Sunday, May 19, 2019

How to create a civilization

How to create a new courtlyization In the past, civilizations have been created. For example the Roman pudding stone was a very fortunate one. The Romans discoered many Ideas that we as a civilization, still use today. The empire did not appear over night. It took many years for It to obtain Its foothold In the world. To start expression a collocation many pile are needed for the task. People such as civil servants and workers are unavoidable.Call servants are seed to create a giving medication that Is permanent enough to create Jobs for multitude, keep on the peace, and uphold laws. Workers are required to build buildings and service the city In any way necessary. These people will provide homes for the foyer and public offices for the civil servants. Once there are basic buildings, a town center should be built so that people kitty gather for public speeches and opposite information they might need. A form of property should also be created so that people can open mon ey from the jobs that they do.The government can use this currency to help the people start their lives. This currency would be apply to buy and sell goods. Eventually this will create an economy. Once a immutable city has been built, a voting system should be put in place to let in the people to suffrage on changes in the city. An example of a change would be that the people might expect a new street put in. They would then be able to give a vote to the government which will then go with the majority of the votes. The government will have the choice to make a change or not make a change pending on their budget.Also the government will have to issue taxes to the residence of the city so they can have a stable amount of income. The poor will not how to create a civilization By Justine-Chasing very successful one. The Romans discovered many ideas that we as a civilization, still use today. The empire did not appear over night. It took many years for it to obtain its foothold in th e world. To start building a civilization many people are needed for the task. People such as civil servants and workers are required.Civil servants are used to create a government that is stable enough to create Jobs for people, keep the peace, and uphold laws. Workers are required to build buildings and service the city in any way necessary. These people will provide homes for the residence and public offices for the civil servants. Once there are basic buildings, a town center should be from the Jobs that they do. The government can use this currency to help the people put in place to allow the people to vote on changes in the city. An example off

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