Wednesday, October 30, 2019
ECON 3498 HW7 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
ECON 3498 HW7 - Assignment Example ovariance matrix without a degrees of freedom correction from a VAR(p)model, cT is a sequence indexed by the sample size T ,and Æ(n, p) is a penalty function which penalizes large VAR(p) models. For the last few years, the claim that an increase in economic growth leads to an increase in inflation and that decreased growth reduces inflation. All other things being equal, an increase in economic growth must cause inflation to drop. Under the assumption of sticky nominal wages (traditional Keynesian asymmetry), negative monetary shocks have greater real impact than positive monetary shocks. According to Ravn et al (1999), sticky nominal wages will render the aggregate supply curve convex. In the extreme case, the aggregate supply curve is vertical at the point where the nominal wage is in equilibrium. A positive monetary shock will increase aggregate demand along the vertical segment of the aggregate supply curve leaving real economy unchanged, at least in the short run. Residuals from this regression show changes in the intended funds rate not taken in response to information about future economic developments. The resulting series for monetary shocks should be relatively free of both endogenous and anticipatory actions.†To measure the effects of monetary policy on output it is enough that the shock is orthogonal to output forecasts. The shock does not have to be orthogonal to price, exchange rate, or other forecasts. It may be predictable from time t information; it does not have to be a shock to agents or the Fed’s entire information
Monday, October 28, 2019
Anachronisms in A Knights Tale
Anachronisms in A Knights Tale There are several anachronistic factors portrayed in the 2001 film A Knights Tale, and these elements are specifically crafted to help allow the viewer to relate to a subject that lays outside of their area of expertise, in this case the middle ages. By blending the use of modern music, and modern clothing items, with historical references and names of that time period, the director Brian Helgeland, is providing the audience a way to relate to a subject matter that they may be unfamiliar with. The Merriam Webster Online dictionary defines Anachronism as: an error in chronology; especially a chronological misplacing of persons, events, objects, or customs in regard to each other. A person or a thing that is chronologically out of place; especially: one from a former age that is incongruous in the present. the state or condition of being chronologically out of place Anachronism in storytelling is not a new phenomenon. The earliest forms of dramatic entertainment in the Middle Ages was the staging of religious narrative as public plays. These performances also relied on such anachronism to help the audiences to understand a time far removed from their own. The roles of characters from religious plays were modelled after the roles members of the audience could relate to, to make the story easier for the audience to accept. The same can be said of the film A Knights Tale, which uses modern day elements, blended with a romanticised version of medieval history, to enhance the audiences familiarity with the period portrayed. In medieval times a sport arose. Embraced by noble and peasant alike though only noble knights could compete. The sport was jousting. For one of these knights, an over-the-hill former champion, it was the end. But for his peasant squire William, it was merely the beginning. (A Knights Tale chapter 1) The jousting arena as portrayed in one of the first action scenes of the film, is shown in a fairly historically accurate manner, from the design of the raised throne area for the local nobility, to the dirt and plain wooden benches for the peasants. The trappings of heraldic devices, the horses armor, or barding, and the lances and other tournament equipment are quite authentic in appearance; only the use of Queens We Will Rock You seems out of place. But the inclusion of this type of music, and that song in particular are quite intentional. That same piece of music can be heard used today, in a similar setting. In a modern hockey arena or football stadium, you can see different groups of people, seated on benches, with painted faces, cheering wildly for their chosen team. These people are separated into different areas, some with a better view of the activities than others, and this music is quite often played to help raise the anticipation of the fans, and to increase their enjoym ent of the games. This lends an air of familiarity to the scene in the movie. Jousting tournaments, much like modern sporting events today, provided a sense of community and belonging that could be enjoyed by all, peasants and nobility alike. The use of Queens We Will Rock You helps demonstrates the excitement and extravagance of the tournament scene, and reminds us how much this new sport is like our own NHL, WWF or Football industries. (Cetiner-Oktem, 2009, p.50). The anachronistic terminology used in describing the final jousting tournament in London as the World Championship also helps forge a link to our modern times, making the events seem more familiar and allowing the viewer to willingly suspend his disbelief. The anachronism of modern clothes follows a similar logic in allowing the audience to relate to the film. From the style of Jocelyns transparent blouse, the use of a modern day hat, overcoats with deep v neck lines, or a black and white outfit that has a more modern look to it, these clothing choices are far more relatable to a modern audience than the chemise, underskirt, overskirt, bustle, corset, and heavy fabric over dress of a noblewomans closest. The clothing of the women is not the only anachronistic wardrobe in the film. Williams character also wears fitted and shaped pants, very similar in design to modern dress pants, and his dress tunic for the feast is cut much more in the style of a modern overcoat, rather than the traditional tunic he would have worn in the middle ages. These style cues make the characters, and the settings seem more like our own, thus allowing us to adapt to the historical setting of the movie a little easier. These anachronisms not only bridge the gap between periods, but create a deep sense of familiarity for the audience. There are many historically appropriate names and places referenced in the film, including the character of Geoffrey Chaucer. By incorporating a person of historical significance, the film gains some added credibility as a period piece, but the fictional character is portrayed in a manner that makes it easier for the audience to accept and understand the character. As Chaucer speaks to the crowds as Williams herald, he uses a style of speech and tone of voice that is instantly recognizable to many modern viewers. The verbal build-up of Williams character, the accounting of all his attributes, and his past battle accomplishments, are all very reminiscent of the style and mannerisms of famous fight announcer Bruce Buffer, whom many viewers in the audience would know from Professional boxing and UFC fights. As Cetiner-Oktem states in the essay Dreaming the Middle Ages, Chaucer is not a part of American culture. Thus, this encounter may also be read as bridging the infant American cultur e, embodied in William, to the well-established English culture, embodied in Chaucer. (Cetiner-Oktem, 2009, p.50) Another historical name that is used in the film is that of Williams noble alter ego; Ulrich von Liechtenstein from Gelderland. As we have learned in our course studies, Sir Ulrich was a real knight from the thirteenth century, who also followed the ideals of courtly love and chivalry, and wrote of his many adventures. (McKenzie, 2017) The plot device that Lady Jocelyn uses to get William to prove his love to her in the film also has some historical bearing. It was originally contrived by Chrà ©tien de Troyes in his story Lancelot or The Knight of the Cart in the twelfth century. In it Guinevere tells Lancelot to do his worst, and lose in a tournament, only to change her mind midway, and tell Lancelot to do the best he can, in order to prove his love for her. All of these historical embellishments all help to provide some credibility to the time period the film is set i n, and may even provoke the audience to look further into the actual truth of the history portrayed, as it did in my case. I feel that although this film is a neo-medievalist telling of a story, all of the modern and historical elements, from the historical names and places, to the modern elements of music and fashion are combined together with some artistry and grace to create a compelling tale that the audience can easily relate too, while providing escapist fantasy. The film still provides an enjoyable portrayal of medieval times, and provides enough historical facets to be thought provoking. References Anachronism. (N.D.) in Merriam-Websters Online Dictionary. Retrieved March 4, 2017, from Black, T. (Producer), Helgeland, B. (Producer), Van Rellim, T. (Producer) Helgeland, B. (Director). (2001) A Knights Tale [Motion picture]. United States: Columbia Pictures. Cetiner-Oktem, Z. (2009). Dreaming the Middle Ages: American Neomedievalism in A Knights Tale and Timeline. Interactions, (1), 43. McKenzie, A. (2017). Week 6: Neo-medievalism in Film: Chivalry Fountains: Knightly Chivalry and the Arthurian Tradition. [Online course slides] Retrieved on March 4, 2017, from McKenzie, A. (2017). Week 6: Neo-medievalism in Film: Chivalry Fountains: The Chivalric Code of Honour. [Online course slides] Retrieved on March 4, 2017, from
Friday, October 25, 2019
Technology Wave :: essays research papers
Technology sweeps the world everyday bringing more ease into our homes, office’s, vehicle’s, school’s, and worksites alike. With this new technology, jobs become easier, faster, and more efficient making life easier for busy parents and students. Along with the ease come laziness and a wave of other â€Å"problems.†I’ll explain these â€Å"problems†in more detail a little later. The controversy I see is â€Å" Is the lack of physical exercise worth the gain of ease?†Personally I believe its all in how you use technology. If you just abuse technology and never do any physical activities, than yes, it’s a bad thing. If you use technology to assist you than no, its being used properly, and can therefore be controlled. Like I have mentioned earlier if you just use and abuse technology and become dependent on it, than you cant survive without technology and then it becomes a bad way of life. An example of this is the typical busin essman. We’ve all seen him, right? Well most business men have PDA’s, cell phone’s, blackberry’s, Laptop’s Etc†¦ Right? Right. But how many of them have â€Å"physical copies of the information that is stored in them? Phone numbers, client’s names, document’s and countless other documents, papers and information. Some of these important documents are irreplaceable. Still these people walk around everyday without even a thought in their mind that their electronic device can be stolen, lost or broken and all the information will be lost! As scary as this though is, to most people it never crosses their mind, or maybe it did once or twice. Maybe 2-3 months ago they copied all their numbers down or backed up their files to external media but how much more information do they have now that could be lost? Chances are a good 25% of the information is not backed up somewhere. Just waiting for fate to match them up with the black hole of Number’s And Document’s. And once there lost you’ll never see them again unless you have them written down or saved somewhere else. That is one way technology causes laziness, instead of pulling out a umber book and writing the number down even when you get home after work you just shrug off and go â€Å"meh there safe†trust me there not I lost 125 important phone numbers one day when I lost my cell phone some of these were numbers to friends whom had moved to other states or countries and I no longer had there address or number so have to wait for them to contact me and hope they likewise didn’t lose there address’s and number’s.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Dualism and Monism: Of Body and Mind Essay
