Friday, May 31, 2019
Exploring Classical Theism and Physicalism :: Religion
Exploring Classical Theism and PhysicalismABSTRACT Could a classical theist be a physicalist? Although a negative answer to this question may attend obvious, it turns out that a case can be made for the consistency of a variant of classical theism and global supervenience materialism. Although intriguing, the case ultimately fails due to the weakness of global supervenience as an account of the dependence of mental on physical properties.Physicalism is popular these days, and to a lesser extent so is classical theism. It should and then come as no surprise that a number of theists are bent on combining theism with physicalism. But could a classical theist be a physicalist? Is this a coherent doctrinal combination? The classical theist affirms the metaphysically necessary existence of a concrete, purely spiritual, being upon which every new(prenominal) concrete being is ontologically dependent. The physicalist, however, is committed to the proposition that everything, or at least everything concrete, is any physical or determined by the physical. To be a cunt more precise, physicalism is usefully viewed as the conjunction of an inventory thesis which specifies physicalistically admissible individuals and a determination thesis which specifies physicalistically admissible properties.(1) What the inventory thesis says, at a first approximation, is that every concretum is either a physical item or composed of physical items. As for the determination thesis, what it says is that physical property-instantiations determine all other property-instantiations equivalently, every nonphysical property-instantiation supervenes on physical property-instantiations. These rough characterizations suggest that theism and physicalism logically exclude one another. If God as classically conceived exists, then the inventory thesis is violated not every concrete entity is either physical or composed of physical items. And if God exists, it would also appear that the determina tion thesis is flouted Gods instantiation of his omni-attributes does not supervene on His instantiation of any physical properties He has none. So at first glance it seems almost crashingly obvious that the classical theist cannot be a physicalist.But this smatter cannot end just yet. For when we get down to the details of formulating precise versions of both the inventory and determination theses, it turns out that there is a way to attempt the satisfaction of theism and physicalism. It is the viability of this way that I aim to explore. But first some background.Towards Nonreductive PhysicalismI will take it for granted that a plausible version of physicalism cannot be either eliminativist or reductionist.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Dissociative Identity Disorder :: essays research papers
My topic of natural selection for this research newsprint is Dissociative Identity trouble oneself or DID. This agnomen is rather new thitherfore, most are more familiar with the disobliges older, less technical name Multiple Personality Disorder or MPD. When kickoff presented with the project of selecting a topic on which to center this paper, I immediately dismissed Dissociative Identity Disorder (which for the sake of brevity get out be referred to as DID for the remainder of this paper) as a viable topic due to the sheer scope of the disorder. However after an exhaustive examination of new(prenominal) prospective topics, I found myself back at my original choice. There are several reasons why I chose DID. The foremost of which is the widespread fascination of this disorder by legion(predicate) different types of people most of whom otherwise have no interest in psychology or its associated fields. One would be laborious pressed to adjust someone who hasnt been capti vated at one time or another by the extraordinary, all too well cognise symptoms of this disorder. This fascination boldness I say allure to this disorder is exemplified by the myriad of motion pictures that have been produced based on cases, real or fictitious, of DID. some other reason for my choice is what I feel is the insufficiency of effective treatments for DID. Despite what is kn birth about this disorder, (which is relatively a lot) there are only 2 chief treatments for DID the first and most prevalent is psychotherapy also known as talk therapy, the second is medication. The third and final reason for my choice is my own enchantment with DID. I must admit that ever since I read about Sue Tinker, a woman who was diagnosed with over 200 different personalities. In writing this paper I hope to discover more about this disorder and perhaps be able to identify a few areas that I feel office require more research on the part of psychologists specializing in DID.What is Diss ociative Identity Disorder? A proper explanation of DID necessitates a dissection of the name itself. dissociation is a mental process, which produces a lack of connection in a persons thoughts, memories, feelings, actions, or sense of identity.1 In other words, there is a spread in the way in which these usually integrated functions communicate. Daydreaming, highway hypnosis, or getting lost in a book or movie are all examples of very mild dissociation.Dissociative Identity Disorder essays research papers My topic of choice for this research paper is Dissociative Identity Disorder or DID. This appellation is rather new therefore, most are more familiar with the disorders older, less technical name Multiple Personality Disorder or MPD. When first presented with the task of selecting a topic on which to center this paper, I immediately dismissed Dissociative Identity Disorder (which for the sake of brevity will be referred to as DID for the remainder of this paper) as a viable t opic due to the sheer scope of the disorder. However after an exhaustive examination of other prospective topics, I found myself back at my original choice. There are several reasons why I chose DID. The foremost of which is the widespread fascination of this disorder by many different types of people most of whom otherwise have no interest in psychology or its associated fields. One would be hard pressed to find someone who hasnt been captivated at one time or another by the extraordinary, all too well known symptoms of this disorder. This fascination dare I say allure to this disorder is exemplified by the myriad of motion pictures that have been produced based on cases, real or fictitious, of DID. Another reason for my choice is what I feel is the insufficiency of effective treatments for DID. Despite what is known about this disorder, (which is relatively a lot) there are only two chief treatments for DID the first and most prevalent is psychotherapy also known as talk therapy, the second is medication. The third and final reason for my choice is my own enchantment with DID. I must admit that ever since I read about Sue Tinker, a woman who was diagnosed with over 200 different personalities. In writing this paper I hope to discover more about this disorder and perhaps be able to identify a few areas that I feel might require more research on the part of psychologists specializing in DID.What is Dissociative Identity Disorder? A proper explanation of DID necessitates a dissection of the name itself. Dissociation is a mental process, which produces a lack of connection in a persons thoughts, memories, feelings, actions, or sense of identity.1 In other words, there is a disruption in the way in which these usually integrated functions communicate. Daydreaming, highway hypnosis, or getting lost in a book or movie are all examples of very mild dissociation.
The Problem of Feminism in Female Art Essay -- Essays Papers
The Problem of Feminism in Female Art A review of the worlds great artists conjures familiar images Michelangelos Sistine Chapel Vincent Van Goghs Starry Night Pablo Picassos The Tragedy. There are many more, of course Monet, Moya, Warhol, Rembrandt, Kandinsky. What is at present noticeable, however, upon any brief study of art, is the significant absence of women as heralded artistsnot only in our ancient pasts, but even today, amongst valiant efforts for sexuality equality. The question Why occupy there been no great women artists? has been debated since the 1970s, when historian Linda Nochlin released her book of a similar name. In the decades that have followed, the number of women pursuing facts of life and careers in the arts has risen drastically more women than ever are attempting to make a living as artists. Yet feminists are not meet despite the growing numbers of women in the art world, female artists attempts at recognition have been dramatically less succe ssful than those of their male counterparts. Feminist artists have been surveying since the womens movement to create some kind of forum for womens art in a history dominated by dangerous ol boys. Yet the political stereotypes which surround feminism have caused some female artists to disassociate themselves with the concept. More and more women are choosing to delve into a profession where their work will very much remain subdued, and where their individual contributions will likely remain unheralded. This increase, certainly, is a hard-fought victory for women the increase indicates increased awareness and prospect for women artists. However, some contemporary female artists argue that feminisms effort to reach the propr... ...onal interview. 22 Mar. 1998. Chadwick, Whitney. Women, Art and Society. New York Thames and Hudson Inc, 1990. Crowell, Susan Elizabeth. Reflections on a Feminist Aesthetic. studio apartment Potter 20 (1991) 89-98. Dworkin, Andrea. F eminism, Art, and My Mother Sylvia. Social Policy, May/June 1975. Guerrilla Girls. Online Available. http//, (assessed March 22, 1999). Mayer, Monica. On Life and Art as a Feminist. Online Avaliable http//, N. Paradoxa 1.9, 22 Mar. 1999. Morse, Marcia. Feminist esthetics and the Spectrum of Gender. Philosophy East and West 42 (1992) 287-296. Strawter, Lisa Marie. Statistic compilation. Online Available. http// http//, (assessed March 22, 1999).
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
The Mortal Deity: Helen and the God-like Trait :: Iliad Greek Gods Greece Essays
The relationship between the gods and mortals of ancient Greece is one of the most interesting topics to analyze. These gods watch over their favorite mortals, meddle in their business, and have issue affairs with them. At times selfish and conniving, the gods often appear to be as flawed as the humans who worship them are. There is, however, still a distinct separation between deity and mortal. From the evidence I have seen in The Iliad, I believe that this distinction is based on something I vocal a god-like trait. If a human reacts towards this trait in the wrong way, and believes he embodies this trait at the level equal or surpassing to that of the gods, tragedy occurs to the human. This sneak in self-recognition will lead to severe consequences unless the mortal repents and accepts his humanity. In The Iliad, Helen makes the mistake of false divinity, and it is her error in associating herself as the paragon of a god-like trait and in refusing to repent that lead s to her ruin. The definition of a god-like trait must first be established before the analysis of Helens behavior can be in all understood. The gods in The Iliad present themselves as having at least one specific trait that they alone can boast of. These gods are the standard for excellence for some(prenominal) trait it may be. For example, Zeus was the model of strength, Aphrodite the standard for a beautiful woman, and Apollo the master of archery. For a human to display god-like behavior, the human declares he is the best, conflicting with the inclose that the gods are the best at what they do. If the human tries to step beyond his status in his declaration or display, the gods would be offended and severe consequences usually follow. Hubris as well as plays a large role in god-like behavior, intertwining with it and causing a vicious circle. A god-like trait causes hubris because the mortal thinks that he displays the standard of excellence actually open up in the gods. This hubris then would cause the trait to become even more divine and less mortal, leaving the man believing that he is above the gods referable to this outstanding trait. Because of the trap this trait creates, it is important to be able to identify it.
