Thursday, May 30, 2019

The Problem of Feminism in Female Art Essay -- Essays Papers

The Problem of Feminism in Female Art A review of the worlds great artists conjures familiar images Michelangelos Sistine Chapel Vincent Van Goghs Starry Night Pablo Picassos The Tragedy. There are many more, of course Monet, Moya, Warhol, Rembrandt, Kandinsky. What is at present noticeable, however, upon any brief study of art, is the significant absence of women as heralded artistsnot only in our ancient pasts, but even today, amongst valiant efforts for sexuality equality. The question Why occupy there been no great women artists? has been debated since the 1970s, when historian Linda Nochlin released her book of a similar name. In the decades that have followed, the number of women pursuing facts of life and careers in the arts has risen drastically more women than ever are attempting to make a living as artists. Yet feminists are not meet despite the growing numbers of women in the art world, female artists attempts at recognition have been dramatically less succe ssful than those of their male counterparts. Feminist artists have been surveying since the womens movement to create some kind of forum for womens art in a history dominated by dangerous ol boys. Yet the political stereotypes which surround feminism have caused some female artists to disassociate themselves with the concept. More and more women are choosing to delve into a profession where their work will very much remain subdued, and where their individual contributions will likely remain unheralded. This increase, certainly, is a hard-fought victory for women the increase indicates increased awareness and prospect for women artists. However, some contemporary female artists argue that feminisms effort to reach the propr... ...onal interview. 22 Mar. 1998. Chadwick, Whitney. Women, Art and Society. New York Thames and Hudson Inc, 1990. Crowell, Susan Elizabeth. Reflections on a Feminist Aesthetic. studio apartment Potter 20 (1991) 89-98. Dworkin, Andrea. F eminism, Art, and My Mother Sylvia. Social Policy, May/June 1975. Guerrilla Girls. Online Available. http//, (assessed March 22, 1999). Mayer, Monica. On Life and Art as a Feminist. Online Avaliable http//, N. Paradoxa 1.9, 22 Mar. 1999. Morse, Marcia. Feminist esthetics and the Spectrum of Gender. Philosophy East and West 42 (1992) 287-296. Strawter, Lisa Marie. Statistic compilation. Online Available. http// http//, (assessed March 22, 1999).

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