In philosophy, dualism refers to views about the relationship between mind and matter, claiming that mind and matter are two epistemologically separate categories. Proponents of dualism claimed that neither the mind nor matter can be reduced to each other in any way. Here, dualism rejected the materialist conception of history, especially the Hegelian concept of dialectics. There are two general classifications of dualism: substance dualism and property dualism. Substance dualism claimed that the body and mind are composed of distinct substances. Property dualism claimed that there is no distinction in substance between mind and body. The physical and mental attributes, however, are categorically distinct. In Buddhism, dualism refers to a category of consciousness. The body is the primary instrument of consciousness development. The mind is the full realization of enlightenment – the basis of knowledge and self-fulfillment. In orthodox Christian theology, dualism is subsumed under the soul/body classification. The body is distinct from the mind both in substance and consciousness. The physical attributes of an individual is subsumed under the notion of a general Divine consciousness, which governs every aspect of both mind and body. Monism claimed that there is a general unity within a field of inquiry. Some philosophers particularly Descartes, Hobbes, and Hegel argued that the unity of inquiry is in the rubric of Divine providence, which the individual may understand through the philosophical meditation. In relation to mind and body, monism asserted that the consciousness of the body is subsumed under the consciousness of the mind. The reality of the latter is generally, the unity and focus of the former. Hence, regardless of the condition of the body, the mind (through philosophical meditation) progresses to a state of self-enlightenment. Unlike dualism, monism argued the preeminence of the mind over all physical attributes, for it is the only manifestation of a greater preternatural unity. In orthodox Christian theology, monism considered a dangerous doctrine. Christian theology maintained the separateness of the Creator from the creature. The creature is not considered as an offspring of the Creator or the process of Divine imagination. The Creator transcends both the creature and reality itself, for its reality is different from the epistemological conception of reality. In monism, the differences between body and mind are as follows: 1) the body is the manifestation of physical reality – objective reality as perceived by the senses; 2) the consciousness of the mind is superior both in degree and comprehension than the consciousness of the body; 3) the mind is the sole individual realization of a given unity; 4) the relationship between mind and body is only ontological in nature (categorical); 5) their relationship is only arbitrary – measured by the general lifetime of the body.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Childcare working in partnerships Essay
Working in Partnerships TASK A Task A 1 (ref 1.1) Working in partnerships with -: Volunteers Health visitors Child development officers Staff/colleagues Social workers SALT – Speak and Language Therapist Ofsted Educational psychologists EYTA – Early Years Teaching Advisor Manager Healthcare Professionals Room Leaders Other settings – Primary teachers SENCO – Special need co-ordinator Children Chef/Kitchen – allergies, food requirements, vegetarian EAL Worker – English Additional Language Parents and carers It is important to work in partnership with parents/carers because they’ll feel supported, included in the child’s progress and ability. Also they’ll feel that their comments, opinions are being accepted and valued. Working in partnership with the parents/carers will also support, improve and maintain communication within the whole family. Multi – Disciplinary Teams They work with other services such as children’s centres, social services and someone working in a voluntary organisation. Working in partnerships with Multi-Disciplinary Teams is also important as they encourage everyone who works and supports the child to think of the whole child. Also respecting roles and responsibilities. Other Professionals Working in partnership with other professionals, can able us to support the child by gaining specialist advice about potential barriers, which may interfere with a child’s development. Colleagues Working in partnerships with our colleagues allows us to work together and communicate efficiently with regards to the child and shows continuity of care. Task A 2 (ref 1.2) The three relevant partners for communication and information sharing are primary teachers, chef/kitchen staff and Ofsted. Task A 3 (ref 1.3) The three characteristics that define an effective working partnership is that it builds a report, enables effective communication and allows decisions and ideas to be valued from all agencies, for example parents, teachers etc. Task A 4 (ref 1.4) The three examples of potential barriers for effective partnership are poor communication, language barriers and out of date information. TASK B Task B 1 (ref 2.1) Two reasons for clear and effective information between partners is important because it helps with assessing children and young people’s needs and with observations. Task B 2 (ref 2.2) One policy for young children or young person’s work setting for sharing information is partnerships with parents, confidentiality, transitions and continuity of care (key person). For the procedure you consult your senior or even your manager when sharing information and record all information and actions which are relevant to current needs. Task B 3 (ref 2.3) One example of a conflict that may occur when sharing information with partners is that the parents might not agree with your advice that you give them on the development of their child. As they may find it offensive when you’re only trying to help. One example for a dilemma may be that you’re sharing information with a parent/carer or someone that you shouldn’t be sharing information with about a child. Task B 4 (ref 2.4) The legal requirement for recording information is under the Data Protection Act 1998. The key points are that the data is stored about a family or staff must not be shared without the person’s permission. Task B 5 (ref 2.5) The records are kept in filing cabinets which have a lock on and only certain members of staff have the key. Also some records may be kept on computer which are under a password, and again only certain people know the password. Task B 6 (ref 2.6) Speak to parents about the problem, speak to manager or SENCO. Be confidential about what you’re discussing. Also gather evidence and observe the child. Keep the parents informed and fill in a Common Assessment Framework (CAF). TASK C Task C 1 (ref 3.1) The reasons for working in partnership with parents/carers are -: So they are involved in their child’s learning progress. So their views and opinions are valued. Task C 2 (ref 3.2, 3.3) How to do this Difficult Circumstances Development of Partnership with Parents or Carers Showing that you value the parents/carers opinion will create the basis of a good relationship. To communicate well with parents/carers. Working parents do not communicate well. Sustaining Partnership with Parents or Carers Encouraging parents to talk with other parents, and to build another path of communication as well with the setting, Parents lead a chaotic lifestyle and have no interest in communicating with other parents and with the staff within the setting.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Career Advice I Wish Someone Had Given Me
Career Advice I Wish Someone Had Given Me I’m not exactly ready for my â€Å"lifetime achievement†career highlight reel yet (after all, I’m only [age redacted] years old). However, there’s not much point in making you wait for my retirement party to share some professional truths I’ve learned along the way- things I wish I’d figured out earlier. These pointers might have saved me some stress and aggravation along the way. Even when things are bad, try to relax a little.Years ago, a friend and colleague astutely pointed out that even when people were freaking out about deadlines and deliverables and general chaos at our educational publishing company, â€Å"no one dies here.†There are plenty of life-and-death industries, but unless you’re an actual surgeon or air traffic controller, consequences are not deadly. Everyone lives to work and fuss another day.The bottom line: Workplace issues are typically not worth waking up at 3 a.m. with a raging panic attack.There is al ways a solution.If you forgot to do a crucial task, or missed a deadline, or are otherwise stumped†¦there is a fix available. It may not be a pretty one, and could involve either extra work or a large slice of humble pie with blame ice cream on top- but there is always a way out.One of the most valuable workplace skills I’ve developed, by far, is the ability to stop, tune out the panic or anger, and plot out different ways to resolve an issue. Creative problem-solving isn’t necessarily something you have in your arsenal already†¦but you can develop it with time and practice. It can be as simple as jotting down a quick outline of the problem, then brainstorming ideas about what can be done. Not all of these ideas are necessarily winners or feasible, but the process can get the lateral thinking juices flowing even when you feel stuck.The bottom line: Don’t hide or walk away because something seems insurmountable.Ask for help.This is one I struggle with a ll the time. And this is not a new thing- if you ask my parents, they’d tell you that my middle name should probably have been changed to â€Å"I Can Do It Myself†by the time I was six years old. It can be really hard to admit that you can’t handle all things at all times, or that you don’t understand the next steps. This is especially true in the workplace, when you feel the need to be The Indispensable Employee, the superstar.The bottom line: Asking for help prioritizing, or for extra hands on a project, is not an admission of defeat. It means you know your human limitations well enough to let others in when necessary.No individual is indispensable in the workplaceThis was a really hard one to learn. At one company, I watched as waves of people were let go over a period of two years, with little rhyme or reason. I survived round after round, and it created a false sense of security. I had great employee reviews, and a string of promotions! I was well-liked! I was me, darnit! Then it was my turn to be laid off, and it was devastating. Sometimes circumstances beyond your control (economics, social dynamics, a dartboard in HR) will play out, no matter who you are. You are unique, but roles can always be changed or filled as necessary.The bottom line: There’s no magic way to guarantee job security forever. All you can do is work hard and make yourself as valuable as possible. If that fails you and you find yourself out the door, be ready to take up new paths and opportunities.Don’t let impostor syndrome pull you down.If you’re not familiar with â€Å"impostor syndrome,†it’s the feeling that you’re secretly lousy at your job. The name is a new-ish and trendy one, but the feeling probably goes back to the first wheel-making company started by our cave people ancestors. It’s a basic human insecurity that you’re just barely scraping by while everyone around you is dazzlingly competent and talented. Yet if you look carefully at your most recent job (and any previous one you’ve held), you got it and kept it because others saw quality in you. Flukes happen. They don’t happen repeatedly, and they certainly don’t amount to a career. You can be good at your job while still having imperfections and leaving room for improvement.The bottom line: If you’re worrying that your job performance is a fluke, you’re probably fine. Someone who actually wasn’t good at his job probably wouldn’t care very much.And last but not least, wear sunscreen. (Okay, so that’s not my advice per se, but it still works.) Seriously, I hope you take this advice in the spirit in which it’s given- by someone who knows all of these things, and still struggles to master them anyway. Overall, I think they make me a stronger and more adaptive employee with much to learn, and I hope you find the same.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Free Essays on The Assassination Of John F. Kennedy