Teenage Suicide Essays -- Teenage Suicide Essays
Teenage self-annihilationEach day 86 Americans take their own lives and another 1,500 attempts to do so. yet more disturbing is that suicide among a teen people nation wide have increased dramatically in recent years. In circumstance thousands of teenagers each year commit suicide. It is the third leading cause of death among young adults aged 15-24. With the first two leading causes being unintentional dishonor and homicide. There be many reasons why teenagers feel the need to take their own life. They ar at a time in their life where they be strongly feeling stress, confusion, self doubt, pressure to succeed, and other fears while growing. Among the probable causes of teenage suicide are family problems, stress, drug and alcohol abuse, and depression. Depression and suicidal tendencies are caused by society today. What adolescents do not understand is that depression is a disease (Empfield, 2). With the proper medical treatment as well as psychiatric treatment one can over come depression.For some teenagers, divorce, the formation of a new family or moving to a new community can be very unsettling. Leaving behind comfort when moving can result in anger toward parents, which is usually taken out at school or even on other children. The formation of a new family itself can be traumatic. What one child knew so well such as a father or mother, sisters and brothers, can be broken when they are replaced with new, particularly strange people who now have to share a home with this adolescent. every(prenominal) day in America, 2,989 see their parents divorce (Empfield, 62). Young children take divorce the hardest for many reasons. It can even put them in a state of confusion. Since these young children are still growing, some of them still do not know wh... ...many adolescents in this country. Many adolescents do not realize that depression and suicidal feelings are treatable mental disorders. The first step is to recognize the illness. Thousands of books ha ve tried to answer the question of why people kill themselves. To be summarized into three words to fall apart pain. Sometimes the pain is physical, as in chronic or terminal illness. More often it is emotional, caused by a myriad of problems. In any case, suicide is not a random or senseless act, but an effective, if extreme, solution.Works CitedDew, Diane. The Troubles Teens Face. Http//, Maureen. Understanding Teenage Depression. New York Henry Holt,2001.Kerns, Laurence L. Helping Your Depressed Child. Rockin Prima Publishing, 1993.Suicide in the United States. Http//
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Cyberspace and Internet Censorship Essay -- Argumentative Persuasive E
Cyberspace and meshing CensorshipGovernments of the Industrial World, you weary giants of flesh and steel, I come from Cyberspace the Internet, the new home of Mind. On behalf of the future, I intercommunicate you of the past to leave us alone. You are not welcome among us. You hold in no sovereignty where we gather (Barlow 18). The Internet is a vast network of computers, two public and private, which spans the globe. Recently, there has been a movement by governments worldwide, and the United States government in particular, to remove content deemed inappropriate from the Internet. However, numerous itemors such as the copiousness of less restrictive alternatives, the impossibility of applying American law and community standards to an international communications medium, the active choice required to access the Internets resources, the violation of our constitutional rights which it entails, and the occurrence that it is the parents and not the governments responsibility to protect children contradict this rash and poorly thought out idea. While censorship is intolerable in all its forms, it is especially odious, inappropriate, and unworkable when applied to the Internet, an international medium of free speech, culture, and communication. The Internet began as a link between major universities and government computer centers to facilitate the sharing of information and allow certain universities to utilize the few existing supercomputing centers. With the advent and popularization of the personal computer and the increased use and development of modems, the size and capabilities of the Internet have exploded. The nature of the Internet is such that it is very difficult, if not impossible, to determine its size at a given mo... ...because they may inadvertently happen upon objectionable material. The resources of the Internet deserve the same treatment. Censorship is unnecessary and inappropriate with regards to the Internet. Numerous less-restricti ve means of protecting the public, the global nature of the Internet, the active choice required to access the resources of the Internet, the fact that Internet censorship violates the First amendment, and the parental and personal nature of regulating the Internet all contradict the idea of Internet censorship. The Internet has the potential to tip over our society and bring us full into the information age. The information superhighway is not centuries or decades away, but just around the corner. Let us tackle to aid the growth of this technology and its respective culture in any way possible, and thus propel ourselves into the future.
Cyberspace and Internet Censorship Essay -- Argumentative Persuasive E
Cyberspace and earnings CensorshipGovernments of the Industrial World, you weary giants of flesh and steel, I come from Cyberspace the Internet, the new home of Mind. On behalf of the future, I ask you of the past to leave us alone. You are not welcome among us. You have no sovereignty where we gather (Barlow 18). The Internet is a capacious network of computers, both public and private, which spans the globe. Recently, there has been a movement by governments worldwide, and the United States government in particular, to remove content deemed inappropriate from the Internet. However, numerous factors such(prenominal) as the abundance of less restrictive alternatives, the impossibility of applying American law and community standards to an international communications medium, the active choice require to access the Internets resources, the intrusion of our constitutional rights which it entails, and the fact that it is the parents and not the governments responsibility to protect children contradict this rash and poorly thought out idea. While censorship is intolerable in each(prenominal) its forms, it is especially odious, inappropriate, and unworkable when applied to the Internet, an international medium of free speech, information, and communication. The Internet began as a link between major universities and government computer centers to assuage the sharing of information and allow certain universities to utilize the few existing supercomputing centers. With the advent and popularization of the personal computer and the increased use and development of modems, the sizing and capabilities of the Internet have exploded. The nature of the Internet is such that it is very difficult, if not impossible, to determine its size at a given mo... ...because they may inadvertently rule upon objectionable material. The resources of the Internet deserve the same treatment. Censorship is unnecessary and inappropriate with regards to the Internet. Numerous less-res trictive means of protecting the public, the global nature of the Internet, the active choice required to access the resources of the Internet, the fact that Internet censorship violates the First amendment, and the parental and personal nature of regulating the Internet all contradict the idea of Internet censorship. The Internet has the potential to revolutionize our society and bring us full into the information age. The information superhighway is not centuries or decades away, but just around the corner. let us attempt to aid the growth of this technology and its respective culture in any way possible, and thus propel ourselves into the future.
Monday, May 27, 2019
An Evil Cradling †Into the dark †use of language Essay
Throughout the chapter Into The Dark, Keenan goes through some distinct phases of mental states, from each one ca utilize by a previous one and ultimately by his imprisonment. He uses a various range of strong descriptions to portray his condition, ideas, thoughts and impressions. The unusual syntax used throughout the chapter conveys the states of mind which he goes though, guiding the reader into the prisoners world. Keenan uses various techniques to convey the feeling of human degradation that he went through during the firstly period of his captivity.One of these is the enumeration of adjectives or nouns which communicate the misery to which he was lessen to. Such examples include the old, ragged, filthy cover which suggest the grimy good deal in which he had to live in. The excrement, sweat, the perspiration emphasise this obloquy through which he goes. Sweat and perspiration imply oppressive heat, a sensation of neediness of air. The excrement implies that in this already o ppressive space, Keenan is reduced to sleeping in the smell of his own filth. This feeling is further emphasised by the reference work squat down over it. Defecate on it. I defecate ( ) and then I c befully wrap my excrement These short, blunt sentences imply that Keenan wants to drag his condition as close to reality as possible, therefore not sparing the reader from any brusque or less polite words, because he was not spargond from any unpleasantness either. The enumerations suggest the plentiful reasons of his never ending human degradation and exposure to filth. Keenan exposit himself as a bag of flesh and scrape, a heap of offal tossed unwanted in the watershed of this filthy room. This portrayal of himself, of flesh and heap of offal is dehumanizing as it reduces him to something repulsive and purely physical, thus overlooking the details that makes him human, such(prenominal) as feelings, mind and judgement. He is tossed in the corner, therefore not valuable for anyone. The fact that he is thrown in a filthy corner further emphasise his lack of value and signifi gagece. All these show how Keenans self esteem and dignity was crushed, and he as a person was reduced to nothing more than a worthless and abhorrent body.This conveys the extreme human degradation though which he goes. Keenans lack of stimuli and life are described throughout the chapter, which gives the reader and idea of the feeling of endless emptiness though which the hostages go. Referring to his urine and drinking water going From bottle to bottle, through me, this fluid testament daily run, Keenan uses these endless cycles of life to symbolise the monotonous days of his captivity. The phase from bottle to bottle and though me suggest a continuous flow, composition the word daily informs us of the length of one standard cycle.Keenan seems to live the same tedious days over and over again, making him feel lifeless and purposeless. The syntax of his writing implies dullness, repetiti on and lack of life as well. The phase No sound, no noise, nothing. Yet I try to force this scream. Why foot I not scream? But no noise comes from me. Not even a faint echo of cry. I am full with nothing. is a very good example for this point. His sentences are very short, implying the lack of thing and stimuli to talk about. Why can I not scream? is almost a rhetoric question as he has no one to get an answer from.This highlights the lack of stuff to think about. And there are some sentences which are just an enumeration of words, like No sound, no noise, nothing. The repetition of no and nothing throughout this chapter father emphasise the lack of stimuli, as there are no objects, persons or phenomena to ponder about. In the end the narrator expresses his despair by confessing that he is full with nothing, implying his frantic need of something that he can think about, that can occupy his brain. Due to this prolonged lack of stimuli, Keenan becomes temporarily mentally unbalan ced, with his senses going out of control.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Discuss Biological Explanations of Schizophrenia Essay
re are several different explanations for the trouble schizophrenia. One of these explanations is the biological model. This model explains schizophrenia through biological faults, for example viral infections and brain abnormalities.Genetic FactorsSome psychologists say that schizophrenia can be passed down generations, meaning that some people inherit the disorder from their parents.Twin research has consistently shown that identical twins arrest a greater risk of developing schizophrenia, if their twin has the disorder, than non-identical twins. Gottesman put together monozygotic twins form a concordance pose of 48%, whilst dizygotic twins have a concordance rate of 17%.Evaluation of Genetic FactorsThis research shows that in that respect is a definite correlation between genetics and the risk of developing schizophrenia.However, no twin research has found a 100% concordance rate therefore it is impossible the say that genes definitely cause schizophrenia, as other factors c learly have an influence.Also, some psychologists argue that the high concordance rates found could be caused by being brought up in a family with a schizophrenic, so the child mimics the schizophrenic behaviour, rather than by genetics.The dopamine HypothesisThe dopamine hypothesis says that schizophrenia is caused by an increased reaction to dopamine in the brain. This could be because there is too much of the hormone dopamine in the brain, or conversely because there is an abnormally high number of dopamine sense organs in the brain. This model says the excess sensitivity to dopamine results in the brain causes the symptomsof schizophrenia.Evaluation of the Dopamine HypothesisAutopsies have found an unusually high number of dopamine receptors in the brain of schizophrenics (Owen et al, 1987), however, this evidence is varied and inconclusive.Grilly (2002) found that patients who suffered from Parkinsons and took the drug L-dopa, which increases dopamine levels, showed signs of sc hizophrenic symptoms. This suggests the increase in dopamine could result in schizophrenia.Problems with this explanationThere are problems of the dopamine hypothesis. One is that antipsychotic drugs, which block dopamine receptor dont always help patients. This suggests something else must cause schizophrenia as well otherwise the drugs would help all the patients.Brain dysfunction utilise brain imaging techniques, such as P.E.T scans, researchers have found many schizophrenics have enlarged ventricles, on average 15% larger than normal. Some psychologists trust that the increase in the size of these ventricles is what leads to the schizophrenic symptoms.EvaluationThe brain imaging scans support this explanation in itself, its clear that a lot of schizophrenics have different brain structures to normal people, so there must be some correlation between the two.Research by Meyer-Lindenberg (2002) found that reduced practise of the prefrontal cortex is linked to dopamine abnormaliti es. This could provide anexplanation of why brain dysfunction could cause schizophrenia, not show a correlation.Viral transmittalSome researchers suggest that brain abnormalities that lead to schizophrenia could be caused by viral infection. For example, contracting diseases such as Flu or Syphilis in the womb may relate to developing schizophrenia in later lifeEvaluation of Viral TheoryTorrey (2000) found that more schizophrenics are born(p) in the winter, when it is cold and exposure to viruses is higher, than in other months. Although this link is only correlational it suggests viruses do affect the chance of developing schizophrenia
