Thursday, May 9, 2019

Values, Beliefs, Norms, and Behavior in the Context of Human Culture Essay

Values, Beliefs, Norms, and Behavior in the background of Human Culture - Essay ExampleCulture consists of the foods that we cook and eat, our living arrangements, communication with society, and our behavior. The author makes this story very well. He suggests that human nature and culture atomic number 18 different things but there is a lot of interplay between them. But culture itself can be broken down in small parts too. In order to get a full picture of a culture in a general sense, we should look at four important aspects Values, beliefs, norms, and behavior. What atomic number 18 values? Everyone decides for themselves what they believe to be right and wrong, but they are often powerfully influenced by the sight and traditions around them. Some people get hold of been colonized by other dominant countries and therefore have a slight lower rank complex. Others belong to ethnic and linguistic minoritiesfacts which influence the way they see the world. Some countries have religions that encourage them to have astronomical families. All this must be taken into account when entering another country with the mark to practice business there. Beliefs can be summed up as ideas that are held by a large number of peopleperhaps not always based on empirical facts. They might be a religion held in common, for example, or an idea of history, which perhaps does not perfectly accord with the facts. These are often powerful motivating factors in a culture. Norms are very similar to values, but they are broader. Norms are what the society at large tends to believe are the correct values or moral philosophy to live by. In most societies, the idea that lying is wrong is considered a norm. Norms might commute, but usually, they change very slowly. Especially in cultures that are religious and conservative.

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