The Assassination of John F. Kennedy Our nation has had many memorable, yet unforgettable, moments in its long, enduring history. The assassination of John F. Kennedy, our thirty-fifth president, in the fall of 1963, is not only one of the most memorable, it is also one of the most bizarre cases in our nation’s history. John Fitzgerald Kennedy became our nation’s thirty-fifth president on January 20, 1961 (Rivera 12). Kennedy was a good-looking man. Rich, honest, attractive, everything a forty-three year-old Democrat would need to become one of America’s best-known presidents. Many historians believe Kennedy the greatest president in U.S. history. Kennedy’s promise of new health, housing, and civil rights programs only helped his popularity as he defeated Richard Nixon in the election of 1960 (Rivera 12, 13). Kennedy’s presidential job faced many problems as soon as the young president took the oath of office. Hundreds upon thousands of Cubans were flocking to the United States because of Communist Leader, Fidel Castro (River 13). Kennedy’s growing problems led to the invasion of Cuba, a place known as the Bay of Pigs, on April 17, 1961. The invasion was a complete failure and the US was unable to overthrow Castro in the Communist regime. Many Cubans, as well as Americans, felt Kennedy made a bad decision and distrusted the government because of the Bay of Pigs. In the same year, the US Government sent spy airplanes over Cuba. Photos clearly showed weapons, mainly missiles and anti-aircraft weaponry. This was the beginning of what became known as the Cuban Missile Crisis (Rivera 9). Kennedy wanted the missiles gone. Advisors wanted to drop bombs, but Kennedy wouldn’t allow it. He thought Russia could possibly interfere and another world war would be in sight . Another growing problem with the Kennedy campaign was the fight for civil rights. Kennedy created the Committee on Equal Employment Oppo... Free Essays on The Assassination Of John F. Kennedy Free Essays on The Assassination Of John F. Kennedy The Assassination of John F. Kennedy Our nation has had many memorable, yet unforgettable, moments in its long, enduring history. The assassination of John F. Kennedy, our thirty-fifth president, in the fall of 1963, is not only one of the most memorable, it is also one of the most bizarre cases in our nation’s history. John Fitzgerald Kennedy became our nation’s thirty-fifth president on January 20, 1961 (Rivera 12). Kennedy was a good-looking man. Rich, honest, attractive, everything a forty-three year-old Democrat would need to become one of America’s best-known presidents. Many historians believe Kennedy the greatest president in U.S. history. Kennedy’s promise of new health, housing, and civil rights programs only helped his popularity as he defeated Richard Nixon in the election of 1960 (Rivera 12, 13). Kennedy’s presidential job faced many problems as soon as the young president took the oath of office. Hundreds upon thousands of Cubans were flocking to the United States because of Communist Leader, Fidel Castro (River 13). Kennedy’s growing problems led to the invasion of Cuba, a place known as the Bay of Pigs, on April 17, 1961. The invasion was a complete failure and the US was unable to overthrow Castro in the Communist regime. Many Cubans, as well as Americans, felt Kennedy made a bad decision and distrusted the government because of the Bay of Pigs. In the same year, the US Government sent spy airplanes over Cuba. Photos clearly showed weapons, mainly missiles and anti-aircraft weaponry. This was the beginning of what became known as the Cuban Missile Crisis (Rivera 9). Kennedy wanted the missiles gone. Advisors wanted to drop bombs, but Kennedy wouldn’t allow it. He thought Russia could possibly interfere and another world war would be in sight . Another growing problem with the Kennedy campaign was the fight for civil rights. Kennedy created the Committee on Equal Employment Oppo...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Overused LinkedIn Buzzwords of 2014 ... At Long Last!!
Overused LinkedIn Buzzwords of 2014 ... At Long Last!! The Power of A Single Word On Friday, I received two pieces of information that I would not normally put together into one blog, but they coincided too well to resist: 1. One of my clients, on the heels of an interview, wrote to me excitedly that the interviewer loved her resume- especially the word â€Å"unstoppable†in her summary section. The interviewer had never seen this word on a resume before. 2. LinkedIn came out with its list of Top Ten Global Buzzwords. Cautions LinkedIn: â€Å"Pledge to banish trite buzzwords [from your profile].†The article gives excellent advice on how to avoid using meaningless phrasing to describe yourself, as does my book, How to Write a KILLER LinkedIn Profile. I encourage you to read the article- and my book- for the tips they offer! Here’s the list of 2014s overused LinkedIn buzzwords: 1. Motivated 2. Passionate 3. Creative 4. Driven 5. Extensive experience 6. Responsible 7. Strategic 8. Track record 9. Organizational 10. Expert Are You Unstoppable? You might notice that â€Å"unstoppable†- the word that so impressed my client’s interviewer- is not on the list of LinkedIn buzzwords. It’s no coincidence that the word caught the attention of someone who probably goes through hundreds of resumes every week. I’m not advocating that you use the word â€Å"unstoppable†in your resume or LinkedIn profile, unless it is the absolute best adjective to describe you. I dont want to be â€Å"responsible for†adding â€Å"unstoppable†to next year’s list! Rather, I want you to find some language that doesn’t include the above trite words and phrases used by multitudes of LinkedIn users. (I’m willing to bet these are the words showing up most often on resumes too.) I also want you to comb through your resume and LinkedIn profile to see how many overused buzzwords show up. Then ask yourself how you can say things differently so that you don’t sound like everyone else. How to Stand Out on LinkedIn Here’s a hint: Whereas anyone can claim to be motivated or creative, or to have a track record, not everyone can claim that they stepped into a competitive [insert type of] market and drove an organization from #2 to #1 worldwide, or that they conducted a multi-media campaign that increased a customer base by 500K. Whatever your achievements, get to the details and stop using the same words everyone else is using to â€Å"try†to sound good. It’s not working! Instead, use LinkedIn best practices for each section of your profile, especially your headline, job titles, special sections, skills expertise, and recommendations. That’s how you’ll call positive attention to what you have to offer. On a personal note, I must admit I’m saddened to see the word Expert on the buzzwords list, given that the word is in the name of my company. But that is something I’ll have to live with.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Denver Art Museum Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Denver Art Museum - Essay Example Within the scenario of Asian art, the Falconer on Horseback, displayed at the Denver Art Museum, reveals the growth and development of art in China. This artwork is completed by an unknown artist. Besides, this artwork represents the development of art during the reign of Tang dynasty in 700 A.D. Thesis statement: The visual analysis of the work of art named as Falconer on Horseback proves that the same is symbolic of the rich artistic tradition of China, especially during the Tang dynasty. Visual Analysis In the art work, the Falconer on Horseback (See appendix-1), the artist provides ample importance to the visual elements. For instance, the artist does not make use of primary colors. Instead, mixture of primary colors is used by the artist to inculcate visual beauty to the art work. One can see that orange, green, black, and mixture of ivory white and light brown are the dominant colors in the art work. For instance, green provides elegance to the falcon in the art work. On the ot her side, mixture of ivory white and light brown is used by the artist to project the body of the horse and the falconer’s head. Besides, the falconer is dressed in orange and green robe. So the combination of primary colors provides visual beauty to the art work.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Randomised control trial of a smoking cessation intervention directed Essay
Randomised control trial of a smoking cessation intervention directed at men whose partners are pregnant - Critical Review - Essay Example rther understand how a suitable intervention program can aid in increasing the quit rates among men as the percentage of quit rate was found to be more in the intervention group compared to the control. The study is completely justified as childbirth may represent the best opportunity to increase smoking cessation rates among men 2,3. Men might quit smoking on knowing that the wife is pregnant and will also abstain from the same for a few years after childbirth 4. The study purpose was clear. The study was a multicomponent intervention study using a stratified, randomized control trial, with an intention to treat analysis. The study was conducted at 2 large Brisbane metropolitan hospitals in collaboration with the University of Queensland. Over a period of 35 months, men whose partners were pregnant and who met the eligibility criteria (should be male, be a partner of a woman less than 25 weeks pregnant, living with her and be a current cigarette smoker of at least 10 cigarettes per day within 3 days of the baseline interview) were enrolled into the program. These eligible participants were stratified based on the smoking status of the female partner and then randomized to control or intervention group. Participants were blinded to group allocation. The study was a qualitative study. It was not a quantitative study as numerical result was not the endpoint. The main aim of the study was to determine how well the intervention program would help in cessation of smoking. Woman who booked into the public antenatal clinics at two large Brisbane metropolitan hospitals were asked to provide information about their smoking status, their partners smoking status and contact details. From the information provided men who fulfilled the eligibility criteria were selected. The eligible participants were stratified based on the smoking status of their female partners at a central location by a staff member not involved in the recruitment or interviews. They were then
Why did UPS make a deal with Clean Energy Research Paper
Why did UPS make a deal with Clean Energy - Research Paper Example The best supplier the company found was Clean Energy Fuel Corporation. UPS and Clean Energy Fuels sign a seven year contract to supply UPS with all the natural gas it needs for its fleet. One of the advantages of the deal was that Clean Energy Fuels was going to design, build, and operate a natural gas fueling station to be used by the UPS fleet (Oc180news, 2011). UPS was very motivated by the deal due to the fact that the deal enabled the company to comply with its strategic goal of reducing its carbon footprint and dependence on petroleum. Another advantage of this eco-friendly fleet is that it reduces maintenance and operating costs. The strategy can be used by the company to improve its public relations. One of the expectations of the shareholders and other stakeholders of the company is for UPS to become an environmentally friendly company. The emissions released by vehicles that utilized gasoline is one of the major causes for air pollution and global warming. This project can be utilized as a test run to determine if the company should continue to switch its fleet of trucks to more eco-friendly vehicles such as trucks powered by natural gas. Clean Energy Fuels benefited a lot by the deal evidenced by the fact that the price of its common rose by 10.1% after the deal was announced (Casacchia, 2011).