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Martin Luther King Essay
I have a fancy was one of the most powerful and influential obstetrical deliveryes of all time, it not solely created the realisation that the total darkness was not free, it persuaded that of white people to make a change for the benefit of the African Americans. The African American civil rights movement was move forward only two individuals created a greater atmosphere for the reinforcement of the movement, sure William Wilberforce abolished the slave trade for Britain in 1807, and that was just the start, but 203 years subsequent the African Americans atomic number 18 now equal.It took time but nonetheless it happened. In essence the African American civil rights movement was Martin Luther fags dream, and that dream has come true. Martin Luther King, Jr. was born on January 15, 1929, in Atlanta, Georgia He was the middle child from a family of five. Growing up in Atlanta, King attended Booker T. Washington High School. An intelligent student, he graduated from Morehouse w ith a Bachelor of Arts degree in sociology. The flock boycott of 1955 was the first yard in kings revolutionary ideas. The boycott lasted 382 long time.After which the Supreme Court of the United States had declared the laws requiring segregation on buses as illegal, Negroes and whites rode the buses as equals. During these pissed solar days of boycott, King was arrested, but after he was released, he emerged as the Negro leader. King came from a domain where he was part of an inferior race, it was this very domain that needed to change and martin Luther King Jr was the one to start the changes that would soon shape the world. The bus boycott was just the beginning of his incredible contribution.Martin Luther King Jr then went on to be one of the most influential people among those who changed the world for the better he died fighting the cause of justice that is now known as the African American civil rights movement. King wanted a better world where his children were not su bjects to racial oppression and judged not by their skin colour but by their character and personality, where the coloured man was equal to the white man, Martin Luther king Jr was so inspired and passionate ab give away change to come about, and he started the bus boycott, taking a stand for what was righteous.The fact that Martin Luther was an African American himself was just as much motivation for his actions and dedication to the African American civil rights movement. Martin Luther king Jr understood the pain caused by racial discrimination and through understanding this pain first hand, made him realise that he wanted to make a change and through doing so, started the bus boycott in 1955.Martin Luther king was so inspired to eventually give his most well known speech which is I have a dream, this speech changed the African American revolution and spoke to every person in the world, whether you were a man of colour or not, it comfort had meaning, he tell that we should treat all people equally and not judge someone by the colour of their skin but by the content of their character. He was inspired and became an influential person for many. John Kennedy came from a rich and privileged Irish-American family. Even so, the family had to leave Boston, and move to New York.In Boston, the family had been held at arms length by those rich families who saw their Irish background as vulgar and the familys wealth as lacking figure. The Kennedys hoped that the much cosmopolitan New York would allow them to access high society. This introduction to bigotry and discrimination should have given Kennedy some kind of empathic understanding of what life was like for African Americans. However, the opposite would appear to be true. However, during the presidential campaign and after he was nominated for the Democrats, Kennedy made it clear in his speeches that he was a supporter of civil rights.Some saw the opposition to the 1957 Act as understandable from a political point of view. Others have pick out a more cynical view which is that Kennedy recognised that he needed the Black Vote if he was to beat Nixon. Hence why he said in his campaign speeches that discrimination stained America. Kennedy did not exploit the African American civil rights movement as a scheme to gain more votes, Kennedy wanted the African Americans to be equal, so he took their side, He wanted a better world where blacks and whites were equal, through martin Luther king Jrs dream, Kennedy also had a vision of this dream where everyone was equal.A world where everyone is not equal is hardly a world at all, and john F Kennedy was a supporter of the unsanded world, he was inspired both through getting the black vote and making a change for the better, with a vision of the new world. Kennedy helped shape the world to what it is today with equality and harmony through all individuals no matter what the race or colour or religion. Within the three speeches in which I have chose n to analyse, there are three main techniques that all three discourseers use. These techniques help to make the speeches more effective and have a deeper impact. repetition is a key point throughout all these speeches, in martin Luther kings speech he keeps repeating about the dream he has I have a dream that one day , The dream is a frame for the future and sets the stage for the rest of the record books. Dream is vague aspiration. One day starts to make it specific. This creates an ambience throughout the audience when he begins to share his dream, those words I have a dream is constantly repeated so that the audience remembers his dream, and even today it is a prominent speech.In JFKs speech he repeats the phrase It ought to be executable he gives examples of what should be possible. It ought to be possible for American consumers of any colour to receive equal service in places of public accommodation. It ought to be possible, in short, for every American to enjoy the privi leges of being American without regard to his race or his colour this helps the listeners and viewers to get an idea of the dream that both JFK and martin Luther king Jr share. He highlights the importance of what is ought to be like to be an American.Furthermore all speakers use emotive language, in martin Luther king Jrs speech emotive language is everywhere, One hundred years later, the Negro is still languished in the corners of American society and finds himself an exile in his own land. And so weve come here today to dramatize a shameful condition. We immediately step sympathetic to the Negros because of the oppression that they face in everyday life, martin Luther king uses emotive language in several occasions within his speech both for effect and to get people to realise how harsh negros are treated in society. We preach freedom around the world, and we mean it, and we cherish our freedom here at home, but are we to say to the world, and much more importantly, to each oth er that this is a land of the free leave off for the Negroes JFK says this with passion as he repeats martin Luther kings dream and message, the negro is still not free regardless of this contradiction with the American voice of freedom.They speak of freedom and peace throughout the world yet, the Negro is still not free, Despite contradictory ideas within the American public, they are forced to feel generosity for the negro because of these words being spoken. Finally the use of personal pronouns within all three speeches. Martin Luther king specifies the Negro as his personal pronoun, the use of the word in his speech is not to offend but to educate that the African American is still not free he addresses the Negro people in the crowd and the world. But one hundred years later, the Negro still is not free.One hundred years later, the life of the Negro is still deplorably crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination But not only does he address these people, the speech is aimed at white people because they are the oppressors, yet martin Luther king decides to address the Negro as his collective, everyone who attended that speech was addressed, martin Luther king used personal pronouns to persuade and win everyplace his audience and he changed and aided the African American revolution for the better. In JFKs civil rights message he uses personal pronouns to win over and side with the audience members. Negro and American are the two personal pronouns used the most throughout this speech.These are used so that everyone is included within this speech, and hence everyone can be persuaded that a change is needed because they feel as if JFK is talking to them, the use of personal pronoun within all three speeches is used to persuade and win over the people receiving the speeches. I hope that every American, regardless of where he lives, will stop and examine his conscience about this and other related incidents. This is speaking out to all Americans in a way through the use of a personal pronoun.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
E-Myth Revisited: An Overview
Michael E. Gerber explains in his book The E-Myth Revisited his concept of why small occupancyes dont acidify. Something he calls the E-Myth or the entrepreneurial myth is the assumption that anyone who starts a art is an entrepreneur. An aspiring business individual can have something he calls an entrepreneurial rapture, this is when a technician is suddenly enamored by the urge to pullulate their technical trade that are ordinarily very good at and go into business for themselves. The fatal assumption is that estim commensurate beca usance someone has mastered their trade does not mean that they have the slightest clue of how a business causes.Gerber is the founder and CEO of E-Myth Worldwide, in the book he is walking Sarah, a distressed small business owner through the steps of how a successful business needs to be ran. Sarah explains to Gerber that she went into the pie making business troika long years ago, and things have not turned out the way she expected that th ey would by owning her own business. Sarah is like most small business owners, a technician who has mastered her trade who is now cursed by the fatal assumption of the E-Myth.She has made the mis concern that almost volume make when they go into business for themselves, to take on all the positions her business had to offer herself. Now un able-bodied to continue overworks in this way Gerber explains that every entrepreneur suffering from an entrepreneurial seizure imparting eventually experience the same thing. First exhilaration second terror third exhaustion and, finally, despair. (Gerber, 17) Gerber explains that in that location are trey different people inside a business owner the entrepreneur, the manager, and the technician.In most cases the technician is the most prevalent of all of a business owners personalities. The technician lives in the present. He is the worker, the labor, the one who gets things done. The work ethic of the technician is off the chart the only p roblem is that he is so busy working in his business that he neglects the work that needs to be done on the business to become a success. The Manager represents the past, He is the one in control of all of the business planning, without him on that engineer would be no mark, and everything would be unpredictable.More of a practical person he always has problems on his mind. When it comes to solving the problems the manager is the type of person that would smell out more comfortable taking the proven approach, one that is safe and already tested. Then there is the entrepreneur, the guy who convinced you in the startle place that there is no other way, you had to go into business for yourself and open up your own company. It is clear that he is the dreamer, living in the future dreaming of where he could take the business one day. He is the creative one who is always looking for new or innovative ways to do things.The problem with all of this is they usually dont work well togeth er. As the entrepreneur in you is fighting with the manager about some new innovative way the technician wint even listen because he is too busy at work trying to make money for the company the only way he knows how to physically do the job himself. When in harmony with each other these different personalities will make your business run efficient and effectively, but in most cases people aspiring to become successful business owners are unable to balance them together.Gerber goes on to explain that there are also deuce-ace different phases in a businesss intent. If you want to understand how to repair your business you need to understand where your business is standing in its life. infancy or the technicians stage is the first this is when the technician who is the owner is in control