Sunday, May 24, 2020
Cultural Differences Of The Bronx - 1449 Words
I reacted as politely as I could to the cultural differences in the Bronx. The culture shock often made me irritable and honestly annoyed, but I never lashed out or maliciously acted on my sentiments. With the constant Spanish, music playing, and different attitudes, I needed to find a way to zone out my surroundings. And I turned to music, country music in particular. I had always loved country music, but I really came to love it while in the Bronx. It was a way for me to regress into the culture in which I cameâ€â€mainly a white culture that often has an affinity for the outdoors and wilderness. The urban jungle of NYC rarely offers a great area to fish or hunt. Yet I also did try to embrace the changing culture. I would dance to the Latin music that many of my students played; I would eat locally and try different cultures’ foods; and I read up on the history of the Bronx and how it evolved into a city with a working class that is socioeconomically challenged, and how m any peopleâ€â€especially those of colorâ€â€have received the brunt end of public policy decisions that have no other explanation than environmental racism and unjust drug policies. For example, we worked with students whom, at any given time, could have their homes evicted, suffer an asthma attack from the unconscionable pollution caused by the Bruckner Bridge that connects upstate New York to Manhattan, or lose a father or mother or sibling to one of the everyday evils that swirl around a neighborhood like HuntsShow MoreRelatedBreast Cancer : A Malignant Tumor1203 Words  | 5 Pageshave highly contributed to these disparities among the population under study. The Bronx County in New York City is the key focus of this study. Being among the top most densely populated counties in America, it harbors a variety of immigrant groups and most being the African Americans who are migrants from the south of America and African countries. According to the American Cancer Society, 101 individuals in the Bronx are diagnosed with cancer each week, and 40 individuals die from cancer each weekRead MoreSimilarities And Differences Between A Braxon Tale And A Bronx Tale1604 Words  | 7 PagesIn the film, A Bronx Tale, Lorenzo Anello states to his son, â€Å"They want to see you do good, but never better than them†¦remember that†, because of the addition his son was taking from the wrong people. These film’s setting can be identified by the title, the film Chinatown that took place in Los Angeles, but with Chinatown being an important part of the film. Unlike that, A Bronx Tale is clearly in one of the boroughs that make up New York City. It’s easy to tell the differences between these twoRead MoreThe Cycle Of Socialization ( C.o )1549 Words  | 7 Pagesraise consciousness, and interrupt the stagnant problem help with fixing it. When we do this though, it leads into the next cycle, which is the Cycle of Liberation. - The Cycle of Liberation, is the cycle in which we cause change, and make a difference. The first step for the COL is getting ready. With this, one starts to empower themselves with knowledge, and creating their own space for creativity. You would also need to reach out, and seek others for guidance in experience. When you reach outRead MoreHip Hop Is Not Going Anywhere1545 Words  | 7 Pagesfor every any audience that enjoys music. Rap originated in the South Bronx by marginalized Black and Latino youth who lived in terrible housing often set ablaze, overcrowded cities, lack of available jobs, and gang-filled communities. Around this time in the 70s, gangs were becoming prominent in order to form community, protection, and family. In Somebody Scream, Reeves (2008) stated, â€Å"The population upheaval of the South Bronx, with black and brown kids being terrorized by bands of white youth whoseRead MoreEssay on Amazing Grace1770 Words  | 8 PagesGrace is a book about the trials and tribulations of everyday life for a group of children who live in the poorest congressional district of the United States, the South Bronx. Their lives may seem extraordinary to us, but to them, they are just as normal as everyone else. What is normal? For the children of the South Bronx, living with the pollution, the sickness, the drugs, and the violence is the only way of life many of them have ever known. In this book, the children speak openly andRead MoreStudy Guide Hum 325 Essay1465 Words  | 6 Pagesfrom Jessica Care Moore’s poem â€Å"I’m a Hip-Hop Cheerleader†: â€Å"I’ll scream the HAY’s/I’ll tolerate all your hoes†in â€Å"Women, Rap, and the Rhetoric of Wreck†? Hip Hop culture began as a cultural and political movement in the Bronx, NYC in the early 1980s and includes what forms of expression? What is cultural appropriation? Professor Asbell used a metaphor in class to help explain how language works: â€Å"just as there is no neutral way of dressing, there is no neutral way of speaking or writingRead MoreHip Hop Rap Music And Subculture1643 Words  | 7 Pagesparticular music genre and a subculture. In particular, the issue of focus is the association of the hip-hop rap genre with the black youth subculture in America. As a youth subculture, hip-hop emerged in the 1970s from New York City’s borough of the Bronx. The African American community was the root of the music genre, which gained popularity in the 1980s and 1990s. As part of its growth, the genre developed its own distinct language, music style, and