African Traditional Religions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
African Traditional Religions - Essay Example This festival is celebrated in the honour and recognition of the power of women. However, this festival does not allow African women to perform dance in public spheres and demonstrate their influence; instead men most passionately perform masquerade dance with their wooden masks, and phony breasts and hips entailing costumes. The masquerade dance is supposed to support female spirit and their mystic attributes in African society. Simultaneously, it is believed to enhance communal accord between diverse tribes of Africa, the potential of survival as a tribe, and most importantly the aspect of fertility either in terms of land, cattle, or women. Yet, Gelede festival significantly portrays the influence and inevitable need of women in African society for the sake of progress and harmony (Ray, 79). Nevertheless, there is one region in Africa which actually allow women to wear wooden masks and dance in the Gelede festival and that is Mende. Mende has its own secret society which is known as Sande and its female members are the ones who wear Sowei and dance masquerade in open. These courageous women return from the dance wearing the Sowei mask, which is believed to entail many moral, spiritual and visual meanings of beauty in general and also qualities of Sande society as well. Every feature of the mask holds a different meaning and significant traits, like different carved hairstyles depict inner contentment of the person wearing it, small mouth depict the moral, religious and ethical values of women to avoid gossip and eventually small ears depict that women of strong character do not surrender to worldly allures of the heart and mind and ignore them by all means. Furthermore, if the wooden mask has an illustration of animal at the top of it, this representation can behold a lot of meanings either it is showing a connection between the dancer and an appreciable animal trait. Like speed, cleverness or fertility, or it shows the link of
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Politics of the Middle East - Final Exam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Politics of the Middle East - Final Exam - Essay Example There is the observance of the Five Pillars of Islam including Observation of the Holy month of Ramadhan, the giving of alms, prayer, five times a day, the belief in Allah, and Mohammad as his Messenger, and the pilgrimage to Mecca. Both the majority Sunni, and the minority Shia, are in agreements as to the above Islamic essentials, hence a unique way of life is espoused through clothing code, gender socialization, the adherence to the above Five pillars amongst others. Fundamentally so is the Kingdom’s guidance through the Hanbali School of jurisprudence (Fiqh) that being present in existent pre-modern texts provides principals that are rooted in the literal interpretation of both the Quran and Hadith, in addition to being predominantly Sunni. Nonetheless, judgment is often divergent from other previous ones, as Saudi law provides judges with the powers to apply personal interpretations of the Sharia Law (jurisprudence), as principally guided by the above two Books. Apart fro m the above is the presence of royal decrees, these being the other chief source of law and governance. These decrees, supplement existent Sharia Law in such realms as commercial, labor and corporate law. Of importance, though to a lesser degree are existent traditional tribal customs and laws rooted in the traditional aspect of the Saudi people. It is worthwhile to note that the Saudi population is deeply rooted in its divergent ancient-urban traditions that are organized along tribal and clan identities such as the nomadic Bedouin tribal communities (Niblock 56). The existent Sharia court system primarily constitutes the Kingdom’s basic judicial system and processes, with its judges and lawyers forming part of the Kingdom’s Ulema, the religious leadership. In existence also, are extra-Sharia government tribunals, primarily set up to handle royal decree-related disputes. Of fundamental importance, is the final judicial appeal directed towards the King, who through Sha ria Law provides the final procedural measures. However, there exists criticism of the Kingdom’s judicial (justice) system specifically pertaining to its slow, arcane nature, which espouses a lack of some safeguards requisite in this modern era. The judiciary’s top echelon, comprising of mainly the older generation of Ulema, is ultra-conservative posing a hindrance to the Kingdom’s modern interrelationships with the global society. Like a majority of its Arab League neighboring states, the Kingdom is endowed with both oil and gas mineral resources. In fact, it is the leading exporter of crude oil primarily located in the Eastern Province, with oil accounting for roughly 95% of the Kingdom’s exports, in addition to 70% of government revenue (Schlesinger 75). Thus, through these vast oil revenues, the Kingdom, just like a majority of its oil-exporting neighbors, has utilized the same towards rapid modernization, hence promoting a sort of welfare state. Thro ugh its privatization of a majority of its critical industries, such as telecommunications and power/ energy, the government continues to promote economic growth. Through increased oil prices, from 2008-2009, have triggered a second oil boom, akin to that of 1981, with current per capita income being calculated at $7,400; inflation being factored in. Being
Critically evaluate the status of Offender profiling as a Essay
Critically evaluate the status of Offender profiling as a psychologically - underpinned technique - Essay Example an either be â€Å"proactive or reactive.†Investigators use reactive profiling when solving crimes that have already happened while proactive profiling involves an attempt to interdict and foil crime before it happens. Profiling provides the police investigators with a personality snapshot or typology helpful in identifying and apprehending a suspect. It assists the police with a set of unique behavioural habits and personality characteristics. Alison and Canter (1999) say that profiling almost always takes place after a crime scene has been examined. Dr. Canter’s studies related to the link between Action versus Characteristics ( A v C ) of the offender including his criminal history, background and relationships to others has become known as the ‘profiling equations’ and has given rise to criminal behaviour identification which is crucial to models of inference related to investigations. Unlike detective fiction, these inference models operate at the thematic level. To collect information and test hypothesis for inductive reasoning; is at the heart of empirical science and investigative psychology where a wide range of empirical studies aims at providing objective bases for investigative inferences. Studies related to inference are slowly beginning to provide a basis for a general theory of offender consistency. But it would be unwise to rule out the possibility, that if the offender is intelligent, he’ll often alter his M.O. (Modus Operandi or method of operation) to avoid detection as in the case of Yorkshire Ripper; who used a screwdriver in his early killings and later changed to using a ligature. To help the police generate detailed information, psychologists have developed processes and guidelines for ‘cognitive interviews’ but to measure their precise relevance and accuracy, varies between situations. Similarly, psychologists are involved in studies and procedures to help reconstruct faces from memory. They have also contributed to the
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Politics of the Middle East - Final Exam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Politics of the Middle East - Final Exam - Essay Example There is the observance of the Five Pillars of Islam including Observation of the Holy month of Ramadhan, the giving of alms, prayer, five times a day, the belief in Allah, and Mohammad as his Messenger, and the pilgrimage to Mecca. Both the majority Sunni, and the minority Shia, are in agreements as to the above Islamic essentials, hence a unique way of life is espoused through clothing code, gender socialization, the adherence to the above Five pillars amongst others. Fundamentally so is the Kingdom’s guidance through the Hanbali School of jurisprudence (Fiqh) that being present in existent pre-modern texts provides principals that are rooted in the literal interpretation of both the Quran and Hadith, in addition to being predominantly Sunni. Nonetheless, judgment is often divergent from other previous ones, as Saudi law provides judges with the powers to apply personal interpretations of the Sharia Law (jurisprudence), as principally guided by the above two Books. Apart fro m the above is the presence of royal decrees, these being the other chief source of law and governance. These decrees, supplement existent Sharia Law in such realms as commercial, labor and corporate law. Of importance, though to a lesser degree are existent traditional tribal customs and laws rooted in the traditional aspect of the Saudi people. It is worthwhile to note that the Saudi population is deeply rooted in its divergent ancient-urban traditions that are organized along tribal and clan identities such as the nomadic Bedouin tribal communities (Niblock 56). The existent Sharia court system primarily constitutes the Kingdom’s basic judicial system and processes, with its judges and lawyers forming part of the Kingdom’s Ulema, the religious leadership. In existence also, are extra-Sharia government tribunals, primarily set up to handle royal decree-related disputes. Of fundamental importance, is the final judicial appeal directed towards the King, who through Sha ria Law provides the final procedural measures. However, there exists criticism of the Kingdom’s judicial (justice) system specifically pertaining to its slow, arcane nature, which espouses a lack of some safeguards requisite in this modern era. The judiciary’s top echelon, comprising of mainly the older generation of Ulema, is ultra-conservative posing a hindrance to the Kingdom’s modern interrelationships with the global society. Like a majority of its Arab League neighboring states, the Kingdom is endowed with both oil and gas mineral resources. In fact, it is the leading exporter of crude oil primarily located in the Eastern Province, with oil accounting for roughly 95% of the Kingdom’s exports, in addition to 70% of government revenue (Schlesinger 75). Thus, through these vast oil revenues, the Kingdom, just like a majority of its oil-exporting neighbors, has utilized the same towards rapid modernization, hence promoting a sort of welfare state. Thro ugh its privatization of a majority of its critical industries, such as telecommunications and power/ energy, the government continues to promote economic growth. Through increased oil prices, from 2008-2009, have triggered a second oil boom, akin to that of 1981, with current per capita income being calculated at $7,400; inflation being factored in. Being
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Racial Identity Development Models Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Racial Identity Development Models - Essay Example It is during this stage that individuals ascertain themselves with the majority crowd. They have a habit of downplaying and having negative feelings towards their own ethnic society with little salience in their individuality (Sue et al., 1982). Dissonance is evident in experiences or encounters that are not consistent with a culture’s attitudes, values in addition to beliefs from the initial stage i.e. conformity. Take the case of an individual from a minority group who is not proud of their cultural heritage encountering another person from a different ethnicity that is proud of their ethnic background. During this stage, denial commences and there is a lot of doubt of one’s attitudes and beliefs once held in the first stage. The assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. brought about the rapid movement from passive conformity to dissonance stage by a large group of African Americans. As for the immersion and defiance juncture, a minority in society probably has feeling of anger, shame and guilt due to the oppression or racism that they previously had to withstand or tolerate. Ratification of the thoughts of the minority plus the rejection of society’s domineering values marks this stage (Sue et al., 1982). Individuals tend to focus more vivacity towards having a better understanding of them as minorities and the deeper meaning of this in the introspection phase. As opposed to the intense reaction against prevailing cultures in the previous point, the introspection leg appears to be more pro-active in the definition and discovery of the sense of self. The last period that is the integrative awareness stage is a time of development of the knack to be grateful for both the constructive aspects of the influential culture and theirs. It also involves the adeptness to feel secure. At this point, individuals tend to have already