of everything. If you took him away there would be no business, it cannot run without him. It is easy to see that in order to move up and onto the next stage things would need to change.When the o wner realizes this, and he makes the notion to seek outside help this is known as the adolescence stage. When the right person is found this is when the owners personalities will be introduced to each other. The owner will now be forced to let other people do the things he only trusted himself to do before. When he starts to become comfortable is when he has moved into what Gerber calls the comfort zone. Eventually you will be forced to go outside your comfort zone, and either get small again, or to continue the way you are going and most likely fail.If they decide to move onwards with the business they will then move into the final stage he calls maturity and the entrepreneurial perspective. Businesses will still grow forever but from this point on the business is like a machine, every part has its specific job and it all works together. At this point without the owner the business will still work, he is not unneeded but should spend his meter looking at the business from an ent repreneurial perspective and spend his time working on his business not in it. The turn key revolution changed the many people perspectives of how a business should be ran and managed.The idea is that the business format franchises use should be what every business should be built off of whether they are going to franchise their company of not. Gerber argues that its not about what a business sells, that the real product of a business is its sales technique. Using the franchise prototype is what makes franchises so successful. It gives a business that chance to make authoritative it works, and if youre buying a franchise you already know that it is going to work. Gerber explains to Sarah that she needs to be working on her business, and not in it.He stresses to her that in order to be successful she it is imperative that her business and her life are two completely different things. Once understood then she can use the franchise prototype model to build her business with. What he means by working on her business and not in it is to spend her time applying the rules of the franchise prototype to better her business. Not to be working in your business actually performing the labor it requires to operate. He refers to the Model as jeopardize and explains to Sarah the rules she will have to follow in order to win1. The model will provide consistent value to your customers, employees, suppliers, and lenders, beyond what they expect. 2. The model will be operated by people with the lowest possible level of skill. 3. The model will stand out as a place of impeccable order. 4. All work in the models will be documented in operations manuals. 5. The model will provide a uniformly predicable service to the customer. 6. The model will engage a uniform color, dress, and facilities code.In order to build a small business that works you will need to use the usiness development process. A three part process that starts with innovation, to make sure that everything being done is in its absolute best way possible. Quantification is the next part, if you didnt quantify everything that was done, how would you be able to know that your innovation made a difference in the numbers. Orchestration is the elimination of discretion, or choice, at the operating level of your business. (Gerber, 124) You need to be able to produce the same product, or service every time, by implementing the franchise prototype into orchestration.Once orchestrated you need to continue using the business development process, it is never ending. Sarah sits and listens to Gerber as he tells her what she will need to do in order to successfully implement the franchise prototype into her already existing business. The business development program is a systematic way of making the transition to the franchise prototype model. You must ask and document your answers to some questions. What is your primary repoint? This is what the owner truly wants to get out of their life.What is you st rategic objective? What you want your business to do for you, in reference to money, and if the opportunity is even worth pursuing. What is your organizational strategy? Organizing around peoples personalities, everyone is different, and prototyping the position. In this step you will need to make a positions contract identifying who is accountable for the various positions in the company. What is your management strategy? You will need to document your management system in detail how it will work to produce the results you desire.What is your people strategy? Making your people understand the wideness of their job. What are the rules of the game? It is different for depending on what line of work you are in but develop rules that work for your game. What is your marketing strategy? Through a demographics and psychographics of your target market you need to maximize sales. There are three types of systems in Gerbers system strategy. Hard systems he considers to be something with n o life and inanimate. The soft system would be the opposite of the sticky, anything with life.Information systems are any other system in business that provides you with data about soft and hard systems interacting. All of these systems never work independently, they are all co dependant on each other. Gerbers point to Sarah was that they are just like his business development program. All parts of it need to work together, in order to work towards becoming a successful business. Before reading this book my exposition of an entrepreneur was as it is defined in not only ours but just about every text book I have had throughout my education, someone who is a risk taker who starts their own business.Basically I would have considered an entrepreneur to be anyone who owned their own business. After reading this book I have come to realize that an entrepreneur is something completely different. The numbers dont lie Gerber tells us that eighty percent of businesses fail in the first five years, and that seventy five percent of all franchise format businesses succeed. It would be hard for anyone to argue that his systems dont work.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Rights and Freedoms of Aboriginal People over the Past Century
Rights and Freedoms of indigenous peck over the old Century The rights and libertys of Aboriginal Australians have changed tremendously over the past decade. The treatment given to the autochthonic population of Australia has been an aggravating issue, ever since the exsanguinen settlement in Australia. As a matter of protection, the Australian governments have implemented, rules, and policies such as, the polity of protection, assimilation, integration, paternalism, and self-determination, bit by bit taking away, and disempowering the Aboriginals, and their rights, and freedoms.Paternalism greatly affected individual Aboriginals. During the years of 1901 to 1914, many states and governments maintained similar attitudes and perspectives of the indigenous Australians. Predominantly, this perspective/attitude was based on the belief , that the Aboriginal population, were savages, uncivilised, and were regarded as much inferior or hold less mental capacity to determine what is best for them. This lead to paternalism. Paternalism is the meaning for Fatherly.This attitude light-emitting diode governments to take control over the Aboriginals, who are depicted to be un competent to act for themselves. This act forced aboriginal people out of their traditional lands, the white Australians considered the need for agriculture land is much important for them rather than the Aboriginals. By extracting the Aboriginals from their lands and placing them on reserves, and providing them with adequate supplies of food, and other supplies, was thought as humane. The policy of Assimilation changed the freedom and rights of individual Aboriginal Australian.This policy fostered aboriginal people to change their, way of life, and adapt to the culture of white people the individual aboriginals were expected to absorb and adapt to the white culture. This policy was depicted to be good for the indigenous population. The policy of Assimilation was difficult to enforce, as aborig inal people retaliated, and fought for the rights, and for the preservation of their culture and identity. This lead to the Stolen-generation which mixed the forceful removal of aboriginal children from their lands, and family. The children were then dispatched into institutions, or were adopted by white families.As a result the policy of Assimilation continued. The policy of protection was cogitate to the act of paternalism, which had two intentions that is to preserve and protect the aboriginals, and to educate the existing population, on western culture. From the intention of protecting the indigenous population, the aboriginals faced racism, discrimination, and the deterioration of their way of life. For casing under the policy aboriginals could be moved onto reserves at any time, they required permission from the government to marry a white person, they could not vote.During the past century, Aboriginal people were forced to accept protectionism. Practicing and following the ir culture and way of life was strictly prohibited, therefore this policy had a great ban push upon the aboriginals. For many decades, The Aboriginal organisations have made amendments for the removal of discriminatory references to aboriginal people individuals in Australia. The federal council for the aboriginals launched a campaign for a referendum. These campaigns were established in all states of Australia. In 1967 (45years ago) a referendum was held.During the referendum, one of the two questions asked was whether the derogatory statements and references to aboriginal people should be removed. The referendum has regularly been seen as providing full citizenship to aboriginals. The referendum and the constitutional changes were not readily enforced however, over time this referendum changed the lives of aboriginals and their participation to the nation. This referendum changed the lives of aboriginal Australians as they are able to participate in mainstream events, and were able to sustain their way of life, and gained freedom.The rights and freedoms of the indigenous people continued to change as the policy of assimilation was changed into integration. Aboriginal people fought for the individual rights to participate and engage in activities in the mainstream society. Integration allowed aboriginal individuals, for the initial time to, keep their way of life, culture, and customs. They were able to make personal decisions on how their life was meant to be. At the year 1965, the commonwealth conference on the aboriginal policy, changed the policy of assimilation to integration.Self-Determination is the fundamental right for a nation or a specific group of people to regulate all aspects of their lives such as, culture. This policy elusive the indigenous people, to have complete right to navigate their basic needs and collective wants. This includes secure and private ownership of land, topical anaesthetic community control of land, local community co ntrol of services, and community affairs. For Aboriginal communities, the ownership of a segment of land is vital approach for the achievement of self-determination.Self-determination is linked to many issues, such as the return of human remains and sacred material by museums, the recognition of customary law, access to culture and appropriate education, and culturally of appropriate housing communities. The arrangement of Aboriginal owned organisations is an important step towards self-determination. In conclusion, it is evident that the Australian government practiced policies which restricted and controlled the rights and freedoms of the Aboriginal people.From the 1900s, Policies such as, the policy of protection, and, assimilation, had negative impact to the aboriginal way of life, and culture. However over the 1960s policies such as, Integration, self-determination, and the constitutional referendum have brought aboriginals freedom, and rights. They are able to participate in mainstream events, regardless of their race, and were able to practice their way of live, and were able to preserve their cultural heritage. emailprotected com By Gokul (10W)
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
To Drill or Not to Drill
To drill or non to drill I say not to drill. Americans need to not be pendent on any other person for their energy usage. We moved to this beautiful country to assert our independence and yet we feel we have to bow down(p) to other countries for what we need. I feel we should find other ways to get our fuel like ethanol. We can make our own fuel and even if it personify more we no longer have to fight for our fuel. We can make our ethanol from corn husk and not the actual kernel so it would not interfere with the increase of food prices. To many people ethanol is the choice and I agree.There are other ways to get energy by solar and wind and water but they are not as popular and are more costly. Although, when used with the ethanol we can reduce greatly our dependence on other countries which is what we should be doing. Solar energy is getting our energy from the sun. Solar powered businesses are one way we can help. leash mills supply energy as well. Also, nuclear plants are an other way to supply energy but it is not a popular way. I feel strongly against drilling for oil in Alaska and depleting our fossil fuels.Not only do we disturb nature and its inhabitants but we need to find a better way to supply our energy needs. I k this instant I am being biased and I am unsure how to change my thought process to see the other side for I feel we as Americans run on greed so many times and jump into what we need now and do not look at what the effects will be farther in the future. I need to look more closely at both sides of the picture but right now the cost of fuel is so much Americans are having to choose between milk for their children or flatulence to get to work. Maybe more people should go back to horse and buggies or ride a bike to work.
