information Technology Essay Internet Operations Department in Etisalat spent a lot of time and effort on the quality of its process in order to reach and achieve a recognized international IT management standard such as SunTone Certification. The research shows the process of work developed in the department in order to achieve the SunTone Certification and to be aligned with ITIL international standard in three major responsibilities are: incident management, problem management and change management. Introduction: Quality became an important business issue due to the increase in competitiveness in world markets. The total quality management (TQM) approach introduced by W. Edwards Deming used by several organizations in the world to improve their operations and the processes used in all functional areas of their organizations. The basis of TQM is to reduce the errors produced during the manufacturing or service process, increase customer satisfaction and improve product/service quality, productivity, and competitiveness by improving communications with stakeholders (customers, suppliers, employees, shareholders and society). The application of TQM can vary from business to business, even across the same industry. Etisalat has a great initiative to introduce quality and get several quality certifications for most of its operational processes. Internet Operations Department worked on the last few years to develop its quality based on the appropriate quality standards and got the ISO9001 certificate as well as the SunTone certification, which I am going to concentrate on in this research. Etisalat is the only service provider in the Middle East to achieve Sun Microsystems elite SunTone certification for Internet Operations which offers internal external hosting and data centre solutions. According to Mr. Ali AlSharhan (EVP/IT Etisalat) The SunTone certification certifies our service delivery in areas such as architecture, implementation and management from service delivery environment. Through this, we can assure our customers that the Service Level Guarantees we provide are among the worlds best and backed by Suns independent auditing. (Etisalat enhances customer and internal service levels through SunTone certification, 2007)From left to right: Ali Al Sharhan Executive Vice President, IT, Etisalat; Tareq Alkharji Vice President Network Operations, Etisalat; and Marc Heger, Gulf District Manager for Sun Microsystems Middle East and North Africa (MENA). Marc Heger, Gulf District Manager for Sun Microsystems MENA said As part of its SunTone accreditation, Etisalat is the only regional managed hosting provider that can maximize its IT efficiency, benchmark and quantify the successful provision of services externally and internally, and document the improved quality of service that it is now providing, (Etisalat enhances customer and internal service levels through SunTone certification, 2007) SUN TONE CRTF.jpg In this research I am going to talk about the SunTone certification description, process, procedures, quality analysis and recommendation on best usage of quality certification in Internet Operations department. Objectives: The objectives of this research are: To learn about quality certifications applied on IT environment. To develop and improve the current quality process of the internet operations. To set recommendation on how to apply quality on IT environment and keep developing it. To analyze the internet operations quality practices internally through interview with quality manager in Etisalat. Significance: There are several important points that I am going to gain through this research such as: To understand the current practice of Internet Operations. To improve and develop the current quality process and adopt the best practices. To develop my current TQM Fundamentals course knowledge and compare it with the current quality practice of internet operations department. Hypothesis: The more quality applied on internet operations processes, the more positive and satisfied output will result to Etisalat internet products. Setting Service Level Agreement (SLA) and operational level agreement (OLA) between sections will have a positive impact on customers satisfaction. Literature Review: In fact no one wrote in this subject before, however an audit report was done to Sun Microsystems to highlight the quality aspects of Internet Operations Department in Etisalat. Chapter 2: SunTone Initiative In May 1999, the SunTone initiative lunched as a certification and branding program for service providers services to audit and certify web delivered software applications. Through a combination of IT management defined best practices, specifications and services, the SunTone Initiative enables organizations to cut time and cost to deploy high quality web enabled services. The SunTone Initiative also helps enterprises to gain high quality service products applications from external Service Providers and deploy them with confidence. The SunTone Initiative supports the practice of hosting and managing a range of web enabled services through a combination of internal external IT resources. Customers can take advantage of SunTone Initiative whether they intend to build world class services internally or to purchase high quality SunTone certified applications from IT service providers and software vendors. (About the SunTone Initiative) SunTone Benefits: The SunTone Initiative helps enterprises manage their IT services efficiently and cost effectively, in order to increase Quality of Service (QoS). The process of certifying services under the SunTone Initiative helps companies to: Meet Service Level Agreements (SLAs) with higher quality of service delivery Manage flexible, high quality IT services. Build and maintain IT staffing competencies. Better utilize existing IT resources. Adopt the sourcing strategy that make most economic, technical and business sense with full confidence. SunTone Certification process: There are three steps to get the SunTone certification are: SunTone Specifications The SunTone Service Delivery Specification is a guide to managing web-enabled services to the highest Quality of Service levels. The specifications provide guidelines and contain a checklist to allow enterprises to evaluate their current operations against the best IT practices. SunTone Enablers. SunTone Enablers are offerings and tools to help customers to meet the SunTone standards for higher quality network service delivery. Sun Services for the SunTone Initiative provide expert consulting, flexible learning solutions, and mission critical support focused on helping customers and partners meet the SunTone requirements for network service delivery. SunTone Audit Certification The SunTone certification audit performed by Sun or third parties validates the implementation and gives the company an industry recognized seal of approval for their web-based services. What is Quality of Service (QoS)? Quality of Service is a measurement of how well a service or solution complies with Service Level Agreements (SLAs). These metrics includes, but not limited to: Availability Reliability Support Response Times Security Disaster Recovery Processes Criteria of SunTone Certification: There are two different SunTone specifications, one for enterprise customers and service providers, and the other is for software developers. Each specification has its own requirements covering areas such as infrastructure, operational practices, hardware, software, and overall service delivery practices. Certifications of Enterprise customer solutions and service provider solutions must be renewed annually, and must conform to the standards of the current specification level. (Frequently Asked Questions) Chapter 3: Profile of the company: Emirates Telecommunication Corporation (Etisalat) is one of the telecommunication service providers in the UAE since 1976. It is now a well known Telecommunication provider in almost 18 countries in both Asia and Africa continents with more than 100 million subscribers. It has built up a modern telecom infrastructure and established itself as an innovative and reliable operator. 