Monday, October 14, 2019
Site Investigation And Preparation Construction Essay
Site Investigation And Preparation Construction Essay Select any industry that you know. Imagine how you prepare the site the stages you have to go through. Picture the document, the site investigation. Do you have any by-law? Follow your imagination and write a mini report. Sketch (include figure) an example of a bad site layout. Briefly explain why it is a bad lay out. Introduction Nowadays, population in Penang increasing rapidly but in Penang we are less free space for construction. Therefore, for reducing land space used, we are going to construct 20 storey building. We from NZL construction has to construct a huge apartment in residential area. This apartment consists of 20 floors which cover around 3300sq.ft in Penang. In order to start our construction, firstly we need to investigate and prepare the site (SI). The activities during preparing the site are earthwork, site clearing, fencing, dewatering, staking, and build temporary infrastructure for worker and build shortcut access for heavy vehicle. The construction is referring law of Penang. Objective of SI The SI needed to construct an construction that will lowering as much the inconvenient toward public and area during the project running. Besides, it s also need to make sure that the site is suitable for the construction. Site Investigation The geological and geotechnical parameters must suitable for the construction. There, we must extract the soil by using boring technique. This technique won t produce noisy that will disturb the residents. Moreover, the technique is more economical that will save our budget. After the test is conducted, we now know our geological suitable. Now, we can continue constructing the project. First of all, we must clear the site. Ex: cutting the existing tress that in site area and also demolishing old building. Next, excavating the surface for the formation level and slope stabilization The problem faces before and during construction The problem may occur before construction: 1. There are small rivers in the construction site. 2. Demolishing the old building bring unsatisfied among resident 3. Difficulty in transporting the materials to the construction site because near to the town and residential area The solution: 1. The river will cover up by the soil from cut and fill 2. Build suitable drainage system to void flood in the site and the residential area. 3. Give some pay back money for the residents for their loses in the old building 4. To avoid traffic jam, disturbing the resident and also for safety reason work carrying the equipment and materials such as tractor, timber and other is after peak that around 10 am to 3 pm Problem that may faces during the construction 1. Weather of the country is unpredictable. Its can be raining day without any sign. 2. The transportation of the raw materials is far away from the site cause the site is near to residential area. 3. Not enough space for keeping raw material small site area. 4. Safety for the resident. It s quite not safety when the heavy vehicle transporting the raw materials 5. The noisy sound from the construction site will disturb the residents condition 6. Flowing of heavy vehicle will damage the road. 7. The piling will affect the soil condition that may cause unstable condition for the foundation level The site layout Site layout is as references for a perfect construction. In must smartly plan to reduce careless as much as we can. It s also to avoid delay in construction. The site layout is as below: 1. Warning notice to warn public and workers at the construction. This is important to warn public people and also give awareness among the workers. 2. Briefing is needed for the workers 3. The site must secure from authorized people such as public workers. So, for more protection we need to fence around it. 4. The raw materials must be keeping systematically. If there not enough space, we need to rent it. 5. Electricity and watering is at the site. Producing this important thing must illegal and systematic to curb problem during construction that may delay project 6. Facilities for the workers must considerate. Must be fully constructed with electricity and water. 7. Consultant and contractor office must nearby the site Bad site layout Bad site layout may cause easier thing to be more difficult especially when it did not plan well. This is example of bad layout. Why we categorized it as bad layput: 1. Do not show road those heavy vehicles need to follow by. 2. No place to keep raw materials 3. No fencing around the construction site 4. Too simple plan layout. 5. No welfare for the workers such as toilets and canteen The site layout must be very clear including sketching road, and fence. Besides, site layout also must show the whole construction. The alternative road also must be suggested to avoid traffic problem and make the transportation raw materials become easier. Moreover, places for keeping the raw materials must be covered up by water proof to prevent it from damage internally and externally. Besides, all the welfare for workers needs to improve time by time to give comfortable and tidy place for them. This may give them spirit and courage them to work harder. This site is operated by Academic Computing, Centre for Information Communication Technology, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Todays Hits : 45,796 Total Hits : 1,061,804
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Legal Issues Surrounding First Aid Essay -- essays research papers
First aid is the initial care given to a sick or injured person before more formal medical assistance is applied. The goal of first aid is to intervene actively to prevent further damage, to provide life support, and to begin effective treatment of the victim's condition, to minimize injury and prevent death. Although first aid is not a substitute for medical care, those trained in first aid are able to assess the nature and the extent of an emergency and determine the best course of action to take until professional medical help arrives. The need for training in first aid is evident, considering that injury is the fourth leading cause of death. Falls are the most common cause of injury, but motor vehicle accidents are the most lethal, accounting for 22 percent of injury deaths. An important thing to know when dealing with a first aid situation is to be up to date as far as procedures are concerned. Procedures like slapping a choking person on the back, putting iodine on a wound, cutting an X on a snake bite, putting ointment on burns, or using a tourniquet to stop bleeding are old, out dated procedures and have been replaced by new ones from the Red Cross association. If you decide to administer first aid, be sure you are familiar with current procedures. First aid begins with a scene survey. Before approaching a victim, a survey of the area is necessary to determine if conditions surrounding the incident may place the victim and the rescuer in danger. Next, the primary survey will determine if lifesaving procedures must be immediately performed to save the victim's life. The primary survey involves checking the ABC's: A: Is the airway opened and the victim's neck stabilized? B: Is the patient breathing? C: Is the victim's blood circulating? Is there a pulse? Or is there active bleeding? Lifesaving procedures include cardiopulmonary resuscitation , which may be needed to provide basic life support when a victim has no pulse and is not breathing. The Heimlich maneuver aids choking victims by forcing ejection of obstructing material from the windpipe. The severity of spinal cord injuries has decreased 30-45 percent due to awareness that the neck must be stabilized before moving the accident victim. External bleeding is controlled by direct pressure and elevation of the bleeding site. The secondary survey is a total body examination, ... The careful use of this skill and training will not only enhance the physical welfare of the persons you care for but will also enhance your own legal welfare. On a closing note, here is a copy of Indiana's Good Samaritan Law as an example of almost every other states Good Samaritan Law. "From and after the effective date of this act, no civil action can be brought against a person licensed to practice the healing arts in the state of Indiana, who has gratuitously rendered first aid or emergency care at the scene of an accident, casualty or disaster to a person injured therein, for the recovery of civil damages as a result of any act or omission by the said person rendering such first aid or emergency care in the rendering of such first aid or emergency care. This immunity does not apply to acts or omissions constituting gross negligence or willful or wanton misconduct." As you can see, there is essentially nothing to lose if you administer first aid as long as you try your best to help and know what you are doing. Keep in mind that helping someone in a life and death matter is a very big commitment, so make sure you are willing to do so before you act.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Kohlbergs Moral Development Essay -- Psychology Psychological Lawrenc
Kohlberg’s Moral Development      Lawrence Kohlberg was born in Bronxville, New York on October 25, 1927. He was born into a wealthy family and enjoyed all of the luxuries that the rich lifestyle had to offer including the finest college prep schools. However, Kohlberg was not too concerned with this lifestyle. Instead he became a sailor with the merchant marines. During World War II, Kohlberg played an instrumental role in smuggling Jews through a British blockade in Palestine. It was during these times that Kohlberg first began thinking about moral reasoning, a subject that would later make him famous. After this Kohlberg enrolled at the University of Chicago where he scored so high on admission test that he only had to take a limited number of courses to earn his bachelor’s degree. This he did in one year. Kohlberg remained at the University Chicago as a graduate student. In 1958, Kohlberg completed his Ph.D. which dealt with moral decision making and was based primarily on the earlier w ork of Jean Piaget. The result was his doctoral dissertation, the first rendition of his new stage theory. Later he served as an assistant professor at Yale University from 1959 to 1961, began teaching at the University of Chicago in 1963. He remained at Chicago until his 1967 appointment to the faculty of Harvard University, where he served as professor of education and social psychology until his death in 1987.      Many of our inner standards take the form of judgments as to what is right and what is wrong. They constitute the moral and ethical principles by which we guide our conduct. Lawrence Kohlberg refined, extended, and revised Piaget’s basic theory of the development of moral values. Like Piaget, Kohlberg focused on the moral judgements in children rather than their actions. The manner in which moral judgments develop has been studied extensively by Kohlberg, through the questioning of boys seven years old and up. Kohlberg presented his subjects with a number of hypothetical situations involving moral question like the following. If a man’s wife is dying for lack of an expensive drug that he cannot afford, should he steal the drug? If a patient who is fatally ill and in great pain begs for a mercy killing, should the physician agree? By analyzing the answers and particularly the reasoning by which his subjects reached their answers. Kohlberg determined t h... ...g means that the stages are not just isolated responses but general patterns of thought that will consistently show up across many different kinds of issues. The third concept is Invariant Sequence. Kohlberg believed that his stages unfolded in an invariant sequence. Children go form stage 1 to stage 2 and so on with out skipping a stage. Concept four is Hierarchic Integration. When Kohlberg said that his stages were hierarchically integrated, he meant that people do not lose the insights gained at earlier stages but integrate them into new, broader framework.      Other studies confirm that moral development is sequential, moving from external to internal control. In other words, while young children behave in order to avoid punishment or receive approval from others, adults develop internal codes and regulate their own behavior even in the absence of external enforcement. However, criminologists have not found truly strong indications of the effect of moral development on criminal activity. Sociologists who compared the patterns of moral development between delinquents and no delinquents found some differences between the groups, but these differences were not conclusive.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Christian College Thought Paper Essay