lifestyle values, which have influenced widespreadRead MoreEssay about Savage Inequalities by Jonathan Kozol1447 Words  | 6 Pagesdevastating inequalities in American schools, focusing on public education’s â€Å"savage inequalities†between affluent districts and poor districts. From 1988 till 1990, Kozol visited schools in over thirty neighborhoods, including East St. Louis, the Bronx, Chicago, Harlem, Jersey City, and San Antonio. Kozol describes horrifying conditions in these schools. He spends a chapter on each area, and provides a description of the city and a historical basis for the impoverished state of its school. TheseRead MoreA Research Study On Black Males 1914 Words  | 8 Pagesa qualitative research study that explores: 1. Educational attachment in the Black male community in the Bronx. On the rise, or failing below the average? 2. What are the barriers to educational attainment for Black men living in the Bronx? 3. If there are barriers, what are these barriers? Are they unique to Black Men? 4. How can these barriers be overcome? (Institutional, or cultural) Method and Analysis: Over the next 6 months a descriptive- qualitative study will be conducted basedRead MoreEssay on Amazing Grace1936 Words  | 8 Pagesparticular area. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The author takes us from the seventh richest congressional district in the nation (being E 59th Street in New York City) to the poorest in the nation. A mere eighteen-minute ride by subway to the South Bronx, to a little place called Mott Haven; where the median family income for the 48000 residents is only $7,600. An area known for crack-cocaine and heroin; prostitution; poor hospital care, where one-quarter of new mothers tested in obstetric wards are
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Comparing Smartphones with The Matrix - 1029 Words
There is an ever-increasing amount of computer users today. However, even the age-old desktop is being, superseded with smartphones. These smartphones have the ability to gather user information: such as location and are selling it to marketers. Yet with the increasing information and technology available to us, the notion that we are losing our individualism increases. The increasing information is beginning to leave our subconscious susceptible to being controlled by the powerful. Some large retail outlets are starting to gather people’s personal information, by tricking their customers to sign up for cards that offer customers small incentives for swiping them every time they purchase items at their checkout. In America, this is†¦show more content†¦The only way out for someone in the Matrix, was to be freed, by someone not directly plugged in. For example when Morpheus offered the red and blue pills, he was essentially giving Neo his first ever taste of ‘free will’ because â€Å"Morpheus†was not directly plugged in, making him exempt from the Architects control. The Orwellian society as shown in the Matrix also shows us where we may be heading. Today we are seeing technology advance at a faster and faster pace. The ways in which they gather personal information are growing at an even quicker rate. News Companies, such as Seven News, are creating applications so they can now cheaply distribute the latest news (Propaganda) straight to people who have downloaded their application. Rupert Murdock has taken things further using social media sites like Facebook to distribute news at an even cheaper price. This allows people to like his company’s Facebook page then the news ‘his thoughts’ will be on their Facebook wall every day. As long as the human brains decisions rely on outside information such as news, there may never be ‘free will’. The play Frankenstein shows, written by Mary Shelly, shows the early stages of technology and how it changes individualism. ‘Frankenstein’ goes against social norm and tries to make life or as others called it ‘Playing God’. ‘Frankenstein’ neglects what he had created because he expected his creation to look like an angel.Show MoreRelatedNokia s Marketing Strategy For Nokia971 Words  | 4 Pagesmarketplace and return to its leadership position in the Smartphone market. The firm generally counts on the partnership alongside Microsoft, and on its Lumia smartphones to accomplish this goal. Nokia additionally selects a marketing strategy to apply for some of the Lumia phones in Europe. †¢ Specific contributors to the project failure: 1. The major contributor to the project failure is the competition, Nokia faces from Apple, Samsung and other smartphone companies. 2. Nokia has had troubles adapting toRead MoreMarketing Cost And Intruding New Products1399 Words  | 6 Pagesof card holders and among these number, 1.3 million is of active households. It has been observed that in New Zealand, around 30,000 times the card is swiped in a single day. It is seen that the benefits of Fly Buys is more for the customers as comparing with the supermarket fuel discount schemes (Wright, K., Baumann, C. 2007). Opportunity: As selected previously the Market penetration is good option for the company to have growth in the coming years. This strategy focuses on the marketing andRead MoreCase Study : Apple Inc. Essay1029 Words  | 5 PagesApple Inc. has launched its iPhone in January 2007 (telegraph) as a new product in the market with latest technology and it was the first multi touch smartphone adding the feature of iPod and received an overwhelmed response by selling 270000 units. 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Generation of Strategy Options 19 7.1. Business Level Strategy Analysis 19 7.1.1. Porter’s Generic Strategies 19 7.2. Corporate Level Strategy Analysis 20 7.2.1. Ansoff Matrix 20 7.2.2. Boston Consulting Group (BCG) Matrix 21 7.3. TOWS Matrix 22 8. Strategies 22 8.1. Strategy 1: Renewed customer focus and brand building (short-term) 22 8.2. Strategy 2: Develop a tablet product (short-term) 22 8.3. Strategy 3: Develop venture capital arm of