60% of Etisalat revenue gained from mobile services while the remaining is from other services such as landlines, internet, interconnect, etc. Based on that, Etisalat is considered as the 13th largest mobile network operator in the world. Financial Times ranked Etisalat as the 140th in the Top 500 corporations in the world in terms of market capitalization. Mission Statement: Etisalat has set a mission statement in order to derive its business towards customers satisfaction. Its mission has a great effect of innovation and development of new products and services to be provided to customers whenever needed. It has set the following mission statement, vision, values and future which will provide a clear guide to its business. Mission : To extend peoples reach. Vision: A world where peoples reach is not limited by matter or distance. Values: Energy, Openness, Enablement Future: A world in which technology extends our reach. Etisalat is an international telecom provider covering 18 countries in the world based on investment, joint ventures and stack holding. Its business and administration is well defined and managed under the umbrella of Etisalat Group. Etisalat Telecommunication Corporation is one of the telecom service providers in the UAE. Etisalat UAE is headquartered in Abu Dhabi and includes three regional offices Abu Dhabi, Dubai, and Northern Emirates. It has been divided into that in order to concentrate on it specialization. The headquarter or what we call in Etisalat Head Office is specialized in planning, developing, marketing and managing all activities centrally. The regional office responsibility is to take care of normal operational work such as sales, finance, regional engineering and administrational work related to the region that was delegated to them by the head office. (Etisalat Website) Internet Operations: Internet Operations is the department that is responsible of operating the internet services provided to public such as internet access, emails, hosting services, data center services, Internet payment gateway, eSecurity services as well as internet access to other service providers internally in the UAE or externally in other nearby countries. It was founded in 1995 to provide internet service through dialup and then expanded to operate several other services with high quality reliable service. The department has several sections that look into different internet services provided to customers: Network Operations: This section is responsible of the network infrastructure of the internet service provided by Etisalat. They are responsible of the backbone of the internet that is connected to the international lines and carriers. Moreover, they are responsible of internet access services such as ADSL, leased lines, cable modems, etc. Service Operations: This section is responsible of the internet services provided by Etisalat such as email, web hosting service, database, etc. Security Operations: This section is responsible of the maintaining the security aspects of the internet and work as a gourd for all the internet service provided by Etisalat. Internet Network Operations Center: This section is responsible of monitoring of the internet network and services all the time and assuring high availability of the infrastructure. Internet Operation Hierarchy: Chapter 4: Research Methodology: This research is done based on an interview conducted with some employees who participated in developing the quality of Internet Operation department processes. I have done an interview With Mr. Asef Termizi, Sr. Manager/IT Governance Architecture Assurance and Mr. Anwar Bawab, Sr. Specialist/IT Governance Architecture Assurance, who were members in SunTone Certification process. Scope: The scope of this research is to collect data about quality implementation in Internet Operations department in Etisalat in order to understand the current process and overcome its limitations and errors. Limitation: I faced some problems while collecting data are: The SunTone Certification is limited to some eHosting services that are managed by several sections in Internet Operations department. Most of the sections in Internet Operations are applying processes that was defined several years ago or modified sometime ago without referring to quality assurance. So it was difficult to interview those sections and ask them about their quality measures of the current process. The SunTone Certification is a brand quality certification introduced by Sun Microsystems, and measures quality of the companies uses their hardware. It came to my attention that it is no more an accredited certification. That is why there is very limited information about SunTone on the internet. Data Collection: This research is mainly based on an interview with IT Governance Architecture Assurance Sr. Manager IT Governance Architecture Assurance Sr. Specialist in Etisalat participated in preparation of the SunTone certification. Also some of the information provided is based on SunTone Certification Audit Report provided by them. Data Analysis: Etisalat started in 2005 to introduce the SunTone certification for the Internet Operations department in cooperation with Sun Microsystems. This work continued up-to June 2007 to gain this certification after several audit, revision and initiatives applied to achieve the SunTone seal of approval. Internet Operations went through the most stringent service reliability requirements and assessment to ensure the efficiency of its People, Processes, Products (Technology Tools) and Partners (Suppliers, Vendors) (Termizi, 2010). The project was led by Internet Operations in coordination with Corporate Quality Department in consultation with Sun Microsystems. The SunTone audit and certification program incorporates principles from multiple industry standards, including ITIL and ISO. The program is built on the principles of IT Service Management excellence which included 15 assessment areas under the categories of Service Delivery, Service Support and Management, such as:- Service-Level Management. Service Architecture. Availability Management. Capacity Management. Data Center Management. Configuration Management. Change Management. Service Desk Management. Incident Management. Problem Management. Release Management. Etisalat got their SunTone Certification in only three assessment areas are: Incident Management: to restore normal service operation as quickly as possible and minimize the adverse effect on business operations, Problem Management: to resolve the root causes of incidents and thus to minimize the adverse impact of incidents and problems on business that are caused by errors within the IT infrastructure, and to prevent recurrence of incidents related to these errors. Change Management: to ensure that standardized methods and procedures are used for efficient handling of all changes, The SunTone certification signifies Etisalat ability to meet the highest quality standards in the industry, instilling process excellence in Etisalats IT Service Management strategy (Termizi, 2010). The process that Sun Microsystems auditors follow to recommend the accreditation to Internet Operations in their last assessment meeting in 2007 is: Review the previous improvement plan and examine the tangible evidence. Hold an initial meeting with the Etisalat Internet Operations, Co-location and e-Hosting Management Team to detail the Audit process. Verify that Etisalat has complied with the recommendations of the previous assessment within the scope of Co-location and e-Hosting Services. One-to-one interviews with key management and personnel require case by case examples of changes and incidents with particular emphasis on usage of ITIL disciplines, processes and related documentation. Review