Going to school can offer many experiences. We are taught that we should do well in school so we can graduate, continue on to college, and from there have a job. But what if we went to college where the scholastic dream meant more than just attending your typical classes? What if you not only found yourself, but you found your spiritual path as well? Looking at colleges and finding the right one that offers what you need to succeed after graduation can be a time-consuming task. There are many colleges now, and they all offer something different. Times have changed so much that we can now attend college online. When reading Arthur F. Holmes book, The idea of a Christian College the four main themes I found were; understanding the student life, how liberal arts applies to life, how a Christian college can inspire other parts of your education and the results of education with Christian liberal arts. College Life as a Student According to Arthur F. Holmes’ book The Idea of a Christian College, many young people attend college or university, and their parents encourage them, without any gripping sense of what college is all about, beyond tentative vocational goals or questionable social aspirations. (Holmes pg 3) Many students are attending college because they have been programmed that way. They show up for class day in and day out, not very sure of the purpose or meaning behind it all. College students in this economy need to have a college education to get a job. Most students become misguided by outside influences of college life and end up partying away their tuition money. The social scene becomes more important when the focus is lost. There is a lot of stress put on a new college student from the beginning of the registration process all the way to the classroom. So how do you choose the school and stay on track for success? Looking into a Christian college, you might think, â€Å"Why choose a Christian college over a secular college?†Its distinctive atmosphere should support an education that cultivates the creative and active integration of faith and learning, of faith and culture. (Holmes pg 6). With the idea of a Christian college, we have God-given, God-preserved, God-restorable potential, a potential to be developed, disciplined, and invested in response to God. In a Christian college gaining our education, we are more than just becoming the future job; we are already molded and placed here for a reason, a reason that God knows and one we journey for self discovery. If we do not work on the entire being while we are expanding our minds and stretching the muscle, then how do we expect to become that person that God has placed us here for. We need to not only focus on our education but on the entire being from the spirit within. Why doesn’t this all come easily since we are all made in God’s image? It’s because we are all human and given free will. The foundation of the theological mandate for Christian involvement in higher education can be focused on four concepts: creation, the human person, truth, and the culture mandate. (Holmes pg 13) Following what God’s will has for us and not to misuse them, value what he has given to us. Truth, if we confess that God is, the all-wise Creator of all, then he has perfect knowledge of everything we ever sought to know or do. All truth is God’s truth, wherever it may be found. (Holmes pg 17) Liberal Arts Liberal art teaches you to think. We are taught many things in our education that may not have anything to do with our career directly. These other classes allow our minds to grow and stretch in all areas of real life. Vocations and jobs are made for people, not people for vocations and jobs. The question to ask about an education is not â€Å"what can I do with it?†but rather â€Å"what is it doing to me as a person?†(Holmes pg 25) When we go off to college, we are going with fresh minds to be taught and molded into our future career. Liberal education is an open invitation to join the human race and become more fully human. (Holmes pg 35) Understanding liberal arts and how the purpose of it will enrich our lives further within our career goals is very helpful in succeeding in the world. The most embracing contact between Christianity and human learning is the all-encompassing world and life view. The contemporary university tends to concentrate on the parts rather than the whole and to come away with a fragmented view of life that lacks overall meaning. (Holmes pg 57) The Result of an Educated Person What would a well-rounded, educated person look like, be like, and know? To train specifically for just one job and not allow yourself the freedom to educate your whole being will only limit you in the future. To cover and explore a range of capacities that help you feel part of a whole human race, develop yourself  not just into a farmer or a physician or a businessman, but as a human being. Be reflective and moral in everything you do. Become a thoroughly responsible agent; that is the mark of an educated person. (Holmes pg 101) Fostering morals and virtues, believing in the quality of life, and applying those in our education, as well and learning from our experiences will enlighten us as humans. Taking the gifts that God has given to us and by his freeing us from the bondage of sin, we move forward with realistic hope. Faith, love, and hope bring to life purposefulness, expectations, and humility. (Holmes pg 102) After reading this book I have found that there is much more to having an education. I have focused my attention on just one thing  becoming a nurse. My life experience of working in the hospital is to have core values such as understanding, honesty, faith, and openness. When Arthur Holmes writes â€Å"Not just verbal skills and powers of communication but grace and eloquence therein as well, the ability to say the right thing in the right way at the right time,†it reminds me of my blessings. (Holmes pg 103). If we put god first in our lives everything else will fall into place for us such as, work and school. By going to a Christian college I found I am learning how to educate my spirit.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Analysis on “Behind the Veil†Essay
In the short story â€Å"From Behind the Veil,†written by Dhu’l Nun Ayyoub, the author changes how we feel about the main character throughout the sequencing of the plot. We as the readers learn more about how the protagonist really thinks coupled with what her motives are. The author also presents language that clearly expresses how the protagonist feels and uses examples to show an overall theme in the story. In the exposition we meet our protagonist who is a young women of Islam who wears the traditional veil that muslim women are advised to wear under the law of the Quran were it says, â€Å"And tell the believing women to reduce some of their vision and guard their private parts and not expose their adornment except that which necessarily appears thereof and to wrap a portion of their head covers over their chests and not expose their adornment except to their husbands, their fathers, their husbands’ fathers, their sons, their husbands’ sons, their brothers, their brothers’ sons, their sisters’ sons, their women, that which their right hands possess, or those male attendants having no physical desire, or children who are not yet aware of the private aspects of women.(Quran).†Some women are not wearing veils. As readers, we come to the conclusion that the protagonist is a faithful woman of Islam. The veil is a symbol of power to women who wear it because they have the gift of modesty and can show their dedication to Allah. What is interesting is that even though the veil is supposed to cover the body and keep men from giving attention to a woman’s body, men are drawn to the women in veils because they are â€Å"enticing†and have an â€Å"alluring shape, and make the observer yearn to uncover the secrets which lie beneath them (Ayyoub 98).†During the rising action, we continue to have the view about the protagonist that she is a â€Å"good girl†and respectable until she reveals herself to a man she finds enticing and who seems to fancy her. This contradicts what we previously thought about her. We also learn that she wants to have control of their relationship. She won’t allow the man to know her name or have any information that he could use to contact her at any time. This is an interesting exception to the stereotypical and usual relationship between a Muslim man and woman. Usually the man would have the majority of power in the relationship, but the protagonist has made the relationship on her terms only. We also learn from the narrator that the protagonist has a strong disposition. We can conclude that she seems to exude some power . We also learn that her father thinks highly of her and feels that she is â€Å"intelligent†, â€Å"well brought up†, and â€Å"obviously knows the value of traditions and respects them.†In the climax, we start to have a very different view of our protagonist. We learn that she might not be as genuine as we think she is. The climax is after her father reads the newspaper article a man submitted about a woman who revealed herself to him. She goes to her room and ‘talks’ to her veil stating that she despises the veil, how she uses it only to keep men away from her, she doesn’t care about her veil at all, she feels nothing for it, she defies it, and how she feels that other women say they wear the veil to preserve their virginity, honor, and good morals, but if they were honest about why they wore the veil it would be for no reason but to cover their flaws and scandals. This is extremely surprising to the reader because from what we thought of her before she was a girl who wore the veil as a symbol of good morals when now we learn it isjust a persona that she exudes. This point of view she has toward the veil is very different from what we expect it to be and what most Islamic people’s point of view would be. We as readers now think of her as taking advantage of the veiling tradition for her own purposes instead of for religious ones. It seems as if though she wants everyone to think she wears the veil because she is faithful to Allah, when in all reality it is all staged. The only positive thought she has of her veil is that it creates a sense of anonymity and mystery even though she feels trapped underneath it. The language the author uses to express how the protagonist really feels about the veil give you a sense of the true despise the protagonist has toward it. The author uses words such as â€Å"defy†which mean to challenge the power of, or resist boldly, showing that the protagonist is having an internal conflict with her religion. She also uses the word â€Å"despise†which means disgust. Readers really get the sense now that the protagonist has put on an act to seem like this respectable and honorable Muslim woman when really none of it matters to her. The Theme of the story is that sometimes we can feel trapped between what we feel and think and what we know is the status-quo or the excepted way of thinking and feeling. This is shown in the example of the protagonist with her father. She acts like she agrees with his thought of the veil because she knows that is what is expected and excepted when really her feelings are that the veil denies her freedom.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Elijah Heart Center