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Nelson Mandela s Leadership Characteristics - 1971 Words
The character of the considerable leader, Nelson Mandela, is huge today on a global connection is mainly because of his political activities in South Africa. However his own ha spread more than that of a South African leader, yet in to an internationally perceived key leader who helped South Africa, as well as humanity too. The leadership characteristics of Nelson Mandela can be watched and saw in line with the oppression of all races other than white confronted in South Africa. He not just needed to manage the political stability of the nation, additionally to establish goodwill and trust of the international community. South Africa was in turmoil concerning economic assents, game bans and infringement of United Nations Human rights acts during the past administrations. The enormity of the man and his management of the nation has many constructive outcomes on the world economy. Nelson Mandela used his management skills and abilities of governance and administration has provided many leanings to the global business community by emerging successful despite affliction. Nelson Mandela s Management style is unique and is intended to make harmony and fabricate partnerships to work together to achieve one common goal. A management and a governance style, for example, his was obliged to overcome the circumstance in South Africa with the international Community imposing limitations on the nation which brought about misfortunes toward the South African Economy. Background NelsonShow MoreRelatedNelson Mandela Leadership Style1203 Words  | 5 PagesThis essay will examine Nelson Mandela s leadership style and sometimes controversial actions in the struggle to dismantle the system of apartheid in South Africa and how his style of leadership displayed many of Robert Greenleaf s ten characteristics of Servant Leadership. History The Dutch East India Company established a small settlement at what is now Cape Town in 1652 and by 1795, almost two-thirds of Cape Town residents were slaves. Slavery was a feature of the new colony almost from dayRead MoreThe Bravery of Nelson Mandela1431 Words  | 6 Pageslife is free or arrives without trying. In alignment to be brave, a person should have courageous, persistent, and honest Nelson Mandela, the previous leader of South Africa, did not choose to take an easy walk to flexibility. Mandela is highly regarded all through the phrase for his integrity, courage, and dignity to be able to help his people in South Africa. Nelson Mandela is well renowned in his homeland as a champion for his bravery to stand for what he believed was right, and endured yearsRead MoreNelson Mandelas Leadership4907 Words  | 20 Pages2012 NELOSN MANDELA’S LEADERSHIP . . Microsoft 06.06.2012 6/6/2012 NELOSN MANDELA’S LEADERSHIP June 6, 2012 TITLE PAGE CAUCASUS UNIVERSITY CAUCASUS SCHOOL OF BUSINESS COURSE TITLE: Developing effective leadership skills COURSE CODE: MGS-3211 INSTRUCTOR: Dara Ahmed GROUP PRESENTATION: N1 PRESENTATION TITLE: NELSON MANDELA’S LEADERSHIP GROUP MEMBERS: Tamar Geladze DATE: 6th of June, 2012 12 Page 2 NELOSN MANDELA’S LEADERSHIP June 6, 2012 TABLE OF CONTENT Read MoreOutline Of Nelson Mandela s Legacy2404 Words  | 10 PagesNelson Mandela 2 2 Nelson Mandela Hallmark Assessment Task: Nelson Mandela Jackie D. McDowell University of Louisville Dr. Carpenter, Bradley ELFH 490-91 May 15, 2015 Hallmark Assessment Task: Nelson Mandela Introduction Nelson Mandela is one of the most iconic leaders of the 20th century. In 1948 the National Party gained control in South Africa and implemented a system of apartheid (Campbell, 1990, p 147-150). Apartheid laws are designed to keep the members of South AfricaRead MoreNelson Mandela s Leadership Qualities1832 Words  | 8 PagesIntroduction Nelson Mandela (Mandela) is a figurehead for the equality of people not only in South Africa, but also around the globe. Mandela has played many important roles throughout his life and although initially leading by being a pacifist, he has changed roles over time to lead as a revolutionary, a prisoner and a president. Many prominent leaders throughout time have established routes in time by effectively changing perceptions and Mandela is one of these leaders. This paper examines theRead MoreForeign Policy : The Transition Of Democracy1039 Words  | 5 Pagesinvolves the goals, strategies, measures, understanding, agreements, directives and rules in which national governments conduct international relations with each other as well as international organisations and non-governmental actors. 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Many of them come directly from his personal experiences and all of them are calibrated to cause the best kind of trouble; the trouble that forces us to ask how we can make the world a better place. Nelson Mandela’ s 8 leadership best practices and explanation whyRead MoreRacial Inequality : African Man And The Man Who Spoke Out Against It1877 Words  | 8 Pagesis â€Å"The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races†. Racism is an inequality dealt with throughout the world that still exists even to this day. Another thread tied to racism is defined by Your Dictionary as, â€Å"Racial inequality is a disparity in opportunity and treatment that occurs as a result of someone s race†. There are several occasions in which racial inequality