How My Brother Leon Brought Home a Wife Essay
My associate Leon was returning to Nagrebcan from far away Manila, bringing home his young bride who had been born and had grown up in the large(p) city. beat would not accept her for a daughter-in-law unless he taught her worthy to live in Nagrebcan. Father devised an ingenious way to find out, and waited for the result. She stepped down from the carretela of Ca Celin with a quick, delicate grace. She was boply. She was tall. She meeted up to my br other(a) with a smile, and her brow was on a level with his mouth You argon Baldo. She said and dwellingd her fade piano on my shoulder.Her nails were persistent, plainly they were not painted. She was fragrant a ilk a morning when papayas are in bloom. And a small dimple appeared momentarily high up on her cheek. And this is Labang, of whom I have perceive so much. She held the wrist of one throw with the other and looked at Labang, and Labang neer stopped chewing his cud. He swallowed and brought up to his mouth more c ud, and the sound of his intimate was like a drum. I laid a hand on Labangs massive neck and said to her You may scratch his forehead now. She hesitated and I motto that her eyes were on the long curving horns.But she came and touched Labangs forehead with her long fingers, and Labang never stopped chewing his cud except that his big eyes were one-half closed. And by and by, she was scratching his forehead actually daintly. My companion Leon mark down the two trunks on the grassy side of the road. He paid Ca Celin twice the usual fare from the station to the edge of Nagrebcan. thusly he was standing(a) beside us, and she turned to him eagerly. I watched Ca Celin, where he stood in front of his horse, and he ran his fingers through with(predicate) its forelock and could not keep his eyes away from her. Maria my brother Leon said.Read moreHow My Brother Leon Brought Home a Wife by Manuel Arguilla EssayHe did not say Maring. He did not say Mayang. I knew thus that he had always called her Maria and in my mind I said, Maria, and it was a beautiful name. Yes,Noel at present where did she get that name? I pondered the matter quietly to myself, thinking Father might not like it. But it was only the name of my brother Leon said backwards, and it sounded much better that way. There is Nagrebcan, Maria my brother said gesturing amplely toward the west. She moved close to him. And after a while she said quietly You love Nagrebcan, dont you, Noel?Ca Celin drove away hi-yi-ing to his horse speciously. At the bend of the camino real where the big duhat tree grew, he rattled the handle of his braided rattan whip against the spokes of the wheel. We stood alone on the roadside. The sun was in our eyes, for it was dipping into the bright sea. The sky was wide ample and very blue above us solely along the saw-tooth rim of the Katayaghan hills to the southwest flamed huge masses of clouds. Before us the fields swam in a golden haze through which floated big purple a nd red and yellow bubbles when I looked at the drop sun.Labangs white coat, which I had washed and brushed that morning with coconut husk, glistened like beaten cotton fiber under the lamplight and his horns appeared tipped with fire. He faced the sun and from his mouth came a call so loud and vibrant that the earth seemed to tremble underfoot. And far way in the middle of the fields a overawe lowed soflty in answer. Hitch him to the drag, Baldo, my brother Leon said, laughing and she laughed with him a turning uncertainly, and I saw he had put his arms roughly her shoulders. Why does he make that sound? she asked. I have never memorized the like of it. There is not another like it, my brother Leon said. I have even so to hear another bull call like Labang. In all the world there is no other bull like him. She was lucky at him, and I stopped in the act of tying the genus Vinca across Labangs neck to the opposite end of the yoke, because her teeth was very white, her eyes were so unspoilt of laughter, and there was a small dimple high up on her right cheek. If you continue to give tongue to about him like that, either I shall fall in love with him or become very jealous. My brother Leon laughed and she laughed and they looked at each other and it seemed to me there was a world of laughter between them and in them.I climbed into the cart over the wheel and Labang would have bolted for he was always like that, and I kept firm involve on his rope. He was lie downless and would not stand still. , so that ny brother Leon had to say Labang again, my brother Leon lifted the trunks into the cart, placing the smaller one on top. She looked down at a time on her high heeled shoes, then she gave her left hand to my brother Leon, placed a foot on the hub of the wheel, and in one breath she had swung into the cart.Oh, the fragrance of her But Labang was fairly dancing with impatience and it was all I could do to keep him from running away. Give us the rope , Baldo, my brother Leon said. Maria , set on the hay and hold on to anything. Then he put a foot on the left shaft and that rank Labang leaped forward. My brother Leon laughed as he drew himself up to the top of the side of the cart and made the economic crisis of the rope hiss above the back of Labang. The wind whistled against my cheeks and the rattling of the wheels on the pebbly road echoed in my ears. She sat up straight on the bottom of the cart, wooden legs bent together to one side, her skirt gap over them so that only the toes and the heels of her shoes were visible.Her eyes were on my brother Leons back I saw the wind on her hair. When Labang slowed down, my brother Leon handed me the rope. I knelt on the straw inside the cart and pulled on the rope until Labang was merely shuffling along, then I made him turn around. What is it you have forgotten now, Baldo? my brother Leon said. I did not say anything but tickled with my fingers the rump of Labang and away we wen t back to where I had in hitched and waited for them. The sun had sunk and down from the wooded sides of the Katayaghan hills shadows were stealing into the fields.When I sent Labang down the deep drop that would take us to the dry bed of the Waig, which could be used as a path to our place during the dry season, my brother Leon laid a hand on my shoulder and said sternly Who told you to draw a bead on through the fields to dark? His hand was heavy on my shoulder, but I did not look at him or utter a word until we were on the rocky bottom of the Waig. Baldo, you fool, answer me in the beginning I lay the rope of Labang on you. Why do you follow the Waig instead of the Camino real? His fingers bit into my shoulder.Father- he told me to follow the Waig tonight, Manong. Swiftly his hand fell away from my shoulder and he reached for the rope of Labang. Then my brother Leon laughed, and he sat back, and laughing still, he said And I suppose Father likewise told you to hitch Labang to the cart and meet us with him instead of the Castano and the calesa. Without waiting forn me to answer, he turned to her and said, Maria, why do you think Father should do that, now? He laughed and added, Have you ever seen so many stars onward? I looked back and they were sitting side by side, leaning against the trunks, hands clasped across the knees.Seemingly but a mans height above the tops of the steep banks of the Waig, hung the stars. But in the deep gorge the shadows had fallen heavily, and even the white of Labangs coat was chirped from their homes in the cracks in the banks. The thick, unpleasant note of dangla bushes and cooling sun-heated earth mingled with the clean, sharp scent of arrais roots exposed to the night air and of the hay inside the cart. Look, Noel, yonder is our star Deep surprise and gladness were in her voice. Very low in the west, close to touching the ragged edge of the bank, was the star, the biggest and brightest in the sky.I have been facia l expression at it, my brother Leon said. Do you remember how I would tell you that when you want to see stars you mustiness come to Nagrebcan? . Yes, Noel, she said. Look at it she murmured, half to herself. It is so many times bigger than it was at Ermita beach. The air here is clean and free of dissipate smoke. So it is Noel, she said,drawing a long breath. Making fun of me, Maria? She laughed then, and they laughed together and she took my brother Leons hand and put it against her face. I stopped Labang, climbed down, and lighted the lantern that hung from the cart, and my heart sing.Now the shadows took fright and did not crowd so near. Clumps of andadasi and arias flashed into view and quickly disappeared as we passed by. Ahead, the elongated shadow of Labang bobbled up and down and swayed drunkenly from side to side, for the lantern rocked spasmodically with the cart. Have we far to go yet, Noel? she asked. Ask Baldo, my brother Leon said,we have been neglecting him. I am asking you, Baldo,she said. Without looking back, I answered, picking my words slowly Soon we will get out of the Waig and pass into the fields. later on the fields is home Manang. So near already. I did not say anything more, because I did not fuck what to make of the tone of her voice as she said her last words. All the laughter seemed to have asleep(p) out of her. I waited for my brother Leon to say something, but he was not saying anything. Suddenly he broke out into song and the song was Sky Sown with Stars the same that he and father sang when he cut hay in the fields of nights out front he went away to study. He must have taught her the song because she joined him, and her voice flowed into him like a gentle stream meeting a stronger one.And each time the wheel encountered a big rock, a voice would catch in her throat, but my brother Leon would sing on, until, laughing softly, she would join him again. Then we were climbing out into the fields, and through the spokes of the wheels the light of the lantern mocked the shadows. Labang quickened his steps. The overstrung became more frequent and painful as we crossed the low dikes. But it is so very wide here, she said. The light of the stars broke and scattered the darkness so that one could see far on all(prenominal) side, though indistinctly. You miss the houses, and the cars, and the people and the noise, dont you? My brother Leon stopped singing. Yes, but in a different way. I am glad they are not here. With difficulty, I turned Labang to the left, for he valued to go straight on. He was breathing hard, but I knew he was more thirsty than tired. In a little while , we drove up the grassy side onto the camino real. -you see, my brother Leon was explaining, the camino real curves around the foot of the Katayaghan hills and passes by our house. We drove through the fields, because- but Ill be asking father as soon as we get home Noel, she said. Yes, Maria. I am afraid. He may not like me. D oes that worry you still, Maria? my brother said. From the way you talk, he might be an ogre, for all the world. Except when his leg that was wounded in the revolution is troubling him, Father is the mildest tempered, gentlest man I know. We came to the house of Lacay Julian and I spoke to Labang loudly, but Moning did not come to the window, so I surmised she must be eating with the rest of her family. And I thought of the food being made ready at home and my mouth watered.We met the twins, Urong and Celin, and I said Hoy, barter them by name. And they shouted back and asked if my brother Leon and his wife were with me. And my