I will discuss the best options for the healthcare center; this will include evaluating funding options for capital expansion, what the best option would be when it comes to upgrading the hospitals equipment, and how bridging a working capital shortage will help to turn financial matters around. Phase l: Capital Shortages In 1998 – 1999 New York, the hospitals lost on an average $678 million due to Medicare cuts that were imposed by the Balanced Budget of 1997.It was difficult for managed care organizations to receive the full payments on managed care plans. I am assisting EACH in the best way possible to reach $750,000 for the first quarter. The simulation offered two options to choose from in order to receive the best loan to cover the remaining shortfall for Elijah Heart Center (EACH). I chose Loan option 1, it seemed to make more sense, and according to the simulation option 1 was the best to choose from to solve the working capital shortfall at EACH. In 3 months EACH will be receiving from Medicare and Managed Care Organizations to assist in loving the cash flow issue.EACH will have to pay a higher rate interest at 9. 45% but there is no repayment limitation. Loan option 2 had to be prepaid within six months (impossible without going further in debt). I also suggested that reducing a great amount of agency contracted staff would be beneficial for Elijah Heart Center as well, because the contracted workers receive much higher wages than those of the staff. The full – time staff at the care center has been there a long time and have established a patient worker relationship, the staff truly care for the patients whereas, the agency come and go.When this is implemented there will be a huge change in the â€Å"Revenue and Expenditure Projections†, and all will notice this is the most effective measure in reducing cost. I also chose changing the skill mix (first time I had heard of this), this will increase the â€Å"Revenue and Expenditur e projections†in the beginning and the future months. It is a good decision to hire unlicensed assisted personnel; they may have 40 or less hospital training but they can help out by doing such work as the Stanza's (feed, bathe, and dress the patient), and theRegistered Nurses can focus fully on his or her Job duties and the patient will receive appropriate care. By making these decisions EACH will not only save $811,249 but they would have exceeded their goal by the first quarter. The capital shortfall issue has been solved for EACH and it also is increasing. Phase II: Funding Options for Equipment Acquisition CEO Gilbert Sanchez is interested in acquiring hospital equipment such as a High- Speed CT Scanner, X-Ray Machine, and a new Ultrasound System. Mr.. Sanchez wants the best for the patients as well as the staff; having updated equipment will reduce tress, and patient wait times.The most cost effective equipment acquisition strategy would be to purchase wisely, meaning g et the best for your dollar. I liked the idea of buying refurbished medical equipment. The best option would be to purchase a refurbished High-Speed CT Scanner, do operating lease on the Ultrasound, and a capital lease on the X-Ray Machine. The High-Speed CT Scanner seems to be the smartest buy because it is the cheapest of the three, and the life span is approximately 10 years, and it is medium technology that can become obsolescent in years, it is already 5 years old, this equipment can be upgraded.Elijah Heart Center also wants to keep up with the latest technology, and in doing the Ultrasound System would be the best option for this reason, but we would need to acquire an operating lease for the low upfront payments and low monthly payments. It does cost more to keep up with the Joneses. Phase Ill: Funding Options for Capital Expansion HAD 242 Loan Insurance Program is the best choice for the expansion of She's project; this program provides mortgage insurance for hospitals. Acc ording to RuralAssistance Center (2002 – 2014), â€Å"The maximum term on the loan is 25 years, loan to value may not exceed 90%, a one-time fee of 0. 8%, the fixed annual premium is 0. 5% of the remaining balance and the FAA insures 99% of the loan amount†(HAD Section 242: Hospital Mortgage Insurance Program). This insurance can be used for remodeling, construction, refinancing, equipment and what EACH needs expansion. Hospitals are able to finance as an investment grade, and the hospital will get the lowest rate possible when it comes to borrowing funds in capital markets.The rejects Net Present Value (NP) is $221 million thru this program. In 8 years the hospital can buy back the bonds if interest rates were to decrease. In conclusion, I learned that when making money matter decisions it is best to look at all every option possible; what may seem like a good option at the time may not be good for me in the long run. Elijah Heart Center will have a promising future as long as they follow the options and strategies given. References Rural Assistance Center. (2002 – 2014). Rural Assistance Center. Retrieved from http:// www. Reconcile. Org/funding/95.
Role of IT in generating competitive advantage Coursework
Role of IT in generating competitive advantage - Coursework Example They serve as symbol towards achieving excellence and besides the symbol they are practical tool towards the tasks accomplishment. However yielding the best out of I.T setup requires thorough mechanism establishment that ensures maximum profits. This can be done through implementation of management strategies in alignment with information technology. The advantage served by information technology is the fact that activities that were done manually are being carried out with the help of this infrastructure which exists in the name of computer, internet and the field of information technology as a whole. Achieving competitive means surpassing the rivals, living up to the needs of modern day challenges and satisfying the customers’ needs. Companies strive hard for achieving this status and would invest in anything and everything to be competitively stronger than their rivals in the industry. In last two to three decades the use of information systems and relevant technology has b ecome one of the most essential tool towards achieving competitive advantage. ... Similarly people can fly between the continents in no time. The continents, oceans, mountains, and other barriers of past are no more obstacle to communication. This all has been made possible through technology and computer and information technology are the two major gifts of technology in it. with every individual possessing a cell phone or other form of digital device, the operations on non digital mode can hardly be imagined. Keeping up with the challenges and requirements of modern day, embracing the information technology is a must. It serves as that particular pre requisite that must be fulfilled in order to maximize the profits, gains, advantages and minimize the threats and losses(Schlemmer & Webb, 2008). No organization or government can think of living without the use and application of information technology. In fact it has equally penetrated into individual lives, even they cannot imagine life without cell phones, computers, and other digital devices which are part of o ur surroundings and have made our life far more comfortable than it was to the earlier generations. The slow pace of past generations and the modern day fast pace is the salient difference between the two and only one variable stands out in such cases and that is the information technology and computer dominance. Computer has dominated the world’s proceedings in every way. The competitive advantage can be in form of reducing the costs that would be otherwise incurred in the practices and completion of processes, increasing the company rating with reference to market standing, improving the company reputation through the eye of customers, improving the
Monday, October 7, 2019
The Hazardous Storm of Hurricane Katrina Article
The Hazardous Storm of Hurricane Katrina - Article Example Hurricane Katrina was the costliest as well as single of the five deadliest storms in the past of the United States. It was the sixth strongest Atlantic storm ever documentation and the third-strongest hurricane on evidence that through land descend in the United States. Katrina shaped on August 23 through the 2005 Atlantic hurricane period as well as caused destruction along a large amount of the north-central Gulf Coast. The mainly severe failure of life and assets damage come about in New Orleans which inundated as the levee system calamitously failed in numerous cases hours subsequent to the storm had stimulated inland. The storm causes ruthless harm across the intact Mississippi coast as well as into Alabama, in fact, the storm is probably to have been accountable for $81.2 billion in scratch making it the costliest to be a probable tragedy in U.S. history. The disastrous collapse of the deluge fortification in New Orleans provoked instantaneous assessment of the Army Corps of E ngineers which has by congressional mandate sole responsibility for design and construction of the flood protection. There was also widespread criticism of the federal situation as well as local administration retort to the hurricane which resulted in exploration by the U.S. Congress and the acceptance of Federal Emergency Management Agency manager Michael D. Brown. On the other hand, the National Hurricane Center along with National Weather Service was extensively commended for precise forecasts moreover abundant lead point (Wikipedia, 2008). In Addition, Media descriptions of impoverished flood sufferers in New Orleans in the happening of Hurricane Katrina produced the impression and thought of an indifferent federal government. An opponent, as expected, took endeavor at the mayor, the Louisiana governor, the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the President. Some also disapproved of the department of protection seeing that if it had unsuccessful to provide the speedy, sudden and enormous compassionate reprieve which the American citizens had drawn closer to expect after an ordinary tragedy.
Sunday, October 6, 2019
How One Becomes a General Manager Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
How One Becomes a General Manager - Assignment Example The assignment "How One Becomes a General Manager" talks about the general manager position who needs to be extensively qualified and additionally have sufficient experience in a hotel setting. This is clearly presented by Francisco Giles, who is a hotel manager of Renaissance Dubai Hotel, studied hotel management in Switzerland. Additionally made his way up in the hotel industry as he moved around different countries working in different areas including in the sales department and the food and beverages just to mention a few. This is also reflected by Marguerite Howley, a hotel owner who learned her trade by working for some of the major hotels and professionals such Gordon Ramsey before she managed to open her own hotel. Training is very essential, and the gaining of experience from different countries is vital in making one an international general manager. Based on Paul O’Connell the general manager at Castle Hotel located in Ireland, he believes that an international mana ger would require working in different countries to gain from different cultures and different management styles. A properly qualified GM needs to be in the hotel business for at least 25 years as illustrated by Francisco Giles, who himself has been in the industry for over twenty-five years. A good manager needs to have a diverse personality and be able to deal with the diverse clients. Additionally, a good manager as the hotel industry keeps on changing it would require that a manager is always abreast with the happenings in the hotel industry.