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Journal of Trends in Economics Management - Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss about the Journal of Trends in Economics Management. Answer: Selection of subject This essay focuses on the four subjects which are covered during the study. Before starting the analysis of the four topics in the business strategies and management, it is important to understand the concept of all the four topics selected for this essay. Those topics are marketing management, Digital marketing and communication, international strategy and strategic management. By this essay, the objective during the master course is to integrate as numerous experiences as possible into educational program (Ghuman, 2010). The essay focuses on the theoretical and practical use of these topics in the business operations. The descriptions of all four topics are as follows: Marketing Management Marketing management basically is the act of selecting and targeting various markets and establishing good relationships with them in terms of resources of the company. The marketing managers are accountable for running a company to various markets by setting effective marketing tactics and approaches based on the information gathered by the research of market. Managers also research the market in order to define the needs and want of the customers and come up with the products that can satisfy the needs of the customers. Marketing is basically used to identify the customers, to satisfy them and to keep connected them with the company (Armstrong Cunningham, 2012). Marketing management is one of the major components of the business management. There are various definitions of marketing given by many scholars and authors. Marketing can be defined as social and managerial process by which individuals and groups are able to achieve what they want by creating, providing and exchanging th e products of value with others (Baker, 2003). The term marketing concepts states that achieving organizational objectives depends upon the needs and requirements of the target customers and providing them desired satisfactions. In order to satisfy the organizational objectives, the companies should focus on the needs and wants of the customers effectively (Bickhoff, Hollensen Opresnik, 2014). Digital marketing and communication The term digital marketing are basically used in order to signify the management and implementation of marketing by the digital media tools such as internet, email and mobile technology. Essentially, companies are using digital marketing as an important part of their marketing function. It can be said modern technologies have capabilities to do marketing on the advanced level. According to Kotler (2012), the information technology basically deals with researching, collecting, analyzing, organizing and controlling information. Digital technologies are able to cover almost every aspect of marketing communications and traditional media channels (Kotler et al, 2012). Digital promotions are very precise and a significant part of the marketing communication mix. Digital media is not only the means of communication but also a technique of allotment of products and servicers among the customers. Marketers and managers are learning how to use and recognize up-and-coming technologies i.e. soci al media, analyzing how to make effective strategic decisions which would enable them to make best utilization of the technology in the business operations (Epstein Yuthas, 2007). International strategy At the time of globalization, companies are expanding their businesses in the international markets. The study of international marketing includes an understanding of marketing in the global context. According to the American Marketing Association (AMA), Global marketing is the global procedure of setting up the formation, costing, endorsement and sharing of ideas, products and services in order to convince the customers and organizational goals. In the international strategies, marketing activities are undertaken in various countries and the activities are coordinated across the nations. In the world of international marketing, government agencies, governments, profit seeking and non-profit companies are involved (Pealoza, Toulouse Visconti, 2013). International marketing is selling abroad, licensing, contracting or direct entrance of the marketing company into a new country. This can be attained by selling the product into a new country, entry by contracting in the target country or direct venture in the overseas country. The improvement of marketing mix of the company needs global marketing. This can be described as the expansion of existing marketing tactics with the customization of marketing mix i.e. product, price, place and promotion for the specific country. Strategic Management Strategy is the complex concept that includes various processes and activities within a company. Strategic management is the study of planning, executing, and