of specified documents. Collaborate with Etisalat, in terms of the implementation of ITIL disciplines and best practice. Preparation of the Auditors Report. (Bawab, 2010) The ITIL has a great input to develop the process on Internet Operations Department based on the best practices of IT processes. The Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) is a set of concepts and practices for Information Technology Services Management, Information Technology (IT) development and IT operations (Wikipedia, 2010). During the latest audit of the Sun Microsystems auditors, they highlighted some of the issues that Etisalat has to take care of in order to reach the highest quality standards such as Service Level Agreements. Etisalat should work on their SLAs with both customers and vendors in consideration of Risk Management. The SLAs with vendors and customers should carry the same service levels, penalties, reporting processes, escalation procedures, etc. Hypothesis: Setting Service Level Agreement (SLA) and operational level agreement (OLA) between sections will have a positive impact on customers satisfaction. Audit results: The audit results reported by Sun Microsystems auditors based on their latest assessment are: Etisalat should finalise and improve the implementation of three key ITIL responsibilities and related processes: Incident Management, Problem Management and Change Management. There has been a major drive to implement these aspects, in particular the Incident and Change with less importance at present being placed on Problem Management. Etisalat should rework their SLAs (both customer and vendor). The Auditor checked the SLA documents and is satisfied that SLA exists for all parties. Functional and Organisational Compliance of ITIL Management practices with specific regard to Incident Management, Problem Management and Change Management. There has been a huge amount of effort and refinement put into implementing these disciplines. Appropriate internal costing of services and service components. The actual cost per square metre of the data centre environment, various levels of manpower needed to install a service, electricity, set up costs of each service available to customers are available. Using the automated workflow and work order system installed, Etisalat have tight control over the amount of time each set up component. Use of a knowledge base of Known Incidents. The Auditor noted that the majority of calls were solved at the initial point of contact. Gain further maturity in ITIL disciplines. 150 Etisalat staff have been trained formally on ITIL. Automate processes where appropriate. The use of the HP suite of Incident, Problem and Change Management tools has satisfied the Auditor that the level of automation is excellent and widely used. (Bawab, 2010) Transition to ISO20000: The auditor has noted some high level issues relevant to focus the efforts the transition to ISO20000. There are a lot of similarly between SunTone and the ISO2000 standards, almost to the point one might say they are identical. The key drivers are Service Level Agreements (SLAs) and Operational Level Agreements (OLAs). The standards use: If you cant measure it you cant manage it. (Termizi, 2010) ISO20000 is the first international standard for IT Service Management developed in 2005 by the BSI Group. It promotes the adoption of an integrated process approach to effectively deliver managed services to meet the business and customer requirements (Wikipedia, 2010) In the diagram we can see the relationships between all the entities recommended to have a stable and high value Service Management system. In the middle we can see the plan, do, check act model. The model looks at the relationship between the input side (on the left); Business Requirements and the output side (on the right) Business results. Those controlled activities convert input to output in a reliable manner. These measures are alien with customer satisfaction surveys. The linkages of the standards elements to the Plan, Do, Check, Act (PDCA) activities are:  PLAN Plan Service Management DO  Implement Service Management and provide service CHECK Monitor, measure and review ACT Improvement. (Bawab, 2010) Hypothesis: The more quality applied on internet operations processes, the more positive and satisfied output will result to Etisalat internet products. (Veyeren, 2007) Chapter 5: Conclusion: Quality has become an important approach that organizations are taking care of while developing their process of work and managing their resources. Internet Operations Department in Etisalat spent a lot of time and effort on the quality of its process in order to reach and achieve a recognized international IT management standard such as SunTone Certification. The process of work developed in the department to be aligned with ITIL international standard in three major parts are: incident management, problem management and change management. Recommendation: There are several points that I can recommend in order to improve the quality of Internet Operations process in order to achieve customers satisfaction. Adopt a service level agreement (SLA) with the customers in order to provide the best service to customers. Develop the process of coordination and incident management between Internet Operations sections using an operation level agreement (OLA) in order to achieve the SLA. Adopt more ITIL management responsibilities such as: Service Level Management. Capacity Management. Data Center Management. Configuration Management. Service Desk Management. Work hard to gain ISO20000 Certification.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Women Priests Essay -- essays research papers fc
     If one was to take a step back and look at our society as a whole one would see that women’s rights have changed dramatically over the last century. Women are no longer expected to get married, have children, and stay at home to take care of their family. Women have left the home and entered the work force. There have been many laws passed to prevent the discrimination of women and to make sure that they are treated equally.      Certainly, one can say that there is still a struggle between the sexes over the organization of modern society. Society has indeed embraced a gender war of sorts through the ages which has culminated in a outcome that declares the male the victor. One example of this is that women are not allowed to be ordained as priests in the Catholic Church.      As a child, I attended Catholic schools until high school. I was instructed by mostly nuns. I can remember that when the priest came into the room we would have to stand up as a sign of respect towards our faith. As I got older, I began to think that nuns are part of the religious life but we don’t have to treat them with this same respect. During my catholic education, I was taught that God created us in his image and likeness. If this is true, and as Christians we believe that Christ is the fullest manifestation of God, how can they say that only men image God? Are women incapable of revealing God?      A hundred years ago, women had little standing in the Catholic Church, like in society in general. Women were not allowed to: receive communion during their monthly periods and after giving birth to a child they needed to be purified before re-entering a church building. Women were strictly forbidden to touch sacred items such as the chalice, the paten, or the alter linen. They certainly could not distribute holy communion. While in church, women need to have their heads veiled at all times. Women were also barred from entering the sanctuary except for cleaning purposes, reading Sacred Scripture from the pulpit, preaching, singing in a church choir, being alter servers, becoming full members of confraternities and organizations of the laity, and most importantly women were barred from receiving Holy Orders.      In our time today with the new awarenes... were to walk into a Catholic Church this Sunday you would most likely see a women on the alter. However this women would not be weary the fancy vestments standing behind the alter. Women have come a long way, but until a women is able to be ordained as a priest, Catholic Churches will continue to play on gender roles.          Although I am not and never will be interested in becoming a priest myself, I feel that excluding women from the priesthood because of their sex is discriminatory.                Bibliography Bartusch, D., Matsueda, R. â€Å"Gender, reflected appraisals, and labeling a cross-group test of an interactionst theory of delinquency.†Social Forces (1996). Greeley, A. (1984). Angry Catholic Women. Illinois: The Thomas More Press. Ruether, R. (1985). Women-Church, Theology and Practice. New York: Harper & Row Publishers. Sweeney, T. (1992). A Church Divided. NewYork: Prometheus Books. Swidler, L. (1977). Women Priest; A Catholic Commentary on the Vatican Declaration. New York: Paulist Press.     Â