Saturday, October 5, 2019
Comprehensive Classroom and Organization Plan Research Paper
Comprehensive Classroom and Organization Plan - Research Paper Example As such, one’s teaching philosophy also evolves as one attempts to improve in the profession. To a larger extent, one also strives to achieve personal growth. Peters (2009) quotes Stephen Brookfield (1990) on the two purposes of a teaching philosophy: personal purpose and pedagogical purpose. At a personal level, a teaching philosophy serves as a vision to remain grounded on the reasons behind what one has chosen to pursue as a career. The pedagogical purpose, on the other hand, defines the difference that one is making in a student’s life and his/her learning. A number of educational theorists have influenced my own teaching philosophy. Prominent among them are Howard Gardner, John Dewey, Paolo Freiri, and Kurt Hahn. I believe that teaching and learning have transformative powers, and for changes to happen within and without, content must always interact with the context. I make a strong point of allowing students to â€Å"learn by doing†and continuously provid ing opportunities to create a link between theory and daily situations. Furthermore, I believe learning happens in a social context and pedagogy must be inclusive with special attention to the diverse population inside the classroom. Towards implementing this philosophy, it is essential to provide careful attention to classroom management and organization. Classroom Management and Organization Plan The Rules. Dixie (2007) justifies the need for rules and routines stating that: â€Å"by providing our pupils with a system of well-defined rules, routines and sanctions you will be providing these youngsters with the security they need at this crucial stage of their lives, and in doing so, you will be providing a firm foundation for learning†(p. 19). I have adopted a less authoritative and more democratic system of establishing rules in the classroom. It stems from the desire to give students the right to feel safe, emotionally and physically, in the classroom. Furthermore, by in volving the students in the process of creating the rules, I hope to instill within them a sense of ownership of the rules established. First grade students are usually familiar with rules in school and the teacher’s role is to facilitate and ask probing questions to encourage important rules to be articulated. I find this a meaningful exercise because later in life, â€Å"they need to know how to participate in decision-making and obey with discretion so that they do not give the responsibility for their own behavior to someone else†(Lewis, 2008, p. 42). Some of the rules that students established are listed below. I facilitated to ensure that rules are stated in positive sentences [avoiding negative words, such as ‘no’, ‘not’, and ‘don’t]. (1) Always ask permission before taking someone else’s things. (2) Listen to the teacher and classmates, and wait for your chance to speak. (3) Treat others fairly and honestly. (4) Ke ep your work space clean and the whole classroom tidy. Procedures and Routines. Similar to rules, routines and procedures were created with participation from the students. It is essential to discuss the reasons behind these routines to the students. For instance, in transferring from one classroom to another during Art Class, they have to walk quietly and ensure that they have all the materials required for
Friday, October 4, 2019
Blog Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Blog - Essay Example It also ensures that The IT services offered are affordable to the customers (Ernest, 2010). For this process to be a success, the ITIL processes must be in place. This level of management also makes sure that the quality of services offered is enhanced through a continuous procedure of agreement, close monitoring, and reporting. Secondly, service availability process is essential since it ensure that all the IT services offered are available at any one given time. The major activities here include monitoring and analysis of services and their components as well. The analysis of past mistakes is crucial to the organization because they learn how to avoid similar mistakes in future. A series of tools measures Service availability. There is the availability aspect that covers the service and response times. Help desk calls entails the response and resolution times as well as issues raised. Lastly, capacity aspect measures performance of number of users, online transactions, and report production (Ernest, 2010). Another important process entails the capacity management. This is crucial in providing the IT service in the specified right volume, in the right time and at the right place. By monitoring and analysis of the IT service capacity, this process makes sure that the services are available and are running smoothly at all times. In addition, it is useful in gathering information from other areas in the organization in an attempt to identify the needed services. It also determines the infrastructure and cost involved in implementing the services. Financial management is another crucial process in IT service management. It makes certain that the infrastructure required is obtained at reasonable prices. It is also involved in calculating the costs of providing IT service (Ernest, 2010). This is crucial to the organization in pricing its services appropriately. Thus, the
Thursday, October 3, 2019
Analysis of the Effects of Modernism and Post-modernism on Management Practice Essay Example for Free
Analysis of the Effects of Modernism and Post-modernism on Management Practice Essay The concepts â€Å"modem†and â€Å"post-modern†have become common currency in intellectual debates regarding organizational theory. Within such debates, the postmodern is perceived as an epoch, a perspective, or an entirely new paradigm of thought (Callas 1999, p. 649). Such a conception of the aforementioned term stems from its rootedness in the conception of the modern. Chia (1995) notes that what distinguishes the postmodern from the modem is â€Å"a style of thinking which eschews the uncritical use of common organizational terms such as ‘organizations’, ‘individuals’, ‘environment’, ‘structure’, and ’culture’, etc†(p. 79). These terms refer to the existence of social entities and attributes within a modernist conception of organizational cultures. The rationale behind this lies in the ontological conception of being which privileges thinking in terms of discrete phenomenal states, static attributes and sequential events. As opposed to such an ontological conception of reality, the postmodern stands as the champion of weak forms of ontology that â€Å"emphasize a transient, ephemeral and emergent reality†(Chia 1995, p. 579). If such is the case, it thereby follows that a postmodernist perspective of reality adheres to thought styles wherein reality is deemed to be continuously in flux and transformation and hence unrepresentable thereby impossible to situate within a static conception of reality. Within the sphere of organizational management, an adoption of a post-modernist perspective of reality thereby leads to a rethinking of the modern conceptions of organizations since adherence to postmodernist perspectives lead to the de-emphasis on organizations, organizational forms and organizational attributes. Such a conception of reality, however tends to emphasize the importance of local forms of organizational methods, which collectively define a social reality. In a sense, the shift from a modern to a postmodern conception of organizations thereby leads to the re-definition of existing ontological conceptions of reality that determine the various forms of intellectual priorities as well as theoretical stipulations in the study and conception of organizations. In lieu of this, this paper’s will provide a contextualization of the implications of such perspectives within organizational structures. The analysis of such will be determined through the analysis of the effects of such perspectives in relation to management practices. An example of the application of the postmodernist perspectives within the field of organizational theory is evident in the Foucauldian analysis of human resource systems. Edward Baratt (2003) notes that a Foucauldian conception of organizational structures has enabled the formation of â€Å"a conceptual architecture and a method for exploring and problematizing Human Resource Management†(p. 084). Baratt notes, a Foucauldian conception of organizations has enabled the formation of conditions wherein all members of an organization may engage in â€Å"the practice of critical truth telling†(p. 1085). The importance of such may be fully understood if one considers its effects in relation to the two dominant paradigms that dictate Human Resource Management discourse: managerialist and critical evaluative positions. Jacques (1999) notes, â€Å"Managerialist and critical evaluative positions in binary opposition to each other constitute the main sites from which we can speak academically about HRM†(p. 200). The distinction between the two positions are evident if one considers that in one line of argument has been an emphasis on the production of an enterprising subject dependent on practices designed to engage an employee’s psyche. The possibility of such lies in the formation of managerial practices that opt for the continuous subjectification of the subject [in this sense the employee]. Within such managerial practices, the subject is placed within various forms of practices of subjectification that leads to the development of different form of competencies that further lead to the continuous embeddedness of the subject within the organization. The difficulty within such a managerial method lies in its creation of a fabricated subject. The pragmatic aspect involved within such a method, however, may be traced to its ability to create productive subjects [productive employees]. As opposed to such a totalizing form of managerial methodologies, alternative arguments [of the postmodernist kind] emphasize the possibility of enabling the co-existence and interrelationships between human resource technologies of the self and other disciplinary practices specifically those situated within the grounds of technological and accounting controls (Baratt 2003, p. 1084). A popular theme of such methodologies gives emphasis on the intensification and sophistication of surveillance and control method [through technological and accounting measures]. Within these method, management methods are thereby perceived as enabling the formation that determine the relationships within the workplace by taking control of indeterminate relationships [amongst the members of the workplace] through the imposition of increase surveillance methods that â€Å"impose order on the inherently undecidables†conditions of the workplace. Such a methodology thereby adheres to a postmodernist conception of human relations and social reality as it opts to clarify the indeterminate variables within organizations through the use of effective instruments for the formation and accumulation of knowledge-methods of observation, techniques of registration, procedures for investigation and research, apparatuses of control (Foucault 1980, p. 102). Within such a scheme, the function of management systems [and hence of managers] lies in ensuring the maintenance of â€Å"the precarious local orchestration of material, technical and social relationships which give rise to relatively stabilized configurations†(Chia 1995, p. 601). The heads of the management of organizations, in this sense, are thereby tasked with ensuring the implementation as well as the continuous development of more efficient production practices within the surveillance scheme of management systems. Analytic evaluation schemes used in forming job evaluations will thereby be created so as to ensure the ordering of a population. Managerial positions, in this sense, may be seen as the roles that enable the implementation of the surveillance scheme that enables the continuous effectiveness of a human resource management system. In summary, the effects of the tenets of both modernism and postmodernism are evident within the workplace [or within organizational theories of management and hence management itself] as they influence the historical means of constructing the relations within the workplace. The modernist conception, which perceives reality as bound by static relations, failed to account for the indeterminate variables resulting from the complexity of power relations within the workplace. Such a complexity, however, was accounted for by a postmodernist perspective of organizations due to its recognition of the fluidity of social relations as a result of their embeddedness within the discourse of power and knowledge that define the conditions within any sphere [in this context the public sphere]. Within the field of Human Resource Management, the construction of knowledge operates through rules of classification, ordering, and distribution evident in the definitions of activities and the formation of rules of procedure, which determines a particular institution’s management discourse. The importance of postmodernist perspectives lies in its promise of the possibility of autonomy within such a predefined and hence rigid sphere. The possibility, in this sense, may be attained through enabling the co-existence and interrelationships between human resource technologies of the self and other disciplinary methods. In line with the postmodernist [specifically Foucauldian discourse], the postmodernist has thereby enabled the development of Human Resource Systems and hence Management systems that enable the formation of an understanding regarding the means in which various individuals may be formulated so as to create a system which allows the creation of objectivity amidst the grounds of subjective wills.
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