analyzing the cross-functional resolution that allows the company to attain the organizational goals and objectives. Strategic management focuses on incorporating management, research and development economics and accounting, marketing, manufacture or functions, and information system to get success in the business. The term strategic management is the synonyms with the term strategic planning. The objective of strategic management is to create new and various chances for the upcoming years. The strategic management process includes three stages i.e. strategy formulation, strategy implementation, and strategy evaluation. Not every organization has unlimited resources so alternative strategies will benefit the company most. By fostering interaction and communication among employees and managers, strategic management is helpful a companys function as the competitive team in the market (Cravens Piercy, 2013). Critical analysis In current time, marketing is dynamic and interactive. It includes new and advanced technology and creates new ways of engaging, reaching and keeping the customers. Because of cost effectiveness and accessibility, marketing management and digital marketing in the big as well as small businesses are providing a remarkable growth and opportunities in the global market. Marketing plays an important role in the business world today as it is the central to the success of the business. The critical analysis of all four subjects is given below: The marketing covers wide range of interrelated business activities. Main and basic concern of marketing management is to identify and satisfy the specific needs of the customers by the specific products and services in order to gain profit. In the market, competition is coming from all the directions. Global competitors seek to grow the sales in the new market, and online competitors seek cost-effective ways to expand distribution. Marketing is the managerial function which includes various activities like research into markets, product planning, demand forecasting, distribution and advertising. In the international marketing, there are some marketing strategies for the successful business operations at the global level (Gupta, Sahi Chahal, 2013). Table 1: International marketing Further, there are various types of marketing i.e. relationship marketing, social media marketing, Meta marketing and De-marketing. In case of digital marketing and communications, companies are able to connect with billions of people around the world by the internet. Internet connects people within the company, facilitates communications and connects the company with the trading partners (Basil, 2011). Figure 1: Digital Marketing (Source: Basil, 2011) Interconnection of subjects Marketing management, strategic management, digital marketing and communication and international strategy are the concept of management which is effective in solving business problems and promoting management practices. There are various theories and models in the modern marketing management which are useful for the companies to take effective decisions in the business. This can be understood by an example of Coca Cola business practices. Coca-Cola had to face controversies in the business and labor practices in few countries. The allegations were made against Coca-Colas practices in Columbia, trade practices in Mexico and environmental and product issues in India. In order to deal with this issue, Coca-Cola conducted the business with the responsibility and strategy. The companys business practices have objectives to create value for the customers, provide positive working environment and quality products. Coca-Cola has one brand strategy and tastes the feeling campaign to operate in the global market. Examples of theoretical, applied and reflective skills By the study of marketing and management theories, I realized that marketing theories are important for a company to expand the business in the new market. I studied the case of a famous company Starbucks which has adopted marketing mix theory to enter in various countries. Marketing mix of the company is as follows: Product- Cappuccino, Expresso, Brood Coffee, and various flavored drink Price- High prices for the quality products Distribution- Online and social media platforms i.e. Twitter, FaceBook, Google Plus, SEO and Email Communication- Social media tools to communicate along with email marketing and innovative messages Further, in case of the theories of strategic marketing, I researched on popular clothing product company Marks and Spencer. The company has adopted strategic marketing theories i.e. Ansoff Matrix to deal with the competitors in the new market. Market Penetration- Marks and Spencer penetrate the market by the promotional campaigns by ecommerce, competitive pricing strategy and sales promotion. Product development- In the new product development, the company is providing some services like events, parties and wedding to display their products among the customers. Market Development- Company is selling existing product in the new market in the growing demographic areas by innovative marketing strategies. Diversification- Marks and Spencer are using this strategy in the rising economies like India, Russia and other western countries in order to promote innovative products. Theories related to subject There are various theories and models in marketing management, Digital marketing and communication, international strategy