Monday, August 19, 2019
Is ADHAD Over-Diagnosed? Essay examples -- Diseases, Disorders
There has been an ongoing debate about whether the mental disorder ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is over-diagnosed. ADHD is commonly diagnosed in people, more specifically children, who lack the ability to pay attention, are often disruptive, are hyperactive, and impulsive. A medical personnel or a psychologist diagnoses the children using a list of criteria. It is only in recent years that doctors have begun researching better and more effective ways to diagnosis patients using brain scans. It is because of this, that ADHD is over-diagnosed for several reasons: the different personalities that children can exhibit; parents not taking responsibility as parents; and the lack of proper ways to identify ADHD. Each child is specifically unique in his or her own way. As a result, each child learns and acts differently. When a child is hyperactive or does not pay attention, parents are often worried that their child may have ADHD. However, that child may be a highly active child by nature and in need of exercise and a way to burn of all of that energy. In addition, various research has been done on the effects of the child’s age upon entering the classroom. To research the effect age could potentially have on children, a study was done in British Columbia that focused on 930,000 children between the ages of 6 to 12, from the years 1997 to 2008. They found that those born in December, typically some of the youngest in the class, â€Å"were 30 percent more likely to be diagnosed and 41 percent more likely to be treated with ADHD medication that boys born in January†(Dotinga). The research also showed similar results for girls. Although, the article claims that the findings, â€Å"†¦don’t prove definitively that any kids are... ...ot. Works Cited "Attention Deficit Disorder." - Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment by Medicalook. Medicalook. Web. 21 Mar. 2012. Dotinga, Randy. "Youngest Kids in Class More Apt to Get ADHD Diagnosis: Study." HealthDay Consumer News Service 05 Mar. 2012: Consumer Health Complete - EBSCOhost. Web. 21 Mar. 2012. Kanarek, Robin B. "Artificial Food Dyes And Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder." Nutrition Reviews 69.7 (2011): 385-391. Consumer Health Complete - EBSCOhost. Web. 21 Mar. 2012. Kirkpatrick, LaVonne. "ADHD Treatment And Medication: What Do You Need To Know As An Educator?." Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin 72.1 (2005): 19-29. Education Full Text (H.W. Wilson). Web. 26 Mar. 2012. Peacock, Judith. "Chapter Three: How Is ADHD Diagnosed?." ADD & ADHD. 19. Capstone Press, 2002. Consumer Health Complete - EBSCOhost. Web. 26 Mar. 2012.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Enzymes :: Free Essays
Enzymes are proteins, composed of polypeptide chains and non-protein groups. Their function is to help with the reactions of many cells and molecules by serving as catalysts. A catalyst is a substance that allows the activation energy required for a reaction by forming a temporary association with the molecules that are reacting. During this process, the catalyst itself is not permanently altered in the process, and so it can be used over and over again. Because of catalysts, cells are able to carry out chemical reactions at a great speed and at comparative low temperatures. Â Â Â Â Â Almost 2,000 different enzymes are now known, each of them capable of catalyzing a specific chemical reaction. The molecule (s) on which an enzyme acts is known as its substrate. For example, sucrose is the substrate for the enzyme sucrase. Enzymes have specific structures that only its specific substrate will fit into. The polypeptide chains of an enzyme are folded in such way that they form a grove or pocket on the surface. The substrate fits in to this grove, which is the site of reactions catalyzed by the enzyme, or active site. Recent studies of enzyme structure have suggested that the active site is flexible. The binding between enzymes and substrate appears to alter the shape of the enzyme. This induces a close fit between the active site and the substrate. It is also believed that this may put some strain on the substrate molecule facilitating the reaction. Â Â Â Â Â Another characteristics of enzymes are competitive inhibition and non-competitive inhibition. Competitive inhibition is the binding of a competitive molecule to the active site of the enzyme. This prevents the proper substrate from reacting with the enzyme. In non-competitive inhibition the binding of a non-competitive inhibitor to another site on the enzyme induces an allosteric change, or conformational change, that prevents the active site from binding to the proper substrate. Enzymes :: Free Essays Enzymes are proteins, composed of polypeptide chains and non-protein groups. Their function is to help with the reactions of many cells and molecules by serving as catalysts. A catalyst is a substance that allows the activation energy required for a reaction by forming a temporary association with the molecules that are reacting. During this process, the catalyst itself is not permanently altered in the process, and so it can be used over and over again. Because of catalysts, cells are able to carry out chemical reactions at a great speed and at comparative low temperatures. Â Â Â Â Â Almost 2,000 different enzymes are now known, each of them capable of catalyzing a specific chemical reaction. The molecule (s) on which an enzyme acts is known as its substrate. For example, sucrose is the substrate for the enzyme sucrase. Enzymes have specific structures that only its specific substrate will fit into. The polypeptide chains of an enzyme are folded in such way that they form a grove or pocket on the surface. The substrate fits in to this grove, which is the site of reactions catalyzed by the enzyme, or active site. Recent studies of enzyme structure have suggested that the active site is flexible. The binding between enzymes and substrate appears to alter the shape of the enzyme. This induces a close fit between the active site and the substrate. It is also believed that this may put some strain on the substrate molecule facilitating the reaction. Â Â Â Â Â Another characteristics of enzymes are competitive inhibition and non-competitive inhibition. Competitive inhibition is the binding of a competitive molecule to the active site of the enzyme. This prevents the proper substrate from reacting with the enzyme. In non-competitive inhibition the binding of a non-competitive inhibitor to another site on the enzyme induces an allosteric change, or conformational change, that prevents the active site from binding to the proper substrate.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Keynes Theory of Income and Employment Essay