brother Leon shouted to them and then told me to make Labang run their answers were lost in the noise of the wheels. I stopped Labang on the road before our house and would have gotten down, but my brother Leon took the rope and told me to stay in the cart. He turned Labang into the generate gate and we dashed into our yard. I thought we would crash into the bole of the camachile tree, but my brother Leon reined in Labang in time.There was light downstairs in the kitchen, and puzzle stood in the doorway, and I could see her smiling shyly. My brother Leon was helping Maria over the wheel. The first words that fell from his lips after he had kissed puzzles hand were Father where is he? He is in his room upstairs, render said, her face enough serious. His leg is bothering him again. I did not hear anything more because I had to go back to the cart to unhitch Labang. But I had hardly tied him under the barn when I heard Father calling me. I met my brother Leon going to bring up the trunks.As I passed through the kitchen, there were Mother and my sister Aurelia and Maria, and it seemed to me they were crying, all of them. There was no light in Fathers room. There was no movement. He sat in the big armchair by the eastern window, and a star shone directly though it. He was smoking, but he removed the roll of tobacco from his mouth when he saw me. He laid it carefully on the windowsill before speaking. Did you meet anybody on the way? No, Father, I said. Nobody passes through the Waig at night. He reached for his roll of tobacco and hitched himself up in the chair.She is very beautiful, Father. Was she afraid of Labang? My father had not raised his voice, but the room seemed to resound with it. And again I saw her eyes on the long curving horns and the arm off my brother Leon around her shoulders. No, Father, she was not afraid. On the way-She looked at the stars, Father And Manong Leon sang. What did he sing? Sky Sown with Stars. She sang with him. He was silent again. I could hear the low voices of Mother and my sister Aurelia downstairs. There was also the voice of my brother Leon, and I thought that Fathers voice must have been like it when he was young.He had laid the roll of tobacco on the windowsill once more. I watched the smoke waver faintly upward from the lighted end and vanish slowly into t he night outside. The door opened and my brother Leon and Maria came in. Have you watered Labang? Father spoke to me. I told him that Labang was resting yet under the barn. It is time you watered him, my son. My father said. I looked at Maria and she was lovely. She was tall. Beside my brother Leon, she was tall and very still. Then I went out, and in the darkened hall the fragrance of her was like a morning when papayas are in bloom.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Play on Social Evils: -Dowry Essay
N-To daylight we, the seven members cognomens of this play greet you tout ensemble. Here we have in our play Mr. Rai world contend by XYZ. He is a retired soulfulness who had worked in Indian navy before. Now we have Mrs. Rai creation played by XYZ. She is a engaging person and loves sincerity .Their girl Sagarika Rai or the person to be playing the role of a wife is XYZ. She is very shy and coward girl who is also very kind like her mother. Now let us meet with Mr. Ghosh who is XYZ. He is a brave person scarcely stoolnot withstand his wifes anger. Here comes the villain of this play or Mrs. Ghosh who is a religious implicated and an gray-headed fashioned lady being played by XYZ. Here we have the last person but not the least Sagar Ghosh who is the son of Ghosh family. Scene-1N- Rai Family .Mr. Rai sit on his chair reading his daily newspaper. Mrs. Rai sitting to the adjacent chair enjoying her tea with toasts, when Mr. Rai come upons advertise of a matrimony website. Mr. Rai- Sagarika has grown big so fast. Hey do you believe how she utilize to walk with her sm every last(predicate) legs and smile showing her sm any teeth. Mr. Rai-Really. I still remember combing her hair and making it when she was small. Mr. Rai-solely now I think our Sagarika should be married.Mr. Rai-Even I was thinking of it. You see I heard from our neighbor Mrs. Das whose relative is Mrs. Ghosh. Das was telling me almost the boy of Ghosh family. Mr. Rai-Well it would be better if we could have a talk with Ghosh family and speak about the proposal. Mr. Rai-Oh Yes you can wait I lead get it from Mrs. Das.N- Mrs. Rai exists After Mrs. Rai gets the number. Mr. Rai-Oh So the number is 7322252241. Let me call the Ghosh family.Mr. Rai-HelloMr. Ghosh-HelloMr. Rai-With whom am I having the line crossways?Mr. Ghosh-Well, this is Mr. Ghosh.Mr. Rai-I am talking to the right person.N-The conversation goes on and they finally decide to meet at Mr. Ghoshs house. Scene-2N- Ghosh hou se. Both Ghosh Family and Rai Family atomic number 18 present. They all sit down on their respected places. Mr. Ghosh-It is pleasure in having you all here? As the proposal was decided. We atomic number 18 ready for the marriage. If you wish Mr. Rai can I ask Sagarika close to Questions? Mr. Rai-Obviously you have all the rights.Mr. Ghosh-So, how oft educated are you?Sagarika-I have completed my MSc and wish to do owners in this field. Mr. Ghosh-Very good Girl do you have some hobbies?Mrs. Rai-Yes, she is very good with thread and acerate leaf along with studies. Mrs. Ghosh- So you must also fill out cooking? In Ghosh family everybody is fond of eating and I feignt want a Laymans girl as my girl-in-law. N-Laughing and enjoying Rai family now dark some what into a sad mood. Mr. Ghosh-Girl you can talk with Sagar and Sagar my son please show her the park. N- Sagar and Sagarika leave for the park.Mr. Ghosh- Sagar and Sagarika the name sounds so common. They get out make a hea venly combination. Mr. Rai-Really. Even both look like avowedly prince and princess. Mr. Ghosh -That all is ok then let us talk about the arrangements. Mrs. Rai-Truly But I enduret wish that you may not talk about the social evils like dowry and all that to be paid in this world of 21st century. Mrs. Ghosh- How can it not be possible? It is a ritual and all must follow it. N-and so the debating goes on .but Mrs. Ghosh sticks to her opinion and demands a 30gm gold stove+Rs.5lakh cash, at last it is reduced to a 10gm gold ring+Rs.2lakh +all the wedding cost.After hymenealsN-Though the wedding goes good Sagarikas life ruins. Her Mother-in-law treats her badly. Sagarika learning all the moral values from her parents behaves very politely with her mother-in-law but her mother in law isterrible. Mr. Ghosh cares for her as his own daughter and Sagar loves her a lot.Scene-3N-Today is the auspicious day of karvachauth.The Holy day when wifes fast without having a sip of water from morni ng to even out and break their fast after seeing their married mans face. It is like a type of prayer for husbands long life. Sagarika is also following the ritual and doing her 1st karvachauth. Mrs. Ghosh-Sagarika I wish you are keeping your karvachauth. Sagarika-Yes mother But I have to attend my college as I have my study tests today Mrs. Ghosh-Girls Nowadays They just dont give importance to these rituals. What should we say now? Sagarika- But mom I am following the rituals too.Mrs. Ghosh-Oh Then why are you going to the college. Today you can stay and help me as the maid has taken holiday. You nasty girl I know you, you will go out have fun eat food and leave this old lady with haemorrhoid of work. You daughters of laymen are like this only. Sagarika- Mom whatever you want to say you can say it to me but dont insult my parents. N- Mr. Ghosh entersMr. Ghosh- What is happening here? Why so much noise?Mrs. Ghosh-Oh See your daughter in law and her spicy tongue. Mr. Ghosh -Oh O h Maya stop it now. Why do you blame her always? Mrs. Ghosh- Blame her Oh You are a mad person. Dont you hear her shouting at me? Mr. Ghosh- Sagarika, sweet Sagarika I know you are innocent but what is the matter. Sagarika- Actually today I have my major.N- She is interruptedMrs. Ghosh- Oh She doesnt want to do karvachauth so she is making reasons. She will go out and party with her friends and at the said(prenominal) time she will make us fool by doing karvachauth. Oh I am worried about Sagar. Mr. Ghosh-It is her 1st karvachauth. It is her wish if she wants to keep it or not. Mrs. Ghosh-Go on Keep on taking that laymens daughters side. You want to know why I trouble you. I trouble you because your gravel didnt pay the demanded dowry. N- Sagarika starts crying and misses her major teststhat day. She starts getting annoyed by her mother in law. She often complains her husband but Sagar cant raise his voice against his mother. Sagarika even complains about these matters to her mothe r but being a good person used to advice to behave with her mother in law properly and used to say that such fights are common after marriage life. Days passed, Months passed, after 2 historic periodMrs. Ghosh is a widow and there is no one to save Sagarika from the troubles that were caused by Mrs. Ghosh.Scene-4Sagarika is now a teacher. bingle day.Mrs. Ghosh-Hey you laymans daughter. Why do you work while my son Sagar earns so much? Sagarika- Mom it is because it includes passion.Mrs. Ghosh-From now on you will not work anymore.Sagarika-Mom but I like my duty and I am happy with it.Mrs. Ghosh-Oh so now you will teach me. Sagar, where are you. See this your wife is telling me to wash her clothes. Sagar- What is it, Sagarika? Why am I having complains from mom? I never knew that you treated old people like this. Sagarika ButSagar- No ifs or buts. Enough is enough.Mrs. Ghosh-Not only that Sagar that day when the maid was rattlebrained she ordered me to clean the house. Sagarika- But mom I never said you like that instead I myself cleaned the house. Sagar- I didnt expect this from you.Sagarika-Mom why do you do this to me?Sagar-Now I order you Sagarika that you will leave your reflect and take care of mother. N-Sagarika as her mother obeys to her husband and leaves the job. Mrs. Ghosh has stopped the maid from coming and forces Sagarika to do all the household chores.Mrs. Ghosh-Where are my spectacles?Sagarika- I broke it.Mrs. Ghosh-Oh Sagar see here she broke my glasses so that I fall down and break my legs.Sagar-Sagarika, what is it?Sagarika- but I didnt do it knowingly.Mrs. Ghosh- Oh See this blind drunk girl, Daughter of a beggar.Sagarika-Mom speak properly.Sagar-Oh Now you will teach my mom how to speak after pause her glasses. You need a good thrashing. Mrs. Ghosh-So good bring the whip. Let me give her some brains that her parents lacked. What would have happened if your father paid the demanded dowry? N-Sagar and his mother went on torturing her. Sagarika then finally decide to suicide. Friends like this some woman suicide in a year. Dowry is one of those social evils due to which lives of so umpteen innocent girls are threatened and they end up dying. So it is the responsibility of the youth to spread sensory faculty and stop social evils.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
How to create a civilization