and strategic management. The theories are helpful in solving business related problems. In marketing management, there are theories related to marketing practices i.e. marketing mix, Porters five forces, SWOT analysis, marketing environment, Segmenting and PESTEL analysis (Bose, 2012). In the strategic management, there are Ansoff Matrix, Balanced Scorecard, Stakeholder mapping, GE matrix, Maslows hierarchy of needs and Boston Consulting Group Matrix. These theories are helpful for the companies to take important decisions in the business like product manufacturing, branding, positioning, market expansion and pricing strategies (Alam, 2014). In case of digital marketing and communication, Game theory, network theory, collective intelligence, and generational theory are important theories. These theories are helpful for the companies to interact with the customer s through digital media tools. International marketing includes the new value chain theory, and transaction cots analysis model. The marketing and management theories are helpful for the companies to deal with the business issues. The theories are helpful in the described ways i.e. Framing the right problem, Developing effective and end-state vision, Identifying the alternatives and benchmarking, Evaluation of alternatives, Identifying and understanding risk, Developing and implementing solutions, and Analyzing the results Use of theories in business problems Lets take an example of Whirlpools product improvement and brand name building tactics in India which is all about recreating the lost magic among the customers. In order to compete with various competitors in the market, company achieved leadership in the direct cool-refrigerator division by segmentation and target market theories. Company had done promotion aggressively by the marketing mix theories in order to come back in the appliances segment (Hooley, Piercy Nicoulaud, 2012). Further, another case is related to Lenovos brand building strategies to deal with the competitors in the China market with transactional model. In the international business, Lenovo has tried to build own brand image in the global level. With the transactional model, company is competing with the leading brands i.e. HP, Dell and Accer. This theory is helpful for the company to operate at the bigger level (Baines, Fill Page, 2011). Next, Adidas is the biggest sporting goods maker has to face strong competitive rivalry fro Reebok International Ltd in the US market. Adidas has faced issues to expand in the global market. After that Adidas used SWOT and PESTE analysis of US market and launched new marketing and branding strategy to attract the customers (Lynn et al, 2011). Further, in US market, Nivea has used Ansoff matrix and Boston Consulting Group Matrix for the brand extension. Company used clear benefit concept to promote the growth in Asia, Eastern Europe market and Latin American market. The company was successful in the new product rollouts by maintaining consistency in the brand message. To increase global market share, company launched various new initiatives (Dibb, Simkin, Pride Ferrell, 2012). Critical reflection In terms of self-reflection on this paper, I found this study very useful and I believe that my understanding and ability have augmented after learning the role and importance of these four topics i.e. marketing management, Digital marketing and communication, international strategy and strategic management in the business. My knowledge related to marketing has been significantly expanded including international tactics to marketing challenges. In fact, I learned that the activities and practices of marketing for the business have much complex because of the impact of globalization. By the marketing management theories, I found that usual strategic tools for business operations like SWOT and PESTEL analysis took a new significance while looking at the point of view of international perspective. By the study of these four subjects, I got to know how to capture global marketing opportunities by providing real-life case studies from global business world. I realized that traditional mar keting mix elements have now become too complicated while trying to implement global settings (Pride, W. Ferrel, 2008). I understood by the international marketing that internet transformed the business successful and it also affects the marketing aspect of the business as well. There are various internet marketing methods like Facebook, viral marketing, blogging and YouTube etc. in this way, I learned that global marketing is very vibrant and organizations in the global market need to be proactive in order to get benefits by innovational advertising methods. I found that new product development for the global market is more difficult as compared to new product development for the local market as product life cycle was found to be shorter in the global market because of high level of rivalry there. So, marketing managers need to have good knowledge about domestic as well as international market in order to eliminate the issues and problems in the business. References Alam, M.M., (2014), Market Orientation and Innovation: Are They Related Concepts: International Journal of Trends in Economics Management and Technology, 3(6), pp. 1721 Armstrong, G., Cunningham, M. H., (2012),Principles of marketing, Australia: Pearson publication Baines, P., Fill, C. Page, K. 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