The term ‘classical economists’ was firstly used by Karl Marx to describe economic thought of Ricardo and his predecessors including Adam Smith. However, by ‘classical economists’, Keynes meant the followers of David Ricardo including John Stuart Mill, Alfred Marshal and Pigou. According to Keynes, the term ‘classical economics’ refers to the traditional or orthodox principles of economics, which had come to be accepted, by and large, by the well known economists by then. Being the follower of Marshal, Keynes had himself accepted and taught these classical principles. But he repudiated the doctrine of laissez-faire. The two broad features of classical theory of employment were: (a) The assumption of full employment of labour and other productive resources, and (b) The flexibility of prices and wages to bring about the full employment (a) Full employment:- According to classical economists, the labour and the other resources are always fully employed. Moreover, the general over-production and general unemployment are assumed to be impossible. If there is any unemployment in the country, it is assumed to be temporary or abnormal. According to classical views of employment, the unemployment cannot be persisted for a long time, and there is always a tendency of full employment in the country. (b) Flexibility of prices and wages:- The second assumption of full employment theory is the flexibility of prices and wages. It is the flexibility of prices and wages which automatically brings about full employment. If there is general over-production resulting in depression and unemployment, prices would fall as a result of which demand would increase, prices would rise and productive activity will be stimulated and unemployment would tend to disappear. Similarly, the unemployment could be cured by cutting down wages which would increase the demand for labour and would stimulate activity. Thus, if the prices and wages are allowed to move freely, unemployment would disappear and full employment level would be restored. Say’s Law:- 1. Say’s Law is the foundation of classical economics. Assumption of full employment as a normal condition of a free market economy is justified by classical economists by a law known as ‘Say’s Law of Markets’. 2. It was the theory on the basis of which classical economists thought that general over-production and general unemployment are not possible. . According to the French economist J. B. Say, supply creates its own demand. According to him, it is production which creates market for goods. More of production, more of creating demand for other goods. There can be no problem of over-production. 4. Say denies the possibility of the deficiency of aggregate demand. 5. The c onceived Say’s Law describes an important fact about the working of free-exchange of economy that the main source of demand is the sum of incomes earned by the various productive factors from the process of production itself. A new productive process, by paying out income to its employed factors, generates demand at the same time that it adds to supply. It is thus production which creates market for goods, or supply creates its own demand not only at the same time but also to an equal extent. 6. According to Say, the aggregate supply of commodities in the economy would be exactly equal to aggregate demand. If there is any deficiency in the demand, it would be temporary and it would be ultimately equal to aggregate supply. Therefore, the employment of more resources will always be profitable and will take to the point of full employment. 7. According to Say’s Law, there will always be a sufficient rate of total spending so as to keep all resources fully employed. Most of the income is spent on consumer goods and a par of it is saved. 8. The classical economists are of the view that all the savings are spent automatically on investment goods. Savings and investments are interchangeable words and are equal to each other. 9. Since saving is another form of spending, according to classical theory, all income is spent partly for consumption and partly for investment. 10. If there is any gap between saving and investment, the rate of interest brings about equality between the two. Basic Assumptions of Say’s Law:- (a) Perfectly competitive market and free exchange economy. (b) Free flow of money incomes. All the savings must be immediately invested and all the income must be immediately spent. (c) Savings are equal to investment and equality must bring about by flexible interest rate. (d) No intervention of government in market operations, i. e. , a laissez faire economy, and there is no government expenditure, taxation and subsidies. (e) Market size is limited by the volume of production and aggregate demand is equal to aggregate supply. (f) It is a closed economy. The Great Depression was a severe worldwide economic depression in the decade preceding World War II. The timing of the Great Depression varied across nations, but in most countries it started in about 1929 and lasted until the late 1930s or early 1940s. It was the longest, most widespread, and deepest depression of the 20th century. In the 21st century, the Great Depression is commonly used as an example of how far the world’s economy can decline. The depression originated in the U. S. , starting with the fall in stock prices that began around September 4, 1929 and became worldwide news with the stock market crash of October 29, 1929. From there, it quickly spread to almost every country in the world. The Great Depression had devastating effects in virtually every country, rich and poor. Personal income, tax revenue, profits and prices dropped. Unemployment in the U. S. rose to 25%, and in some countries rose as high as 33%. British economist John Maynard Keynes argued in General Theory of Employment Interest and Money that lower aggregate expenditures in the economy contributed to a massive decline in income and to employment that was well below the average. In such a situation, the economy reached equilibrium at low levels of economic activity and high unemployment. Keynes’ basic idea was simple: to keep people fully employed, governments have to run deficits when the economy is slowing, as the private sector would not invest enough to keep production at the normal level and bring the economy out of recession. Keynesian economists called on governments during times of economic crisis to pick up the slack by increasing government spending and/or cutting taxes. Criticism of Keynes on Classical Theory:- The law of J.B Say was finally falsified and laid to rest with the writings of Lord J.M. Keynes. He in his book, General Theory, has severally citicized the Say’s La on the following grounds. †¢ Posibility of defficiency of affective demand:- He says that in a compatative market it is not necessory that all income earned is automatically spend on cosumption and investment. A part of Income may be saved and may go to increase individual holdings. There may, thus appear a deficiency in aggregate demand causing overproduction and unemployment in the country. †¢ Pigou’s view on wage cuts:- Keynes criticized the view that a general cut in real wages in times of depression is a cure for unemployment. Keynes is of the view that a general cut in real wages may reduce the aggrigate demand for goods and deepen depression. †¢ Saving investment equality:- The Say’s Law assumes that micro economic analysis can profitably by by applied to the economy as a whole. Keynes rejects this view and says that for the explanation of the general theory of income and employment, the macro economic analysis is required. †¢ Saving investment equality:- Keynes was never convinced of the classical version that interest elasticity can equate savings ad investment. According to him, It is the income not the rate of interest which is the equilibrium force between saving and investment. †¢ Monopoly element:- Say’s Law assumes perfect competition in the economy. Keynes says It is the imperfect completion which in practice prevails in the product and factor market. †¢ Role of Trade unions:- In the contemporary capitalistic world, The trade unions bargain with the employers for the fixation of wages. The state also fixes minimum wages in certain industries. †¢ Short run economics:- Keynes says that, the lenth of long run is not clear in Say’s law. Keynes Theory Of Income And Employment John Maynard Keynes wrote his esteemed book â€Å"General Theory of Employment†in 1936. Keynes has strongly criticised the classical theory in his book. His theory of employment is widely accepted by modern economists. Keynesian economics is also known as ‘new economics’ and ‘economic revolution’. Definition:- â€Å"In short period, level of national income and so of employment is determined by aggregate demand and aggregate supply in the country.†â€Å"Volume of employment depends on the level of national income and output. Increase in national income means increase in employment†The equilibrium of national income occurs where aggregate demand is equal to aggregate supply. This equilibrium is also called effective demand point.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Observational Essay Essay