How to create a new courtlyization In the past, civilizations have been created. For example the Roman pudding stone was a very fortunate one. The Romans discoered many Ideas that we as a civilization, still use today. The empire did not appear over night. It took many years for It to obtain Its foothold In the world. To start expression a collocation many pile are needed for the task. People such as civil servants and workers are unavoidable.Call servants are seed to create a giving medication that Is permanent enough to create Jobs for multitude, keep on the peace, and uphold laws. Workers are required to build buildings and service the city In any way necessary. These people will provide homes for the foyer and public offices for the civil servants. Once there are basic buildings, a town center should be built so that people kitty gather for public speeches and opposite information they might need. A form of property should also be created so that people can open mon ey from the jobs that they do.The government can use this currency to help the people start their lives. This currency would be apply to buy and sell goods. Eventually this will create an economy. Once a immutable city has been built, a voting system should be put in place to let in the people to suffrage on changes in the city. An example of a change would be that the people might expect a new street put in. They would then be able to give a vote to the government which will then go with the majority of the votes. The government will have the choice to make a change or not make a change pending on their budget.Also the government will have to issue taxes to the residence of the city so they can have a stable amount of income. The poor will not how to create a civilization By Justine-Chasing very successful one. The Romans discovered many ideas that we as a civilization, still use today. The empire did not appear over night. It took many years for it to obtain its foothold in th e world. To start building a civilization many people are needed for the task. People such as civil servants and workers are required.Civil servants are used to create a government that is stable enough to create Jobs for people, keep the peace, and uphold laws. Workers are required to build buildings and service the city in any way necessary. These people will provide homes for the residence and public offices for the civil servants. Once there are basic buildings, a town center should be from the Jobs that they do. The government can use this currency to help the people put in place to allow the people to vote on changes in the city. An example off
Saturday, May 18, 2019
App †Game changer Essay
The creation of iPhone has been regarded as one of the most influential invention in technology industry. The triumph of iPhone attributed to the concept of apps, which has made the use of phones more nettleible. An inclusion of app store containing variety of games and cover tools has become a must on smartphones. The rationale of its widely adoption in smartphones go forth be conferred in the following, and will be discussed how the use of apps innovate the old way accessing different softw ar. This essay will follow by enumerating the leverage in daily life, and the reasons lead to the accomplishment today.Apps is a game changer since it has changed the traditional access way to application software and developed a new format of video game. The invention of apps allows application such as social networking sites and video-sharing sites become available on phones and plenty be viewed in a more comfortable way. It is a great breakthrough because websites originally can only be accessed via computing device may now visit on smartphone by simply clicking on the app button. This enables application software transforms to a multi-platform and dilates the spot of audiences. On the other hand, the idea of apps has opened an entirely new market in games, which is app game. The article of belief of app games is similar with video games, but the little complicated operations appeal a multitude of less technology proficient users to endorse app games.The success of apps based on the widespread use of smartphones and the rising adopt for more options and functions in phone. The fact iPhone went popular alerted the competitors in telecommunication field. Traditional phones have been obsolete bit by bit and replaced with new models of smartphones that provides an alternative way to connect to the Internet. Furthermore, the market anticipations to phone become higher, for instance, hankering an instant retort in communicating. To meet the market demand, teleco mmunication firms are forced to follow to develop different apps in order to attract customers. Examples like WhatsApp is designed to allow communication be done in a faster and economic way. The increase in popularity of social networking sites cannot be neglected also, whichcreates a huge opportunities for apps to expand its market.The creation of apps causes long-lasting impacts in social and economy. Socially, communications are enhanced which instant response and updates can be made through apps in any place and time. Not only connecting with family and friends, service apps are also available in app store that products and services can be ordered immediately employ apps. Apart from this, playing app game has become a trend due to its simple control and convenience. dulcorate dumbfound is one of the instances, which had once a vogue to download and play. It is foreseeable that another Candy Crush will appear in the near future. Economically, apps creates many economic opport unities. Apps on app store are a lot charged with a price. By uploading their apps to app store, programmers who are excellent in writing apps can be rewarded, which make people to innovate new apps continuously. Therefore, it is believed that an abundant of apps will be launched constantly.To sum up, this essay has explained how apps has made a crucial advancement in daily life in which to fulfill customers expectation and requirement. Apps has made smartphones practical and easily accessible, and developed a novel form of game playing, which builds an irreplaceable dress in telecommunication business. Information technology companies like Apple and Samsung keep updating the variety and number of apps in app store so as to compete one another in the competitive digital world. It is predictable that various types of apps will subsequently put on market with the purpose of making the costumers in favor on their high-tech products.BibliographyAnna Scantlin (October 19, 2013), Smart phones may make life easier, but how are they affecting us socially? PhoneDog Retrieved from http// John F. Clark (April 4, 2012), History of Mobile Applications. University of Kentucky Retrieved from http// Scott Stein (June 28, 2012), Five age in, the iPhones greatest legacy Its
Friday, May 17, 2019
Evaluation of Airport Security Measures Essay
Response and especially quick response to stresses whitethorn results to major loopholes and possible risky omissions. Mainly, this occurs due to lack of enough time to holistically evaluate the immediate retail store at hand and possible local and international pressures. Since folk 2001, US transportation systems security on terrorist attacks assumed vast urgency that saw major changes in the sectors transactions. The Congress passed the airdrome warranter Federalization Act of 2001 as the main platform for restoring the overall sanctity and integrity of the airports to desexualise the fast dwindling consumers confidence both topically and internationally.1. Describe implementation issues of the airport security measures which were approved by Congress shortly after the incident on September 11 (i. e. airport protection Federalization Act of 2001). To begin with, the act required that all the airport security masking piece force out be federal employees and an estimated 20, 0000 new federal workers had to be hired. Smaller airports were required to employ local virtue enforcement agencies to provide security. However, ensuring that the transport funding needs are effectively identified and comprehensively anterioritized is still a major challenge.Putting the security measures under the federal considerations in all the airports rose with a enormous deal the funds required by the new department of homeland security. Arguably, the Act did not today establish the direct input of the airports where the new security teams were deployed. With the current economic downturn, the Department of motherland Security has expressed one of its operations setbacks as lack of enough funds to sustain these operations (Alexander & Seth, 2004).To channel to that, effective harmony and coordination in the Department of Homeland Security and Department of Transport has proved to be a hard nut to crack altogether. As indicated earlier, bulk of the employees in airp ort systems were transferred to the Department of Homeland Security which has created an extended system of response to the major problems by the expanded panel (Marcus, 2004). Notably, scholars arrive at indicated that September 11 Terrorist attack resulted from long time known vulnerabilities that indicated failure to pro-actively address them.Though an immediate operation system was established for running the airports, there was lack of clear long term focus on the management of the airports under the combined system. Ensuring the overall competence of the staff via high quality and staffing competence accent mark for the expanded workforce has been a major challenge since the passing of the Act (Robert et al, 2008). Arguably, the Department of Transport hold of possible future stresses from the large demand for training and capacity building for the employees.This formed an extension of the prior challenges on funding and coordination between the mystical sector, the Depart ment of Transport and the Department of Homeland security. Monitoring and lapse of this massive and highly integrative workforce widens the gap further due to the variance in apostrophize (Robert et al, 2008). Whereas the private entities are direct after effective implementation of the law under al conditions, the private parties are after maximal profits which could compromise the whole agenda due to considerations of risk fetching in a capitalistic setting.2. Describe gaps in airport security, which were not addressed by these measures Arguably, the Airport Security Federalization Act of 2001 had major gaps that have seen slow implementation of its demands and reduced capacity to strike the overall objectives. The main aim of the laws is to enhance better operations and maximum returns to the public and the government. However, the massive screening measures established never appreciated the difficulties that people go through to be cleared for flights.This has raised concern s locally and globally. To add to that, the law requires that only Americans can serve in the airport screening personnel (Subcommittee on Homeland Security, 2008). This was a major gap in promoting non professionalism and closing out innovations from the global outsourcing arena. Notably, laws preventing entry into the Cockpit have existed with little success in US and other countries. However, the Act emphasizes on the rule as a major preventive measure.This indicates possible disaster in waiting as it is entirely dependent on consciousness of the crew on board. To add to that, the act requires that the cockpit be equipped with stun guns for emergency purposes (Robert et al, 2008). However, this is some other major loophole with analysts urgently calling for its reconsideration. Presence of ammunitions should be under a highly trained federal air marshal. Arguably, arms in the cockpit act as a possible supply to the terrorists after deficient possible ways to get theirs on board .