Observations are a type of primary research that involves spending time watching people or other creatures interact with each other and the world around them. Observations are used in nearly every field and can be incredibly useful in gathering information. Types of Participation Before observing, consider how you as an observer may alter the event being observed.  ·How fully will you participate in the event?  ·Will you simply sit, watch, and take notes with no interaction?  ·Will you interact with the participants?  ·Will you become a participant yourself? These different choices can radically change what you end up observing. The mere presence of an observer may alter the events–and if you interact with participants, you further risk changing what takes place. The other side to this is that by not participating in an event, you may not gain a complete understanding of that event. How to Observe When observing, it is especially important to separate observations from your feelings or reactions to observations. A good way to do this is to take your observations in a double-entry notebook. A double-entry notebook has two columns, one for what is directly observed and one is for what the observer interprets from the events. Here is an example: Observation: The teacher walks around the circle and speaks to each student individually. Interpretation: The teacher seems to want to make sure that each student understands the assignment. If you are observing a group that is not found in public (such as a group of card players, a sports team, or a special-interest group), it may be wise to plan to spend multiple sittings with the group. This will allow the group some time to adjust to your presence (and hence, for you to get more accurate observations). Recordings vs. Note-taking How will you be observing? Will you be taking notes in a notebook? With a laptop? Will you be recording your observations in some way (with a digital camera, video camera, digital recorder, etc? How you choose to observe is another important consideration that can affect the quality and results of your observations. Remember that you cannot capture everything that takes place with a recording or by even by taking detailed notes. What to Observe Observational skills require some practice! The key to being a good observer is to pay attention to the details of a situation, write as much as you can, and write it as detailed as possible. Before you observe, you should consider how you will focus your observations–because you can’t focus on everything! Research is required for this essay. Read the sample observational essays and note how the students integrated research into their work. source: Write an observational essay about an intriguing place, person, or activity in your community. Your essay may be a brief profile of an individual based on one or two interviews: a description of a place or activity observed once or twice; or a longer, more fully developed profile of a person, place, or activity based on observational visits and interviews conducted over several days. Observe your subject closely, and then present what you have learnedin a way that both informs and engages readers. Use lots of description. Possible topicideas for observation (see your text for more ideas): -a church or temple (interview the minister/members) -a classroom (interview teacher/students) -a popular hangout -a hospital -any place that’s different or gets you outside of your comfort zone -a ride along with an officer -an AA meeting -a protest -a jail -hospice -homeless shelter -shelter for abused women with children
Language A Very Complicated System Education Essay
Language, a really complicated system, is really polar to human existences ( Saffran & A ; Thiessen, 2007 ) . It allows people to show their ideas, communicate with each other, and transmit cognition ( Scanlon, 1977 ) . Its importance stimulates a batch of research workers to research the development of linguistic communication in kids ( Shatz, 2007 ) . There are several sensible theories explicating how kids learn a linguistic communication ( Evans, 2007 ) . Some suggests that societal environment as an of import component in determining kids ‘s lingual development ; while Chomsky, a nativist theoretician, argues that there is a Language Acquisition Device inherently born with us, and human existences can get linguistic communication of course ( Meisel, 1995 ) . Harmonizing to Chomsky ( 1959 ) , there is a poorness of stimulation that the lingual input available in the societal environment is so limited for kids to develop a linguistic communication system, and therefore there must be some biological predisposed mechanism accounting for human lingual development. The undermentioned essay is non trying to reason against Chomsky ‘s thought, but to exemplify how the societal environment interacts with the innate lingual ability and determine the development of linguistic communication in kids. It has long been suggested that societal environment plays a important function in kids ‘s lingual development. Behaviorists, one of the earliest histories of linguistic communication development, see linguistic communication acquisition as a merchandise of operant conditioning ( Evans, 2007 ) . Skinner, the suggester of behaviourist theory, stresses that the acquisition of linguistic communication is besides contingent upon the effects of larning it ( Shatz, 2007 ) . For case, when a kid additions favourable attending from its parents ( a sort of intangible support ) after bring forthing a peculiar sound, it is really likely that the kid will reproduce that sound. The behaviourists have shortly been to a great extent criticized for their oversimplified theoretical account of human linguistic communication acquisition. There so comes the rise of empiricist and socio-pragmatic theoreticians which emphasize the importance of societal and cognitive elements of linguistic communica tion ( Tomasello, 1998 ) . Tomasello ( 2003 ) proposed the usage-based theory and explained linguistic communication acquisition utilizing a functional attack ( Tomasello, 2003 ) . Language develops when kids have the desire to pass on purposes with the others and when they realize the matter-of-fact maps of linguistic communication in the society ( ( Inhelder & A ; Piaget, 1980 ; Mueller Gathercole & A ; Hoff, 2007 ) . They learn the constructions of linguistic communication through observation ( Tomasello, 2003 ) and accrued linguistic communication experiences ( Lieven & A ; Tomasello, 2008 ) . Baldwin and Meyer ( 2007 ) argued that linguistic communication is inherently a societal behaviour. A word itself does non incorporate any significance, it is the members of societal community who use it and give it a significance ( Tomasello, 1999 ) . Therefore, to larn what a word is refer to, societal interaction is indispensable.Language and society is closely linked, and social factors to a great extent influence the linguistic communication to be used ( Evans, 2007 ) . Clearly, the societal environment plays a cardinal portion in determining the development of linguistic communication in kids. We shall concentrate on the societal environment in its broadest sense, non curtailing to peculiar scenes like place and school. The undermentioned essay chiefly explores how the measure and quality of societal interaction and stimulation, cultural norms and outlooks shapes kids ‘s lingual development.Social interaction and stimulationThe functional attack suggests that linguistic communication develops through kids ‘s battle in a societal context ( Robinson & A ; Ellis, 2008 ) and through their active interaction with others ( Inhelder & A ; Piaget, 1980 ) . The deficiency of societal interaction or an appropriate societal environment hinders normal development of linguistic communication in kids ( Rice, 2007 ) . For illustration, Genie, the miss who was kept entirely and locked in a room for 12 old ages, failed to utilize linguistic communication usually ( Pines, 1981 ) . Linguistic environment The most important component of linguistic communication development is the lingual input. Both the measure and quality of lingual input are of import. Measure can be expressed as the frequence of exposure to linguistic communication ; while quality is expressed as the assortment of input ( Hoff, 2006 ) . Surveies show that the more frequent the kids are exposed to peculiar words or sentence constructions, the earlier they can get and reproduce them. And the wider the scope of vocabularies the kids are exposed to, the more picks of word they have when building sentences ( Naigles and Hoff-Ginsberg, 1998 ) . However, lingual input is besides a sort of disciplinary feedback ( Mueller Gathercole & A ; Hoff, 2007 ) , so that kids who engage in more societal interaction have higher opportunities to be corrected when they make errors. Exposing to different types of input can heighten the profusion of the lingual environmen. For illustration, if one wants to larn Cantonese, s/he can actively seek for a Cantonese environment like watching Cantonese films, sing China Town, run intoing Cantonese friends, etc. different types of lingual input may assist linguistic communication development in different facets. The consequence of frequence of exposure in linguistic communication acquisition can besides be shown in survey that involves bilingual linguistic communication scholars. Bilingual linguistic communication scholars, holding to larn two linguistic communications at the same time, have less exposure to both the linguistic communications, comparing to monolingual kids ( Genesee & A ; Nicoladis, 2007 ) . It is found that bilingual kids have a smaller vocabulary size in each linguistic communication, and the sort of words they learn are rather different, as bilingual kids receive different lingual inputs from different communicative spouses. Bruner ( 1981 ) believed that linguistic communication development is a consequence of the interaction between nature and raising. As suggested, societal activities like ‘play ‘ are valuable beginnings of lingual input. During the drama clip, kids can actively prosecute in lingual exchange and interactions with the grownups ( Shatz, 2007 ) . It was found that kids who possessed playthings and engaged in originative drama were more sophisticated in showing themselves verbally and showed promotion in linguistic communication acquisition ( Scanlon, 1977 ) . Other linguistics stimulations and activities like playing with image cards and role-playing a narrative are besides good to the kids ‘s linguistic communication development ( Hoff & A ; Tian, 2005 ) . Research surveies showed that there is a birth-order difference in the development of linguistic communication in kids. First-born kids are relatively more advanced in sentence structure and vocabulary ; while later-born kids have better conversational accomplishment ( Hoff, 1998 ; 1999 ) . The ground history for such difference is closely linked with the differences in the type and measure of lingual input. First-born kids have been the lone kids before the reaching of younger siblings. Fakouri ( 1974 ) suggested that the parents ‘ love, attention, and attending to the individual kid are indivisible by, and they perchance prosecute the kid into a higher- quality interaction, and therefore the exposure of lingual input is greater. Upon the birth of a sibling, the opportunity of acquiring one-to-one communicative interaction with the parents is lessened for both kids ( Hoff, 2006 ) . Yet, the later-born kids have another beginning of lingual input, which is from their senior sib lings. However, the quality of the lingual inputs provided by elder siblings is dissimilar to that by the parents, as they normally are less complex and dwell more grammatical mistake. A antiphonal spouse The functionalists believe that a antiphonal spouse for communicative exchange is needed for linguistic communication acquisition. Just like the other types of development, linguistic communication acquisition besides needs the staging of grownups. A antiphonal spouse should be cognizant of what the kid is go toing to in the here-and-now context and follow into that peculiar object or event ( Karrass et al. , 2002 ) , so that the kid can do usage of this societal cue to larn the linguistic communication associated with that focused topographic point ( Diesendruck, Gelman, & A ; Lebowitz, 1998 ) . The particular type of societal interaction is called joint attending, and it strongly correlates with word acquisition ( Bruner, 1983 ) . Children can larn new words expeditiously when they are socially engaged or pass oning with a antiphonal spouse, and larn best if they jointly attend to execute some day-to-day modus operandis like bathing and dining ( Tomasello, 1999 ) . Research done by Tomasello and Todd ( 1983 ) showed that the continuance of battle in joint attending was positively correlated with vocabulary size. Questioning and giving immediate responses to kids can keep their involvement as good ( Tomasello, 1999 ) . Studies found that kids who have grownups prosecuting them in conversation and utilizing more wh-questions during communicating have relatively better development in aides and verb usage ( Hoff, 1999 ) . Social-interactionist theoreticians believed that a good communicative spouse of a kid should do good usage of kid directed address or motherese ( Snow, 1979 ) . Child-direct address is a particular signifier of talk that normally is rather simple, with the talkers expressing meaning-rich words like the names of aims and verbs one-by-one clearly. Furthermore, the talker normally negotiations with higher pitch to capture the attending of the kid ( Mueller Gathercole & A ; Hoff, 2007 ) . Research surveies on the use of child-direct address show that it is associated with enhanced phonological consciousness and word acknowledgment. However, it should be noted that although child-direct address is correlated with a broad scope of positive results, it is non indispensable for normal development of linguistic communication in kids. This alone type of address is non cosmopolitan, as in some states, speaking to babes with such a high-pitch and simple construction is considered as discourtesy to them ( Hoff, 2006 ) . There is grounds demoing that kids, whose communicative spouses have higher educational degree, possess wider scope of vocabularies and are able to organize comparatively long and complicated sentences. They are besides better in depicting objects or evens that are non instantly present ( Umek, Fekonja, Kranjc & A ; Bajc, 2008 ) . The difference in the caretakers ‘ educational degree may connote the difference in the profusion of kids ‘s lingual environment and rational stimulation. Higher educated health