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Gender Disparities and Gendered Miseries in Divakarunis One Amazing T Essay
grammatical gender Disparities and Gendered Miseries in Divakarunis One terrible Thing - Essay exemplificationIn One Amazing Thing, Divakaruni argues that gender discrimination produces women who are unhappy with themselves and their lives because of the gender norms and expectations that hinder them from create their abilities and taking risks for their loved ones. Womanhood does not necessarily mean personhood, and without personhood, happiness and self-development are elusive.Gender discrimination, condescension state policies that promote gender sensitivity and equality, manifests through gender norms, including son preference. In Explaining Son choice in Rural India The Independent Role of Structural versus Individual Factors, Pande and Astone studied the reasons for son preference in rural India. They concentrated on son preference as an effect of interest, and they theorized that a persons son preference is a product of a complex process that the society, the household, a nd the undivided factors shape. They investigate these factors that stirred son preference from the belated 1980s and early 1990s. Their sampling included 50,136 ever-married women. Findings showed that social norms, household and individual factors impact the decision to prefer sons over daughters. The same practice is evident in One Amazing Thing. Mohits parents do not want him to marry a Chinese woman, whom they think does not deserve to marry an affluent rich Indian man. Their preference for the son superseded their preference for their sons happiness.Gender discrimination produces unfair gender norms and expectations that delimit womens capacity for self-development. Mrs. Pritchett wants to feel loved, but she feels it is too late for she married a self-centered man who is unaware of her needs as a woman. She has not developed her personhood because of her restrictions as a woman. Mangalam experiences sexual harassment, though this gives her power over a life of poverty. Ne vertheless, her experience shows that because sheis low and a woman, she cannot attain the kind of life she wants to have. Sexual harassment is common in patriarchal countries (Gupta 95).
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Too Far From Home 'Modulitis' and NGOs' Role in Transferring Essay
Too Far From crustal plate Modulitis and NGOs Role in Transferring Prepackaged Reform - rise ExampleThere are further limitations which affect the operations of NGOs and GROs worldwide. These organizations are fundamentally community-oriented and politically bustling which depicts their obligation towards the society. However, critics say that with due course of time, the organizations have been immensely influenced by institutionalization, modernization and also corruption. With an in depth perspective, it can be argued that NGOs and GROs in the modern context are highly affected by both the micro and macro economic factors. As explained by Edward and Hulme, the operations of NGOs are strictly bear on with the macro-level changes in the socio-demographic characters. Their explanation in Too Close for Comfort also examines the dependency level of states on the NGOs rather than the interdependency between the two. Considering the various limitations of the study in terms of era an d subject materials, the proposed surmisal by Edward and Hulme certainly requires to be prolonged in the modern phenomenon regarding the operations of NGOs. Bibliography Steiner-Khamsi, G. Too Far From Home? Modulitis and NGOs Role in Transferring Prepackaged Reform. Current Issues in Comparative Education. Volume 1.
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
The Effectiveness of Government Subsidies for Goods Essay
The say-so of Government Subsidies for Goods - Essay ExampleSubsidies involve payment of a certain portion of the cost of work to the firm with an objective of lowering the price of the good and thereby encouraging more consumption of the resembling (Lines, 2005). Subsidizing farm produce has the effect of ensuring there is enough food stuff and agriculture related products in the economy. However, critics of this economic policy entreat that it breeds inefficiency and misallocation of scarce resources. Objective This research will be guided by the following objective To establish the effectiveness of government subsidies on commodities in the product market. Literature redirect examination Conradie (2009) notes that the poor condition of most of the marine capture searcheries in the world has raised increasing populace mend of late. There is an imminent economic impact of diminished resources of fish on the regions economies in two developed and developing world economies, as well as near commercial extinction of stocks of fish that bugger off placed great impact on ecosystems. The declaration which emanated in the World Trade validation (WTO) meeting that was held in Doha emphasized on fisheries as a sector which needs uttermost considerations in the next meeting of international negotiations on world trade. While there is a concern on overfishing, the main operational concern remains the role played by subsidies in stimulation of overfishing. If it comes out that the public of subsidies stimulate overfishing, and then there is need to come up with a find out mechanism or completely eliminate the policy. Subsidies often play two key extra roles they do stimulate fishing and may possibly raise the national income of the country (Grosh, 2008). If the fishing level is downstairs that level that can be safely sustained in the economy, then subsidies that enhance fishing could be useful. Lines (2005) cite that subsidies could interfere with the Wor ld Trade Organization control regulations if they lie within the realms of the International Agreements on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures by the WTO. The concept of subsidies is delicate in the sense that the government introduces them for valid purposes, like economic maturation strategies. However, with the passage of time, subsidies that were intended for useful purposes may become entrenched and start serving primarily the desires of exertion participants who receive the subsidies. Elimination of these subsidies therefore becomes a political thing in the locality, with external implications. Haddad and Shepherd (2011) argue that the policy of subsidies is a complex one due to the fact that there exist no proportionateness as to what a subsidy actually is. There also exists no scientific way of measuring rod a subsidy and evaluating its impact to the intended economic sector. At the policy level, we do not have an agreement on when subsidies can be considered harmful o r useful. Part of the reason behind the existence of an agreement is the fact that it is complicated to evaluate the impacts of subsidies in the environment, economy, internal and international trade. Part of the reason for non- agreement on what the definition of a subsidy entails is because subsidies are nowadays being eliminated by governments, it could not be politically wise for a country admitting that a policy actually implies a subsidy. Clements (1998) explains a billet where South African government, through the Department of Agriculture,
Monday, May 13, 2019
Informative diversity presentation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Informative diversity presentation - Essay ExampleInstead, King Abdullah has instituted what has become cognise as a Council of Advisors. This council of advisors helps to provide the monarch with useful information and specific policy ideas with regards to what direction the acres should proceed with respect to development of its resources and modernization. Furthermore, each of the council of advisors has a specific area of specialization that allows him to speak to the ask of the nation. For instance, one member of the council of advisors may have a specialization in trade and economics whereas some other council advisor might have a specialization in health. In this way, the monarch is able to perk up and contemplate each of the ship canal in which the council can advise him with regards to the best future direction for the country.As one might expect, the vast vegetable oil wealth that Saudi Arabia benefits from ha allowed the royal family to invest firmly in the infrastr ucture that the country relies on. These investments have begun since the early 1960s and have focused on various(a) elements of societal renewal to include paving thousands of kilometers of the nations roads, improving the secondary educational system, and providing financial support to students who would like to study aboard. Furthermore, some of these 5 year plans have focused on building a better healthcare system so that the entire nation can benefit from the wealth that the oil resources have brought. In this way, the kingdom has reinvested much of the oil wealth in visually observable ways so that the betterment of society is directly affected.(In this way, many fundamental differences endure between the two countries. As a result of the difference in culture, the people of this nation also have their own cross view of the society in which they live as compared with the rest of the world. Although this essay has focused on the dissimilarities that exist between Saudi Arab ia and the United States, many
Sunday, May 12, 2019
Qualitative Article Critique Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Qualitative Article Critique - Essay Example2718). b. Research Problem As the topic of the journal article clearly suggests, it is very important for nurses to acquire excellent skills regarding the understanding of the tolerants problems and devise solutions to counter those problems. Many exploreers (e.g. Hardy & Smith 2008 Pardue 1987 Mattingly 1991) have analyse the importance of clinical nouss and have embed that clinical decision making is becoming a significant part of todays health care. Thompson et al. (2004), in their research, also affirm that the nurses decisions have important implications for patient outcomes. How clinicians process patients and their diseases information while freehanded serious consideration to psychosocial issues is the research problem the author has brought forward. According to him, the current theoretical explanations of clinical shrewdness are incomplete (p. 2711) because these do not talk about the psychosocial issues that should be in volved in clinical treatment. Since, past research has only focused on decision making for acute care hospital settings hence, there was much need for a research that talked about clinical judgments from outpatient perspective where clinicians and patients both infix in the decision making process. The author has come up with a grounded theory study that suggests shared intacting which involves such strategies that the health practitioners used in decision making while enabling the patients to actively involve in the process. This also helped improve the relationship between the practitioners and their patients. The problem statement very well goes with the rubric the author has suggested and has good scholastic importance. The problem can be well understood by an clean reader and the research is not limited to the authors own aptitudes and ideas. The abstract provides a apprize but compact summary of the research and gives a good overview of the researchs aim, background, me thod, findings and conclusion. c. Research Questions/Hypotheses This research sought to test the hypothesis about how much important is the decision making ability or clinical judgment for nurses who are working at advanced clinical level in continuing and acute care outpatient contexts. The hypothesis was testable and explained the problem surely well by simultaneously giving signification to physician-patient relationship which the author referred to as psychosocial issues often ignored in the past literature. The authors master(prenominal) research question was- what practice strategies are being and should be used by the practitioners to assist eliciting patient information and deciding on treatment interventions? What were the clinicians main concerns when making clinical judgements for the patient? and how did they resolve those concerns? 2. freshen of the Literature The author has given an extensive review of literature citing other researchers works and explaining them i n put to support the need to conduct this specific research. He has cited many researches which discuss the importance of clinical judgment in acute care hospitals or for critical care. The research works in this manner studied by the author came from Lajoie et al. (1998), Cioffi (2001), McCaughan et al. (2002), Bucknall (2003), Hoffman et al. (2004), Hancock & Easen (2006). The author has mentioned the work by Lauri & Salantara (1998) who conducted an empirical research and
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