professionals perchance can supply more acquisition chances to their kids than caretakers who are less educated. This shows how of import lingual input is for the favourable development of linguistic communication in kids. Cultural norms and outlooks are another country that can do a immense consequence of kids ‘s linguistic communication acquisition.Cultural norms and outlooksThere are a batch of cultural norms and outlooks invisibly hidden in a kid ‘s socie tal environment ( Inhelder & A ; Piaget, 1980 ; Ochs & A ; Schieffelin, 1995 ) . The impact of cultural norms and outlooks on linguistic communication development are more hard to mensurate ( Herschensohn, 2007 ) , as kids internalize these norms and bit by bit absorb them as 1 ‘s ain values ( Inhelder & A ; Piaget, 1980 ) . The undermentioned portion illustrates how societal category, ethnicity, gender and equals shape the development of linguistic communication in kids. Social category Many research surveies found differences in the ways and forms of linguistic communication development among kids of different societal categories. Health professionals in the upper category speak more to their kids ; and in bend greatly expand the vocabulary size of these kids ( Hoff, 2006 ) . To be more precise, the kids ‘s vocabulary size is found to be positively correlated with the health professionals ‘ or parents ‘ figure of words spoken to them. Besides a quantitative difference, there are besides qualitative differences between the two societal categories. The unwritten linguistic communication of kids from lower socio-economic standing was worse than those from higher socio-economic position ( Hoff, 2006 ) . Upper category parents talk to their kids normally because they want and plan to prosecute in a conversation with them ; while lower category parents normally talk to their kids for some practical grounds like giving them instructions to work [ ( Hoff, 2006 ) . Children of from the upper category are exposed to a wider scope of vocabularies, particularly the productive vocabularies ( Hoff, 2003 ) . Children normally spend most of the clip with the people from the same societal category ; the common influence reinforces the kids to move and speak in the same manner as the other members of the societal category do. And because of the self-fulfilling prognostication, kids might hold acted harmonizing to what the others expect ( Edwards, 1979 ) . Therefore, even the kids of different societal categories go to the same school, their li nguistic communication development might yet be really different. Ethnicity Peoples from different states experience different advancement in linguistic communication development. People ‘s pick of vocabularies can extremely reflect their cultural outlooks and norms. Peoples from an individualist civilization have a different linguistic communication attitudes and vocabulary pick as people from a collectivist-oriented state ( Gudykunst & A ; Schmidt, 1987 ) . As stated by Ayyash-Abdo ( 2001 ) , people believing in individuality concern more about their ain beliefs, demands and rights ; while people with a leftist mentality consider themselves as a portion of the whole community, and topographic point the group ‘s demands on a higher precedence than their ain demands. Collectivist seeks harmoniousness and emphasizes cooperation. Wu and Rubin ( 2000 ) found that, in footings of linguistic communication usage, individualists ‘ manner of showing their thoughts is more direct and self-asserting, and they use â€Å" I †more frequently to give voice their sentences. Conversely, leftists like to utilize â€Å" we †, and there are much more relational nouns in the Chinese linguistic communication that helps to do all right differentiations between different relations. For illustration, in English, â€Å" uncles †can intend one ‘s female parents ‘ senior or younger brothers, and besides one ‘s m ale parent senior or younger brothers. But in Chinese, there are four different nouns for those four different types of â€Å" uncles †. Several surveies attempted to compare the linguistic communication development in American yearlings with Nipponese yearlings. The former, in general, represents individuality ; while the latter represents Bolshevism. it was discovered that the American babes knew a broad scope of productive and receptive vocabularies ; while Nipponese babes were good at symbolic drama ( Tamis-LeMonda, Bornstein, Cyphers, Toda & A ; Ogino, 1992 ) . To account for the difference, Tamis-LeMonda, et Al. ( 1992 ) found that American female parents tend to label objects and events more on a regular basis, stress the demand of independency ; arouse the kids ‘s involvement in the external word ; and are more information-oriented when they talk to their kids. On the other manus, Nipponese female parents ever engage their kids in group drama and dyadic activities ; advance a sense of dependance ; and are more affect-oriented. Ethnicity does non merely act upon the kids ‘s size of vocabularies, but besides in a batch of ways such as the linguistic communication attitude, pick of words and ways to sentiments. The geographical features of a state besides have an impact on kids ‘s exposure to different types of words. For illustration, in Hong Kong and other metropoliss which are closer to the equator, snowing is non possible. In Cantonese, we merely have one noun to depict â€Å" snow †, without any other vocabularies that could depict the different types and strength of â€Å" snow †. In contrast, there are many words created to separate the assorted sorts of â€Å" snow †, e.g. snowstorms, snow squalls, bustles, graupel, sleet, dendrites, acerate leafs, snow pellets, etc. Gender Quite a batch of research surveies on the gender difference in linguistic communication development of kids show that misss, between one to three old ages old, could treat linguistic communication and reading at a faster rate and bring forth syntactically more complicated sentences than male childs of the same age ( Umek et al. , 2008 ) . Boys, instead, could understand the significance of words better ( Wolf & A ; Gow, 1986 ) . It appears that male childs are less well-developed in linguistic communication acquisition in the early old ages. Karrass et Al. ( 2002 ) suggested that this might good be the influence of gender stereotypes. It is normally taught and believed that male childs are more active and misss are more soft and elegant. It is found that parents of male childs are less sensitive to their linguistic communication accomplishments, but shows greater concern to the boy ‘s motor development ( Eaton & A ; Enns, 1986 ) . For misss, the parents tend to speak to their g irls more frequently, and prosecute them in communicative activities like story-telling. Peers Peers become increasingly of import as the kids grow up ( Fortman, 2003 ) . Childs further develop their linguistic communication and societal accomplishments through interacting with their equals. By that clip, in order to seek group designation and keep association with the group, different group norms and group ‘language ‘ like hip-hop may emerge to stand for group rank ( Giles, 1979 ) . The specific sort of linguistic communication is created for the group to admit each other and except the out-group members. Children at this age may change their linguistic communication attitude and ways of showing thoughts to make a positive self-image obtain a desirable group individuality ( Ryan, 1979 ) .DecisionA batch of facets within the societal environment drama of import functions in determining the development of linguistic communication in kids. Yet, as stated in the debut, Chomsky ‘s nativist theory is besides really sensible and influential. A well-developed lingui stic communication system is in fact a merchandise of rich societal environment and the kid ‘s willingness and accomplishments to react to the societal input.
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